Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4466: Want to go, don't you think it's too late?


Daoist God Claw and Daoist Dry Gourd suddenly attacked, and all the strong people were caught off guard and did not react at all.

Not to mention, Qin Yaya and the four of them.

Qin Yaya and the four stood in the void without any movement, as if they did not notice the movements of the God Claw and Daojun.

In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two Daojun Shenclaw had already reached ten miles in front of Qin Yaya and the four of them.

The attack of the two can fall on Qin Yaya and the four at any time.

At this time, Qin Yaya and the four finally moved, the four raised their eyes, and Daoist Nanyun's face was full of panic.

Although Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun looked very calm, there was still a hint of panic in their eyes.

There was nothing unusual about the performance of these three people, but when the God Claw Daojun and the two saw the fourth person, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Erlang manifests the saint and true monarch, Yang Jian!"

The next moment, Daojun Shenclaw and Daojun suddenly widened their eyes, with a terrified expression on their faces, as if they had seen some ancient beast.

In other words, in the eyes of the two of them, Yang Jian was the same as the ancient beast, and even more terrifying.

Regarding Yang Jian's name, the two Daojun Shenclaw are like thunder, this is a superpower who has lost several consecutive quasi-tianzun realm peaks.

"Damn, that guy from Sword God King didn't say that Yang Jian followed Qin Yaya and came to Nanyun Great World together."

God Claw Daojun and the two cursed in their hearts, wishing to swallow the Sword God King who invited them to shoot alive.

Previously, the Sword God King found the two of them and invited them to take action against Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun. As long as the two captured Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun, they would take the initiative to give away a treasure that they desperately needed.

Under the temptation of the treasure, the two of them agreed to the request of the Sword God King.

Although the two of them are also a little afraid of the strong, but under the temptation of the treasure, the two bravely agreed.

After all, if they can get these two treasures, they can break through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm. For the sake of their own path, the two of them can only agree.

In the eyes of God Claw Daojun, if they have no intention of calculating, they can completely capture Qin Yaya and the two, and then retreat directly.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to stage a big show of hostility to each other, just to paralyze the guardians around Qin Yaya and the two.

It's a pity that they never thought that the powerhouse who guarded Qin Yaya and the two of them would be Yang Jian.

From their point of view, Qin Yi would only send a few quasi-tianzun realm powerhouses to protect Qin Yaya and the two of them if they were not within the territory of the God Dynasty.

After all, every quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse is standing at the top of the five realms, second only to the existence of the immortal celestial being.

Even the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate will give certain respect to the quasi-celestial Venerable Realm peak powerhouse, and it is impossible to use it like a servant.

It is completely overkill to let a quasi-tianzun realm peak exist, or a strong person in quasi-tianzun peak existence, to protect Qin Yaya and the two.

Moreover, the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces have also opened their mouths and will help them hold back the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses who cannot fall into the Divine Dynasty. Is that how they hold it back?


As soon as they saw Yang Jian, Daojun Shenclaw and Daojun immediately turned around and left.

Even the quasi-Tianzun peak powerhouses are not Yang Jian's opponents, how could they be Yang Jian's opponents?

"Want to leave, don't you think it's too late?"

Yang Jian's eyes were indifferent and he sneered.

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