Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4395: Prepare

Although the Eastern Frontier has always been the last place in the five realms in terms of the number of strong people due to the suppression of the Great Dao's closure.

However, as one of the five major realms, the area of ​​the five realms is definitely not inferior to the other realms other than the central realm.

It took hundreds of years to rise up without falling into the imperial dynasty. Even if the strength is tyrannical, the foundation is profound, and the strong emerge in an endless stream, it is impossible to completely control the entire eastern border.

Not to mention, there are powerhouses and forces in other realms secretly obstructing them.

Even if Qin Yi judged the area under the control of the Buluodi Dynasty, the Buluodi Dynasty only controlled the Great Thousand Worlds in the area.

In the thousands of worlds like the number of stars, the Fuluo Dynasty did not fully control it.

Even, even if it is the Great Thousand Worlds in this area, except for the Tianyao Continent, Chaos Great World and other dozens of Great Thousand Worlds, the other Great Thousand Worlds can only be regarded as preliminary control if they do not fall into the Emperor Dynasty.

It would take tens of millions of years, or even several epochs, to completely turn these great worlds into territories that would not fall into the imperial dynasty.

After all, there are hundreds of millions of creatures in every great world. It takes a lot of time for these creatures to accept the control of the Unfallen Dynasty and regard themselves as the citizens of the Unfallen Dynasty.

This is still the case in the Great Thousand Worlds in this area, not to mention other areas in the Eastern Frontier.

The Great Thousand Worlds in these regions are only nominally subservient to the Buluodi Dynasty.

It will probably take longer for the Buluo Emperor Dynasty to completely control the world in these areas.

In fact, for Buluodi Dynasty, the best choice is to continue to strengthen the control of these worlds while the road closure has not disappeared.

But Qin Yi didn't do this, because the time it takes for the Wuluo Dynasty to control these worlds is too long.

Even if the emperor does not completely control these worlds, after the closure of the road completely disappears, these worlds must be given up.

Because of the power of other realms, it is impossible for the five realms to have another Western Heavenly Buddhism.

In the past, how prosperous was the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect, occupying the entire Western Heaven Realm, with dozens of Immortal Heavenly Venerates in the Sect, overwhelming the other forces in the Five Realms.

At that time, the Western Heaven Realm was completely regarded as the first force in the five realms.

However, because of this, they were feared by the forces of the entire five realms, and many Heavenly Venerates took action one after another, either overtly or covertly targeting Western Heavenly Buddhism.

As a result, Western Buddhism fell apart and divided into various branches, no longer the power of the former heyday.

In fact, with the passage of time, thousands of epochs have passed, and the strength of Xitian Buddhism is stronger than before.

The power of the major branches is also not what it used to be, and many Buddhist and Taoist gods have been born.

If the current major branches of Buddhism in the West can be united again, and the Buddhism in the West can be re-established, it may be even larger and more powerful than the Buddhism in the past.

Unfortunately, this is not impossible.

If it was said that at the beginning, the division of Xitian Buddhism was due to the calculations of other forces and different ideas, then until now, there has been a lot of hatred among the major branches of Xitian Buddhism, and there is no possibility of reunion at all.

Not to mention, there are many other forces in Xitian Buddhism, as well as spies who are placed in order to prevent Xitian Buddhism from reappearing in the world.

For example, Qin Yi installed a Tianzun-level force in Xitian Buddhism, and Fahai rebuilt Jinshan Temple in Xitian realm. In fact, Fahai has already integrated into Xitian Buddhism.

After all, it is impossible for Xitian Buddhism to turn away a celestial celestial being who practices Buddhism.

Fahai gradually integrated into Xitian Buddhism and became a branch of Xitian Buddhism. That is to say, as long as Qin Yi was willing, many things in Xitian Buddhism were undefended for Buluodi Dynasty, and he wanted to disturb Xitian Buddhism. , it couldn't be simpler.

Under such circumstances, how can Western Buddhism reappear in the world?

Unless, there is a powerful and powerful imaginary fairyland peak Tianzun born in the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect, and it may be possible to re-establish the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect.

But such a character will not appear in a short time.

The current situation of Western Heaven Buddhism, if there is no external influence, there is a high probability that it will continue for a lot, hundreds of epochs, thousands of epochs, or even longer.

Xitian Buddhism is still like this. If it does not fall into the imperial dynasty and wants to occupy the entire eastern border, it is likely to follow in the footsteps of Xitian Buddhism.

Even if the imperial dynasty did not completely control the entire Eastern Frontier, it would still be stretched in the face of the targeting of the entire five realm forces.

Therefore, Qin Yi intends to temporarily abandon these areas of the Eastern Border Territory.

Just like when the Buluo Emperor Dynasty rose from the Eastern Frontier, giving up these areas as a buffer zone with other forces in the five realms can reduce the pressure of the Buluo Dynasty.

Qin Yi immediately left the customs and began to prepare for the Proving Dao Xunxian Tianzun.

At the same time, after he proves the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the Emperor's Dynasty will also be promoted to the God's Dynasty, and he will become one of the top forces in the five realms.

All these things need to be prepared by Qin Yi early. Of course, the specific things do not need our emperor to intervene.

Qin Yi only needs to give an order, and the whole Dynasty will start to run, and all kinds of things will be handled by someone, and there is no need for Qin Yi to intervene.

In terms of government affairs, Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and others will handle it; the battle with the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces will also be handled by the military and the enshrinement building.

In fact, Qin Yi has been in seclusion all year round, and Buluodi Dynasty has long formed a set of operation system. Except for some things that may affect the fundamental things of Buluodi Dynasty, most of the things can be handled by Zhang Liang and others.

Qin Yi is also happy to be at leisure, accompany Liu Yiyi and other women, or retreat to stabilize his cultivation.

Time passed silently, and a hundred years passed in a blink of an eye.

At the beginning, the sudden change of the Buluo Dynasty attracted the attention of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, but as time passed, the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces also relaxed.

According to the news from Buluodi Dynasty, Buluodi Dynasty is preparing for promotion to the gods.

With the strength that does not fall into the emperor's dynasty, it has long been possible to advance to the gods of the gods, and until now, the forces of all parties have been surprised.

Of course, for this point, the forces of all parties did not care, and the forces of all parties were more concerned about the next developments of the Emperor's Dynasty.

To be promoted to the gods of the gods of the gods, Qin Yi, the emperor of the gods, must prove the Taoist fairyland.

According to the information learned by the various forces, Qin Yi, the Lord of the Unfallen Emperor, has not yet proved the Taoist Immortal Realm. That is to say, if the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty wants to be promoted to the gods of the gods, Qin Yi must knock on the gate of the Heavenly Venerate and lead the way. Heavenly Venerate catastrophe.

At that time, the Great Dao Township in the Eastern Border Region will dissipate along with it, and the powerhouses of the Wan Dao Dynasty and other forces will be able to enter the Eastern Border Region at will, without worrying about the impact of the Great Dao Sealing Town, let alone holding back like they are now. bend.

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