Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4498: The calculation of the pink demon

According to normal circumstances, it is basically impossible for the Red Pink Demon Venerable to defeat or even devour the Jumang Ancestral Witch.

With the combat power at the peak of Jumang Zu Wuxu Wonderland, the Red Pink Demon Venerable could not be an opponent at all.

Even if the Red Pink Demon Venerable has all his cards, it is impossible to defeat the opponent of the Jumang Zuwu. Only by joining forces with Kunlong Tianzun and others can they defeat the Jumang Zuwu.

However, when the eyes of the red-pink monster fell on Qin Yi, his eyes lit up again.

'What a boy with strong qi and blood, if such qi and blood can be swallowed, it can also make the deity's cultivation progress greatly. ’

The Red Pink Demon Venerable's eyes became more and more greedy.

Although Qin Yi's qi and blood is not as good as that of Jumang Zuwu, it is terrifying enough to be comparable to the qi and blood of the late Tianzun in the ordinary virtual fairyland.

It is also full of temptation for the pink monster.

More importantly, Qin Yi's strength is far less than that of Jumang Zuwu. With his strength, he may not be able to suppress Qin Yi.

"Fellow Daoist, why haven't you taken action yet?"

The Red Pink Demon Venerable's thoughts flowed, but Kunlong Tianzun couldn't sit still, and repeatedly urged the Red Pink Demon Venerable to take action.

If the Red Pink Demon Venerable doesn't take action again, they are afraid that they will really lose. The strength of Jumang Zuwu is too tyrannical.

"Fellow Daoist Kunlong, don't be in a hurry, in the past, Lord Da Ri Zhenxian had the grace of donating medicine to the deity, and the deity level promised Dari Zhenxian to take action three times for him unconditionally.

This deity has already shot twice, this is the third time, after this time, the deity will repay the kindness of Lord Dairi Zhenxian, and ask fellow Taoist Kunlong to inform Lord Dairi Zhenxian. "

The Red Pink Demon Venerable still didn't mean to take action, but said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Kunlong Tianzun's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

He knew very well what the Red Pink Demon Venerable meant when he said this, that is, to draw a clear line with them, or Dairi Zhenxian.

It has to be said that the Red Pink Demon Venerable can use the mixed blood of the Five Elements Tianxuan Spider Clan to cultivate to this point.

When the Red Pink Demon Venerable said this sentence at this time, he completely left the relationship between himself and the Great Sun True Immortal.

You must know that the appearance of the pink monster is already marked with the immortal burial domain in a sense.

Collusion with the powerhouses of the Immortal Burial Domain is likely to put the Pink Pink Demon Venerable in an extremely embarrassing situation, and it is easy to be hostile to many Immortal Venerable Heavenly Venerates in the Five Great Domains.

It is not impossible to even target it.

But when the Red Pink Demon Venerable said these words, it was no doubt that the relationship with the Dainian Zhenxian was completely cleared.

In fact, this is indeed the case. When the Red Pink Demon Venerable said these words, the expressions of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate from the five realms also relaxed a lot.

If Da Ri Zhenxian had the grace of giving medicine to the Red Fen Yao Zun, and the Red Fen Yao Zun had just shot Kunlong Tianzun and others in order to repay the kindness, it would be reasonable.

Of course, the group of Xuxian Tianzun did not directly believe the words of the Red Pink Demon Venerable. What if this was just something that the Red Pink Demon Venerable did for them?

However, judging from the ugly expression of Kunlong Tianzun, what the red-pink monster said should be true.

Just as the virtual immortals of the five realms thought, Kunlong Tianzun faced the question of the pink monster, even if he was unwilling, he could only answer:

"That's it, what fellow Daoist Red Pink said, the deity will tell the master."

"it is good!"

After receiving Kunlong Tianzun's reply, a smile appeared on the face of the red-pink monster.

In fact, the Red Pink Demon Venerable is also unwilling to be involved with the powerhouses in the Immortal Burial Domain, especially in the current situation, it is easy for him to fall into a very unfavorable situation.

Even if he opened his mouth to explain, many Void Immortals in the five realms would not believe it, and they would definitely take precautions against him, either overtly or covertly.

But he had to come and owe a Nine Heavens True Immortal cause and effect, how could it be so simple?

If he doesn't come, it is very likely that he will fall into the calculations of the true immortal. In the future, not only will he not be able to get rid of the control of the true immortal, but he will completely become a puppet of the true immortal.

However, fortunately, after this shot, he no longer owes the kindness of the real immortal to the big day, and he no longer has to worry about the calculation of the real immortal.


Thinking of this, the pink monster no longer hesitated, ready to take action, and his eyes fell on Qin Yi. Obviously, his target was Qin Yi.

Qin Yi's qi and blood are tyrannical, and if he can swallow Qin Yi, it will be enough to make his cultivation progress greatly.

In the same way, defeating Qin Yi and suppressing it will also allow the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and the Great Silent Buddha to free up their hands to help Kunlong Tianzun and others.


The Red Pink Demon Venerable stepped out one step, and strands of red divine splendor fell down, with unimaginable power of charm, as well as a vast and extravagant sound.

The infinite red divine brilliance surged out, as if to drown the heavens and the world.

Wherever he went, everything seemed to sink into it.

Countless creatures who heard or felt this breath fell into it in an instant, pulled by an invisible force, and fell into the red divine brilliance.

This includes the Great Thousand World, where hundreds of millions of creatures are shrouded in the red divine brilliance, all of them sink into the red divine brilliance, and become the puppets of the Pink-Pink Demon Venerable.

Even the Daqian Tiandao of this Daqian World is no exception.

With the cultivation base of the pink monster in the late stage of the virtual fairyland, it is not a difficult thing to transform the Daqiantian Dao of an ordinary Daqian world.

"Is this the strength of the Red Pink Demon Venerable?"

"It's worthy of being a late-stage Tianzun in the virtual fairyland. This level of strength far exceeds most of the virtual fairy Tianzun."

"Even a big thousand worlds can be transformed, such strength!"

All the powerhouses who saw this scene were all shocked by the strength of the Red Pink Demon Venerable, and many Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates showed fear.

The powerhouses of the five realms also understand that, no matter what the reason, let the Pink Pink Demon Venerable intervene in this battle.

However, with the appearance of the pink monster, the situation of this battle has changed again, and the balance of victory is pouring towards the side of the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and others.

With the strength of the Red Pink Demon Venerable, no one can stop the current Buluoshen Dynasty.

Even if it is the godless dragon of luck, with the support of the huge luck of the gods, it is only the first-level combat power of the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, far inferior to the pink monster.

That is to say, even if the Luck True Dragon who doesn't fall into a state of despair makes a move, it is not the opponent of the Red Pink Demon Venerable.

In this case, there is no one who can cure the pink and pink monster in the Godless Dynasty.

"If you don't fall, you will lose!"

You Xuxian Tianzun directly made an assertion.

But his words did not get too much to cater to the immortal goddess.

Obviously, most of the virtual gods do not agree with the statement of the virtual gods, especially the virtual gods who know the inner story of the Nanyun Great World.

They know that the ancient map of Wan Yaomang in Qin Yi's hands, which has the rhythm left by the Nine Heavens True Immortals, which can burst out with power comparable to the peak of the virtual fairyland.

Even if Wan Yaomang Gutu couldn't burst out the peak power of the virtual fairyland one after another, as long as he could burst out the power comparable to the late Tianzun of the virtual fairyland, he could stop the pink monster.

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