Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4473: Four Heavenly Venerates


The unimaginable power raged like a wave, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places, smashing the surrounding void into chaos.

If it weren't for the protection of the Daqiantian Dao of the Great World of the Southern Clouds, I am afraid that most of the Great World of the Southern Clouds would have collapsed.

Fortunately, most of the creatures in the Nanyun Great World have been transferred away by the strong men of the Nanyun Sect and other realms.

Even if it cannot be moved away, it will be sent to the border of the Nagumo Great World.

The collision between Zhen Xuanyin and the phantom of the demon **** Jiuying naturally did not cause too many casualties, and even only shattered the void and vastness that was thousands of miles away.

"Come again!"

The **** Zhenxuanyin snorted coldly and shot again.


The long black river fell, killing countless poisonous beasts, as if to pierce the sea of ​​poisonous gas.

But the ghost **** Jiuying phantom was not afraid, and urged the sea of ​​poisonous gas to meet the long black river that was falling down.

The power of the two has collided hundreds of millions of times in an instant, but the two have not been able to distinguish between the two. Either the long black river pierces the ocean of poisonous gas, or the ocean of poisonous gas erodes the long black river.

With the power of the demon **** Jiuying Xuying and Zhen Xuanyin, if you want to decide the winner, if there is no external force to intervene, I am afraid it will not be possible in a short time.

But it is clear that both Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and Qin Yaya have the power to break this deadlock.

Qin Yaya needless to say, as long as the power of the system in the ancient map of Wan Yaomang can be stimulated, the ancient map of Wan Yaomang can burst into peak power, enough to defeat Zhen Xuanyin.

On the other hand, the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces did not only have Zhen Xuan Yin as a Celestial Venerable Artifact.

"Wait, can't you make a move?"

Zhen Xuanyin collided with the demon **** Jiuying phantom again, and the two were indistinguishable. At this time, he also understood that he could not defeat the demon **** Jiuying phantom alone.

Judging from the current situation, even if He can defeat the demon **** Jiuying Xuying, he doesn't know how long it will take.

But the current situation does not support him and the demon **** Jiuying Xingying to win or lose, even if he is unwilling.

The Nayun Great World is the territory of the Godly Dynasty, and their targets are Princess Xiyue and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who are not under the Godly Dynasty.

Once the Godless Dynasty reacted and sent many strong men to come, their situation would be dangerous.

So, don't delay any longer.

"Haha, don't worry, fellow Daoist Zhenxuan, aren't we here?"

The voice of Zhenxuanyin God just fell, and a chuckle sounded.


Then, the tens of thousands of miles of void shattered, and several vast and majestic breaths rose into the sky, shaking the sun and the moon, and the heavens and the earth hung high.

Several figures walked out of the void, and the divine radiance shone on Jiuxiao, as if a number of true immortals descended from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

These people are tall, or hold pagodas in their hands, or are shrouded in a radiance of five colors.

And the breath of these existences is not inferior to the phantoms of Zhen Xuanyin and the demon **** Jiuying, that is to say, these existences are also first-level existences in the virtual fairyland.

If you look closely, you can also see that the auras of these existences are somewhat similar to those of Zhenxuanyin gods, which means that these existences are like Zhenxuanyin gods, but they are gods in tools.

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda of the Great Siltout Buddhist Sect, the Five Elements Town World Wheel of the Five Elements Immortal Sect, and the Jiuhun Dao Sword of Jiuhun Taoism."

At a glance, Yang Jian could distinguish the essence of the existence of these statues, all of which were the celestial weapons of the Great Quiet Extinction Buddhist Sect and other forces.

Moreover, the Five Elements Town World Wheel is also the treasure of luck of the Five Elements Immortal Sect.


The moment these few existences appeared, the endless power swept the whole world, and the mighty coercion made the whole world of Nagumo tremble.

Even the Daqiantian Dao of the Nanyun Great World had to give in and expand the scope of the sealed void from tens of thousands of miles to hundreds of millions of miles in order to reduce the pressure on himself.

After all, in the Nanyun Great World now, including the Zhen Xuanyin **** and the demon **** Jiuying Xingying, there are five first-level virtual fairyland existences.

"Wandao Shen Dynasty and other forces have to take action against the Fallen Dynasty. Isn't it bad to choose another Great Thousand Worlds? They have to choose Nayun Great World."

The Daqiantian Dao of the Nanyun Great World, some want to cry but have no tears.

After this battle is over, no matter what the outcome is, the Great World of Nagumo will probably be completely destroyed by the battle of Zhen Xuanyin and the others.

If you want to restore the old scene, I am afraid it will cost him a lot of origin.

Fortunately, the creatures in the Nayun Great World have not been affected too much. Except for the tens of millions of creatures who fell at the beginning, other creatures have been sheltered.

Otherwise, the loss of Nagumo Great World will be even greater.

The power of the Daqiantian Dao of the Nagumo Great World is closely related to the origin of the Nagumo Great World and the creatures of the Nayun Great World.

The stronger Nayun Great World is, the more strong there are, the stronger the Daqiantiandao of Nagumo Great World will be.

The Daqian Tiandao of the Nanyun Great World originally intended to prevent the suppression of the battle between the Xuanyin God and the demon **** Jiuying phantom, or to let the two enter the chaotic battle to avoid causing too much influence on the Nanyun Great World.

But now, Daqiantian Dao of Nagumo Great World has given up on this idea.

"Four Heavenly Venerable Artifacts, the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces are really generous!"

A group of powerhouses from other realms couldn't help but marvel at the methods of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces.

These are four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts!

If each piece of Celestial Venerable Artifact is fully revived, it can burst into combat power comparable to the Immortal Celestial Venerable, and only the forces such as the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty can join forces to produce four Celestial Venerable Artifacts.

Similarly, the appearance of celestial objects such as the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda has also reversed the situation again.

"Tsk tsk, in order to capture Princess Xiyue from the Shen Dynasty, His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, dispatched four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts. With such a handwriting, I should say that the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces should be cautious, or overkill."

A strong man sighed with emotion.

Qin Yaya and Qin Renjun are only giants in the seventh and eighth realms, and their cultivation is not tyrannical, but the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces have sent four heavenly reverence artifacts for this purpose.

This kind of handwriting made all the strong people have to sigh for this.

The four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts are fully awakened, and all of them can break the first-level power of the gods.

Usually, there is only one power in charge of the virtual immortal, and it may not be able to block such power, such as the first-level power of the gods of the gods just established by those parties.

Even some old-fashioned gods and holy places of the ages may not be opponents.

Even if these forces have a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in charge, there are only two Heavenly Venerate Artifacts at most to suppress the background, how can they block the attack of the four Heavenly Venerate Artifacts?

It can be said that the lineup of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces to arrest Qin Yaya and the two is somewhat beyond the norm.

This was far beyond the expectations of the powerhouses, and even Cai Yulei, who was hiding in the dark, was a little surprised.

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