Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4503: Desperate God of Ten Thousand Paths

Once the Divine Master of Wandao falls, the Divine Dynasty of Wandao will also collapse.

That is to say, compared with the Great Desolation Buddha, Qin Yi's goal is more on the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos, and he wants to kill the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos.

In fact, just as the Great Desolation Buddha thought, Qin Yi's first goal of killing was to destroy the God of Ten Thousand Taos and destroy the Divine Dynasty of Ten Thousand Taos.

After all, with the current strength of Buluo Shen Dynasty, it has not yet faced the background of most of the forces in the five realms.

Even if Qin Yi now has the strength to leave the Great Silent Buddha behind, and even the Jiuhun Daozun and other Xuxian Tianzun, Qin Yi will not do so.

Once Qin Yi does this, it will inevitably attract the fear of other forces in the five realms.

They even joined forces to deal with the Godless Dynasty, including many Void Immortal Realm Peak Heavenly Venerates.

Therefore, Qin Yi let Jiuhun Dao Zun, Da Jijie Buddha and others leave.

As for why he chose the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, the reason that the Great Nirvana Buddha thought was only one of the reasons. More importantly, compared with Jiuhun Dao Zun, the Great Nirvana Buddha and others, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths did not have the support of powerful forces behind him.

Behind Jiuhun Daoist is the support of the Taoist holy land, behind the Great Silt Buddha is supported by the Western Heavenly Buddhist Gate, behind the swallowing dragon bird family is supported by the gods and beasts of the heavens, and behind the Kunlong Tianzun and other Burial Immortal Domain Tianzun are Da Rizhenxian and other Jiutianzhen. fairy.

Only the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths, the Five Elements Heavenly Venerate and several other Immortal Heavenly Venerates have no ancient forces to support them.

And the God Lord of Wandao itself is in conflict with the Buluoshen Dynasty, which hinders the development of the Buluoshen Dynasty. Therefore, Qin Yi chose to kill the God Lord of Wandao.

Not only can it remove an obstacle for the Godless Dynasty, but it can also deter other forces in the five realms.

Of course, there is another reason, and that is to complete new tasks issued by the system.

"Killing the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths: Difficult-level quest;

Explanation: The Lord of Ten Thousand Paths has shot against the Buluoshen Dynasty many times, and the host should kill this scorpion in order to gain the prestige of the Zhengbuluoshen Dynasty;

Reward: Five System Summoning Chances. "

"Destroy the Divine Dynasty of Ten Thousand Daos: Difficult-level mission;

Explanation: There are many powerhouses in Wandao Divine Dynasty, who have repeatedly followed Wandao Divine Dynasty to take action against Buluoshen Dynasty. It is no longer necessary to exist, and the host should destroy Wandao Divine Dynasty;

Reward: Five System Summoning Chances. "

Two system tasks and ten system summoning opportunities, how could Qin Yi let it go?

Not to mention, these two system tasks can be seen as one system task.

As long as the Divine Lord of Wandao is killed, the Divine Dynasty of Wandao will naturally collapse because of this. Without the immortal Heavenly Venerate, even if the Divine Dynasty does not fall, other forces will destroy the Divine Dynasty of Wandao.

Even forces such as Jiuhun Taoism and Dajixie Buddhist sect may take action.

Under such circumstances, Qin Yi naturally would not let the God Lord of Wandao leave.

"Damn it, the big silence kills the bald donkey, you all deserve to die!"

Looking at the back of the Buddha of Great Nirvana leaving, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths was stunned, wishing to swallow the Great Silent Buddha alive.

If the Great Silent Buddha joins hands with him and pays a certain price, he may not be able to escape from Qin Yi.

But the Great Nirvana Buddha chose to abandon him, escape alone, and even block him as a shield. How can he not hate him?

The Lord of Ten Thousand Paths is determined to pay attention. If he can escape, he will definitely make the Great Silent Buddha pay the price.

Of course, there are Qin Yi and others.

However, before that, he must find a way to escape from Qin Yi.


A stern look flashed in the eyes of the Divine Master of Wandao, and he no longer hesitated, and directly burned his own body, Tianzun Daoyuan, and urged the forbidden secret method.

Even burn the source world of your own body and the essence of your own body and soul.

When practitioners are proving the Tao, the path of the gods and the gods and souls of their own bodies are combined, and they become part of the origin of the gods.

Therefore, for Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, burning the source of one's own body and soul is the last resort.

Once you burn the source of your own soul, it will inevitably have a huge impact on your body, and may even leave your body with indelible wounds, or even die.

Generally speaking, before the last moment, Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate will not choose to burn the source of his own body and soul.

Because as long as you burn the source of your own soul, you will leave injuries, which require a lot of cultivation resources and holy medicine to repair.

However, Divine Master Wandao has no other choice at this moment.

At this time, if he doesn't burn the source of his soul, he probably won't have the chance to escape from Qin Yi.


The avenue roared, and an earth-shattering roar erupted, shaking the ages.

The Dao Star Wheels transformed by the Dao Dao bloomed with infinite divine brilliance.

Road God Wheel!

This is all the comprehension of the Great Dao by the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao, and the external manifestation in the void.


The aura of the Divine Master of Wandao also soared, instantly raising several levels, breaking the boundaries of the later stage of the virtual fairyland.

Countless gods and demons phantoms appeared, lingering around the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos, making a huge praise sound, as if to praise the Lord of Ten Thousand Taos.

At this moment, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths is like a king of all gods, overlooking the heavens and the world!

"Wandao World Destruction Fist!"

Divine Master Wan Dao shouted angrily, and the Dao Divine Wheel trembled directly into his body.

Then, there was a punch, and the violent power poured out.

After this punch, the God Lord of Wandao didn't stop at all and turned around and ran away.


Facing the supreme sublimation punch of the God of Myriad Dao, Qin Yi was not afraid, just snorted coldly.


A huge wave came from Qin Yi's body, and he saw a picture scroll spread out behind Qin Yi, as if covering the chaotic void with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

It can be seen that in this picture, a stalwart existence stands in it, exuding terrifying aura fluctuations, as if there is no need for real existence.

In other words, these phantoms are really unnecessary existences. If they are activated, they can instantly turn into 'real existences' with tyrannical combat power.

Or separate.

Every existence in the picture scroll is extremely terrifying, exuding an extremely tyrannical aura, and there are even several existences that make many immortals feel fearful.

This picture scroll is naturally the ancient picture of Wan Yaomang.


The ancient map of Wan Yaomang bloomed with infinite divine brilliance, and strands of fairy light fell down and merged into Qin Yi's body, blessing Qin Yi,

Qin Yi was bathed in infinite fairy light, his breath was infinitely high, and he directly climbed to a new level.

After Qin Yi's proving the Dao Void Wonderland, the power that Wan Yaomang Gutu can exert in his hands naturally becomes more powerful.

Even, as long as Qin Yi is willing, with the cooperation of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, it is enough to make the ancient map of Wan Yaomang burst into peak power.

And at this moment, the power of Wan Yaomang Gu Tu is on Qin Yi.

At this time, Qin Yi's breath had already climbed to the peak level of the late stage of the virtual fairyland. Although it did not break the level of the peak of the virtual fairyland, it was not far from the same.

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