Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4488: Tianzun shot

"Five Heavenly Venerates in the middle of the virtual fairyland?"

The powerhouses of the five realms had gloomy faces and gloomy eyes.

I felt extra anger at the appearance of Kunlong Tianzun and other Buried Immortal Domain Tianzun.

The five Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates, and they are not the Heavenly Venerate who first entered the Void Immortal Realm, but the old-fashioned Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of the Void Immortal Realm, which is enough to change the pattern of the five realms.

Not to mention other things, if the veteran Tianzun in the middle of the five imaginary fairyland enters the eastern border, the current pattern of the eastern border can be drastically changed in an instant.

"Who is it that colluded with Immortal Burial Domain?"

A group of Xuxian Tianzun was furious. As soon as this opening was opened, the Xuxian Tianzun of the Immortal Burial Realm could quietly enter the five realms.

In this case, even if the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the Five Realms wanted to prevent the Immortal Immortal Heavenly Venerate from entering the Five Realms, he could not do it.

When all the Immortal Venerables in the Immortal Burial Domain enter the five realms, they will inevitably have an impact on the Immortal Venerables in the five realms.

Even, under the impact of the Nine Heavens, such as the Great Sun, most of the Void Immortals in the five realms may not be able to protect their own power.

After all, once the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the Great Sun True Immortal recover their cultivation, even if they cannot break through the True Immortal Realm again, their strength will inevitably reach the peak of the Imaginary Immortal Realm.

Coupled with the many disciples of the Nine Heavens True Immortals, even the Void Immortal Realm Peak Heavenly Venerate of the Five Realms must avoid its edge.

In this case, if there are more powers in the five realms colluding with the powerhouses in the Immortal Burial Realm, the situation of the five weak realm False Immortal Heavenly Venerates will be in danger.

This is also the reason why many immortals are angry.

"Wait, the people beside Kunlong Tianzun and the others... The Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, the Great Silent Buddha... Okay, it turns out that they colluded with the Immortal Burial Domain!"

At this time, a Xuxian Tianzun narrowed his eyes and found that there were several familiar figures beside Kunlong Tianzun.

After a brief identification, they recognized the identities of the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others.

"It turned out that the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others took the initiative to collude with the forces of the Immortal Burial Domain in order to deal with the immortal dynasty!"

Many virtual immortals looked relieved, but their faces did not improve.

They can understand the behavior of Wan Dao Divine Master and others, but they will never tolerate such behavior.

Even some Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates have made up their minds to make Wandao Divine Master and others pay the corresponding price!

If you condone the behavior of colluding with the Immortal Burial Domain, it is likely that more powerhouses from the five realms will collude with the Immortal Burial Domain.

By then, the five realms will inevitably be in chaos.

Therefore, for the behavior of the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others, the illusory gods of the five realms will inevitably punish them.

And Kunlong Tianzun and other Immortal Burial Domain Tianzun, a group of five realm virtual immortal Tianzun will also take action against them, forcing them back to Immortal Burial Domain, and even killing them.

Just like the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the Five Realms, entering the Immortal Burial Domain.

It's just that the situation has reversed in the five realms, from the powerhouses in the five realms dealing with the powerhouses in the five realms to the powerhouses in the five realms dealing with the powerhouses in the realm.

Of course, the group of Xuxian Tianzun did not take action immediately, but chose to wait.

Before taking action against the God Lord of Wandao and others, as well as Kunlong Tianzun and others, we still need to wait for the God of Wandao and others to finish dealing with the gods.

In any case, regarding the Buluoshen Dynasty, all the immortals are also apprehensive, and do not want to see the Buluoshen Dynasty continue to develop.

In the final analysis, the development momentum of the Buluoshen Dynasty made all the immortal gods also fearful and did not want to see the Buluoshen Dynasty continue to develop.

In the eyes of many immortal gods, the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other forces are their 'sharp blades' to deal with the God Dynasty.

As for this 'sharp blade' that is beyond their control, after this battle is over, it can be settled with the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others.


Just as the minds of the powerhouses were turning, the existences such as the Divine Master of Wandao had already stepped into the void, crossed the chaos, and came towards the God of Unfallen Chaos.

Divine Master Wandao's eyes flashed, and without any hesitation, he directly attacked the army that did not fall into the gods.

In fact, the situation on the battlefield has not changed much, but the Divine Master of Wandao has already shot directly.


In an instant, ten thousand roars, countless laws vibrated, turned into huge and gorgeous star wheels, hanging behind the master of ten thousand.

Over and over again, overlapping each other!

If you look carefully, you can see that these are all avenues, such as the Nether Avenue, the Fengzhen Avenue, the Sword Dao, the Flame Avenue, and so on.

Why Wandao?

The heavens and the worlds are all under the control of the thousands of Dao, which is the thousands of Dao.

The Divine Master of Wandao takes the Wuji Dao as the foundation, smelts the thousands of Dao, comprehends many other Dao, and turns it into the Dao rhyme of his own body.

One out, like ten thousand out!


The star wheel transformed by thousands of avenues rotates, and the endless divine radiance shines on the chaos, and the Dao and principles of many avenues drop down.

In an instant, chaos stirred, setting off an endless frenzy.

The God Lord of Ten Thousand Daos spreads his five fingers, and grasps it in the void, as if he is holding all the thousands of avenues in the palm of his hand, and he punches down, as if ten thousand paths are falling.

Wherever you pass, the universe hangs upside down, and the chaos is overturned!

When this punch falls, I am afraid that the entire army that does not fall into the gods will be destroyed, and many strong people who do not fall, including Sun Wukong and Yang Jian, will also perish.

Although with the help of the power of the gossip universe, a group of powerhouses who do not fall into the gods can burst with power comparable to the first entry into the virtual fairyland.

But compared with the veteran Tianzun in the middle of the virtual fairyland, the gap is still too large, as if the sky is separated.

Even the existences like Sun Wukong and Yang Jian who have broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm are still like ants in front of the old-fashioned Tianzun such as the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths.

It's just a slightly bigger ant with a certain ability to resist.

"You want to take action against my subjects, have you asked me?"

At this moment, a cold hum suddenly sounded.


The next moment, the mighty qi and blood filled the air, filling the universe, and constantly colliding with the descending thousands of avenues of divine brilliance.

Then, a big hand emerged out of nowhere, covering the chaotic void, and meeting the punch from the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths.


The fists and palms clashed, and suddenly there was a burst of thunder like hundreds of millions of thunderbolts bursting at the same time, and it seemed like countless avenues were roaring, and the unimaginable aftermath escaped in all directions.

Even the army that did not fall into the Divine Dynasty, and the army of the Wandao Divine Dynasty and other forces were swept away in countless ways.

If the gods were not under the protection of the Eight Trigrams Heaven and Earth Formation, and the Wandaoshen Dynasty and other forces were protected by the Jiuhun Sunyue Furnace and other half-heavenly venerable weapons, I am afraid that the forces such as the Gods and the Wandaoshen Dynasty would have suffered countless casualties.

After all, under the two immortal gods, whether it is a strong person who does not fall into the gods, or a strong person from the ten thousand gods and other forces, they are like ants.

And with the shots of the two immortals, the situation on the scene changed again.

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