Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4351: Open the door of creation

In the eyes of others, if you want to open the door of good fortune and enter the inheritance place of the true immortal of good fortune, you must find three treasures such as the token of good fortune.

Without the ring of good fortune, there is no possibility of opening the door of good fortune.

But for Qin Yi, there is no need to be so troublesome.

After all, Qin Yi has the plug-in system.

Even if there is no fortune token or enlightenment futon, Qin Yi can use the power of the system to open the door of fortune.

However, if Qin Yi did this, the required killing points would not be a small amount.

Fortunately, the token of good fortune and the futon of enlightenment are all ready, and there is only one ring of good fortune. Qin Yi can use the power of the system to create another 'ring of good fortune'.

This 'good fortune ring' does not need to have the power of a real good fortune ring, or even a permanent existence, it only needs to be able to open the door of good fortune once.

That is to say, to create a one-time 'fortune ring', which will not cost too many killing points.

"System, how many killing points are needed to create a one-time 'good fortune ring' that can open the door of good fortune?"

Qin Yi asked the system in his heart.

"Ding! It takes one billion killing points to make a one-time 'fortune ring'."

The system replied.

"Then make it."

Qin Yi immediately said that the price of one billion killing points is not too high.


As soon as Qin Yi's voice fell, a ray of golden divine brilliance floated out from his eyebrows and fell into the ring hole of the gate of creation.


When this ray of golden divine brilliance fell from Qin Yi's eyebrows, Immortal Master Fortune saw this ray of golden divine brilliance, and the whole person was struck by lightning.

In His eyes, this ray of golden divine brilliance is like the first ray of light in the heavens and myriad worlds, in which immeasurable worlds rise and fall, as if an endless and vast universe is nurtured in it.

It is like the prototype of the Great Dao of the Heavens, which is formed by stacking countless laws. At first glance, He seems to have fallen into the dust.

Humble, small, weak.

A feeling that hadn't appeared in his mind for a long time, instantly filled the mind of the Immortal Master of Creation, making his mind dizzy.

You know, since he set foot in the virtual fairyland, he has never experienced this feeling again.

"This kind of power has already surpassed the virtual fairyland and reached the level of the nine-day real fairyland!"

Immortal Master Fortune raised a trace of enlightenment in his heart.

In front of this golden radiance, He has a feeling of when the true immortal was created in front of him before he fell.

It is even more terrifying than the feeling when facing the True Immortal Creation.


Just as the Immortal Master Fortune was shaking, the shape of the golden radiance kept changing, and finally formed a hazy bronze ring.

This bronze ring is exactly the same as the phantom in the previous ring pit, the only difference is that this bronze ring is quite illusory, as if it can be broken at any time.

This is the one-time "fortune ring" cast by the system.


When the 'Ring of Fortune' was formed, the entire gate of creation suddenly trembled, making a sound like billions of thunders bursting at the same time.

Then, the two heavy bronze doors slowly opened.

The moment the door opened, a majestic and terrifying breath poured out, sweeping the chaos.

For a time, this void was shaken, if it wasn't for Qin Yi and Daozun Yimu to suppress this void together.

I am afraid that at this time, the entire world of good fortune, and even the sea outside the great world of good fortune, will be shaken by this breath.

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