Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4470: Zhen Xuan Yin appeared


A statue has a terrifying breath and a sturdy figure, and can shake the existence of the Dao of the Heavens with a gesture, standing on the sky.

The mighty coercion pervades the nine heavens, as if to suppress the whole world.

"Sword God King!"

"Great goodness is the Buddha."

"Elemental Compassionate Bodhisattva!"


A group of powerhouses looked at the many beings in the sky, and every time they spit out a name, the hearts of everyone would tremble.

These beings are all powerful beings that stand on the top of the five realms and overlook countless creatures.

If the Heavenly Venerate does not appear, these existences can be called esteemed.

As long as these existences stomp their feet, the entire five realms will be shaken three times.

In their respective forces, these beings are also big figures under one person and above ten thousand people, and no one dares to despise them.

At this moment, all these beings are gathered here, just to deal with Yang Jian, or to say that they want to capture Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun.

"The Great Quiet Destruction of Buddhism and other forces, do you want to start a war with the Buluoshen Dynasty?"

The strong men couldn't help but think.

As early as after the closure of the Great Road in the Eastern Borders completely disappeared, all parties believed that the Great Silent Extinction Buddhist Sect and other forces would fight the Buluoshen Dynasty.

But Buluoshenchao took the initiative to cede part of the Eastern Border Territory, so that this battle could not be fought.

However, everyone knew that this battle was inevitable, it was just the time of the war.

Thinking of a group of powerhouses couldn't help swallowing, I only felt that the souls were a little shivering. If they didn't fall into the war with the Great Silent Buddha Sect and other forces, it would probably be a war that swept over half of the five realms. .

Even if it is not comparable to the battle in the Eastern Border Region in the ancient times.

But I'm afraid it's not that far off!

In this storm, many strong people present will probably be reduced to cannon fodder, only the existence above the quasi-tianzun realm has a certain ability to protect themselves.

Of course, these are all later stories.

For the many strong people present, they are now faced with a choice, whether to leave directly, or to help Yang Jian and fight against Dali Buddha and others.

"If I had known that such a thing would happen, this seat would not have come to this muddy water."

The faces of the strong men were bitter, and some regretted coming to Nagumo Great World.

This undoubtedly involved himself in a huge storm, and there was no way to get out.

These two options seem to have choices, but for the strong people, there is no choice at all.

If they leave now and watch Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun fall into the hands of Dali Buddha, they will definitely receive revenge from the Godless Dynasty in the future.

And if they were to deal with Dali Buddha together with Yang Jian, it would be absolutely impossible.

There are many powerhouses present, but there is not a peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun realm. Although the inheritance of Tianpeng Daojun is good, it is not enough to attract the peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun realm.

In other words, with the strength of the many powerhouses present, there is no qualification to meddle in the battle between Yang Jian and Dali Buddha and others.

"Forget it, this battle is not something we can interfere with, we can seal the world."

A strong man gritted his teeth and chose to watch from the sidelines.

As soon as this statement came out, it was also approved by a group of strong people. It is neither to walk nor to fight. The best choice is to watch.

In fact, many experts have already speculated on the outcome of this battle.

In their opinion, Yang Jian will undoubtedly lose in this battle. Although Yang Jian is tyrannical, he once fought against the three quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses undefeated.

But in that battle, Yang Jian was also at an absolute disadvantage, saying that he was a strong opponent of the three quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses, but in fact he could be defeated at any time.

If the battle lasted a little longer, Yang Jian would have been defeated long ago.

Not to mention, there are now a total of six quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses shot together, how could Yang Jian be an opponent?

Even if Qin Yaya, who is holding the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, is not necessarily an opponent of Da Zun Buddha and others.

Unless the ancient map of Wan Yaomang falls into the hands of Yang Jian, then the situation will inevitably be reversed.

With Yang Jian's cultivation, urging the ancient map of Wan Yaomang will inevitably make the ancient map of Wan Yaomang burst out with power comparable to the immortal god.

Under such circumstances, how could Dali Buddha and others be Yang Jian's opponents?

Of course, Dali Zun Buddha and others also understood this. When the Sword God King and others appeared, they sealed the ten-mile void where Yang Jian was.

Even if Qin Yaya wants to hand over the ancient map of Wan Yaomang to Yang Jian for use, it cannot be done. The Heavenly Venerate Tool can be destroyed.

At least, with Qin Yaya's own strength, she really couldn't do it.

But why should Qin Yaya only use her own strength?


Just as Dali Zun Buddha and others were about to take action, suppress Yang Jian, and then capture Qin Yaya and the two, a huge breath instantly broke through the barrier set by Dali Zun Buddha and others.

"This is?"

Dali Buddha and the others were suddenly startled and looked at them quickly.

Just saw the ancient map of Wan Yaomang trembling behind Qin Yaya, bursting with dazzling fairy light, illuminating the world brightly.

The next moment, the ghost **** Jiuying phantom who was standing in front of Qin Yaya's breath suddenly soared.

From the original level of the quasi-celestial realm, directly break the shackles of the quasi-celestial realm and reach the level of the virtual fairy.


A tyrannical aura descended down, carrying power beyond the reach of ordinary people, rushing towards Dali Buddha and others.

The faces of the Buddha and the others changed slightly. If this aura enveloped them, they would lose their combat effectiveness in the next moment.

This is the power of the virtual fairyland, far exceeding the level of the quasi-celestial realm.

Under Heavenly Venerate, they are all ants.

This sentence is not a joke!

Even if many of the powerhouses present are all the powerhouses at the peak of the quasi-celestial realm, they cannot resist the power of the first level of the virtual immortal.

Even if it's just a breath of Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it's the same.

Under the aura of the Immortal Celestial Clan, Dali Zun Buddha and others will not completely lose consciousness like ordinary quasi-celestial celestial beings and fall into a unknowable situation.

However, at most, the Buddha and others can only keep their consciousness sober. If they want to maintain their ability to act under the power of Tianzun, unless the Buddha and others can break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Otherwise, under the power of the first level of the virtual fairyland, it is impossible for the Buddha and others to resist.


At this moment, the Sword God King suddenly took a step forward.

A black and simple seal flew out from the Sword God King's body, and the vast black divine radiance spurted out, filling the universe.

It is like a black river of heaven, traversing the sky, covering the surrounding void.

The majestic Qi machine fell down and collided with the breath of the ghost **** Jiuying phantom, without a trace.

Everyone looked at it and immediately recognized this simple and simple seal.

The treasure of the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty, the mysterious seal of the Tianzun Qizhen!

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