Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4355: The remnants of the true immortals

Qin Yi flipped his hand and put away the jade slip, with a smile on his face.

The first item of the four items has this harvest, how can he not get excited about it, and then he looks at the second item.


With a thought, the palm-sized stone tablet fell into Qin Yi's hands.

"This is?"

As soon as the stone tablet fell into Qin Yi's hands, Qin Yi couldn't help raising his brows, only to feel that the connection between himself and the gate of creation suddenly deepened.

"Because of this stone tablet?"

Qin Yi looked at the stone tablet in his hand. It was because of this stone tablet that his connection with the Gate of Creation suddenly deepened.


When Qin Yi's spiritual sense pierced into the stone tablet, a message came from the stone tablet, and Qin Yi immediately understood the function of the stone tablet.

This stone tablet is the core of the Gate of Fortune. As long as this stone tablet can be refined, it is equivalent to refining the Gate of Fortune.


Qin Yi's expression changed, and he showed a smile. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of Heavenly Venerate Artifact with a control core.


Divine Sense shrouded the entire stele, and imprinting his own Divine Sense into it was regarded as a preliminary refining of the stele.

This stone tablet is the core of the gate of good fortune. How can it be simple to refine it?

In any case, the gate of good fortune used to be a true immortal artifact, and even if it has fallen into a heavenly deity artifact, its essence is still there.

With Qin Yi's cultivation base, it would take a long time to refine the stone tablet, so Qin Yi only initially refined the stone tablet and put it away.


As soon as Qin Yi raised his hand, the black bead fell into his hand.


Then, a familiar voice sounded in Qin Yi's mind.

It was the voice of the Taiyi Demon Venerable.

This black bead is part of the soul origin of Taiyi Demon Venerable.


Qin Yi nodded slightly, but he was not surprised by this. As early as the beginning, he noticed the black beads and saw that the black beads were the source of the soul of Taiyi Demon Venerable.

However, compared with the origin of the soul of Taiyi Demon Venerable, he is more concerned about the existence of another one in the black beads.

"Good Fortune True Immortal, why don't you show up to see it?"

Qin Yi looked at the black beads in his hand and said with a half-smile.

"Creating a true fairy?"

Taiyi Demon Venerable was frightened and let out an exclamation.

Even Dao Zun Yimu and the Immortal Master Good Fortune suddenly became nervous.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Whether it is in the Immortal Burial Domain or in the Five Realms, the name of the True Immortal Creation is widely circulated and admired by countless creatures.

Even if the true immortals of good fortune have already fallen, there are still many forces under the name of the inheritance of good fortune immortals.

Such a move can be seen as putting money on the face, or trying to deter surrounding forces.

However, in general, these forces have no good end, and the name of the Immortal Sect of Fortune is not so easy to inherit.

The Immortal Sect of Fortune used to be a dominant force in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and its sphere of influence spanned the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm and the five realms.

Even if it has long since been wiped out, the cause and effect left behind is not so easy to follow.

If there is a relationship, it is good, if the Immortal Master of Fortune is the named disciple of the True Immortal of Fortune, only then can he inherit the name of the Tao of Fortune and open up the Immortal Court of Fortune.

But if it has nothing to do with Fortune Immortal Sect and forcibly inherits the name of Fortune Immortal Sect, under the backlash of cause and effect, all kinds of accidents will inevitably occur in this force.

For example, inexplicably provoke strong enemies, among them, the strong suddenly went into trouble and so on.

Therefore, in the future, no one dared to claim the name of the inheritor of the Immortal Sect of Fortune.


A little bit farther.

The Good Fortune Immortal Sect still has this prestige, not to mention the Good Fortune True Immortal.

In the many records that Dao Zun has read, although there is not too detailed description, but through only a few words, he also understands the power of creating a true immortal.

Not to mention other things, it is said that the immortal body left after the fall of the true immortals, together with several other true demons and the immortal bodies of the true immortals, evolved into the Immortal Burial World and gave birth to countless living beings.

You must know that the immortal burial world is not inferior to any of the five realms, even the central realm.

As the first of the five realms, the central realm is the largest and most prosperous realm among the five realms, and its size is several times larger than that of the eastern realm and other realms.

The size of the Immortal Burial World is not inferior to the Central Territory. It is conceivable how huge the Immortal Burying World is, so it is also called the Immortal Burying Territory.

And the immortal body of the True Immortal Creation is the foundation of the performance of the Immortal Burial Domain, from which we can see the strength of the True Immortal Creation.


Not long after Qin Yi's voice fell, a distant and powerful breath floated up.

Void universe suddenly stagnated, time and space, laws, avenues... everything stopped flowing, stagnant into a picture scroll.

Even the existence of the two virtual fairyland, Daozun Yimu and Immortal Master Fortune, only felt as if they had been knocked out of dust, like ants at the foot of Mount Tai.

However, the breath soon subsided, and Dao Zun Yimu woke up from his daze.


Then, the avenue roared, and all kinds of auspicious light and auspicious colors fell down, a vision emerged, and a stalwart figure shrouded in endless fairy light stepped out.


At the moment when the figure appeared, one after another fairy light seemed to boil, and it became more and more dazzling.

It is like the ink and wash written by the immortals, constantly changing, turning into a powerful mythical beast, the real dragon roars, the real phoenix **** its wings, the unicorn is in the sky, the Xuanwu Zhenshi... All kinds of visions fill the void.

It's like an ancient fairyland has evolved!

Seeing this scene, Dao Zun Yimu and Immortal Master Creation only felt like they were facing a great enemy, and their expressions suddenly became tense.

Daozun Yimu even stood in front of Qin Yi calmly, ready to take action at any time.

However, unlike the nervous Dao Zun Yimu and the Immortal Master Fortune, Qin Yi looked calm, as if he didn't see the many visions in front of him.

The black and white eyes fell on the figure, with a playful look in his eyes.

Then perform.

It's just a ray of sadness, I want to see how you can perform?


It seemed that he felt Qin Yi's playful gaze, and many visions were taken away, revealing the true face of the figure.

This figure is not tall, wearing a yin and yang robe, wearing a sun and moon dao crown, countless laws lingering around it, the air is ethereal and otherworldly.

At a glance, it was like a supreme immortal king descended from the Nine Heavens, and people couldn't help but want to kneel in front of him and surrender to him.

"The Immortal Lord of Creation!"

The first time they saw the real face of the figure, the hearts of Dao Zun Yimu and the Immortal Master of Fortune instantly hung up, and their expressions were extremely nervous.

In particular, the Immortal Master Fortune, as the named disciple of True Immortal Fortune, knows the power of True Immortal Fortune best.

That is far more powerful than the imaginary imaginary, and the gap is even greater than the gap between the immortal and the creatures under the immortal.

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