Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4505: the end of the war


The vast Dao fluctuations shook the five realms, countless gods and demons wailed, and the infinite Dao manifested from chaos.

At this moment, the powerhouses of the five realms all felt it.

They all understand that in the five realms, there is an immortal goddess who has fallen.

Heavenly Venerate falls, and all the avenues are sad!

"Do not!"

At the same time, all over the heavens and the myriad worlds, there were beings who let out a shrill scream and fell directly.

These are the backhands left by the Lord of Wandao, and they were all wiped out by Qin Yi with the ancient map of Wan Yaomang.

Even Qin Yi used the power of the system to obliterate many of the backhands left by the God Lord of Wandao.

With the fall of the last avatar of the Divine Master of Wandao, the Divine Master of Wandao, who stood on the top of the heavens and ruled the Great World of Wandao and other worlds, fell!

"Wandao Divine Master has fallen?"

"An old-fashioned immortal Tianzun has just fallen?"

"A troubled autumn, another immortal Heavenly Venerate has fallen!"

Seeing this scene, a group of powerhouses from the five realms swayed with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, what kind of existence?

Standing on the top of the five realms, the supreme existence that dominates the dynasties of the gods and the holy places of all ages, like the king of the gods, overlooking the changes in the five realms.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not the immortal Tianzun who wants to die, or falls into the calculation, there are very few Xuxian Tianzun falling.

In the history of the five realms for nearly a hundred epochs, apart from the Seven Hells Heavenly Venerate, and Cang Yi Dao Venerable who 'resurrected from the dead', none of the Immortal Heavenly Venerates have fallen.

If you remove Cang Yi Dao Zun, since the five realms have been around for nearly a hundred epochs, only the Seven Hells Heavenly Venerate, the immortal Heavenly Venerate, has fallen.

Of course, if you go back, because of the invasion of the endless underworld and the abyss of the nine secluded places, several immortal gods have also fallen.

But in the past 100 epochs, only the Seven Prison Heavenly Venerate, the False Immortal Heavenly Clan, has fallen.

Now we want to add another God Lord of Wandao!

"This, this is impossible!"

"I don't believe it, this must not be true, how could the Lord of God fall?"

"It's over, it's over."

The powerhouses of the Myriad Dao Divine Dynasty are even more like a concubine, their faces are pale, and their faces are lost.

In their hearts, the Divine Master of Wandao is like the supreme immortal king, and they are regarded as the white jade pillar of the God of Wandao.

In fact, it does.

Once the Divine Master of Wandao falls, the Divine Dynasty of Wandao is on the verge of collapse!

Everyone knows that without the Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the collapse of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty is a foregone conclusion.


At this moment, if someone turns their attention to the Wandao Dynasty, they can find that the luck of the Wandao Dynasty has already begun to collapse.

Under the rule of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty, many worlds broke out in turmoil.

Either natural disasters or man-made disasters.

This time, even if Zhen Xuanyin made a move, it would not help.

Even Zhen Xuanyin just glanced at the place where the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao fell, sighed, and disappeared directly.

At this time, He no longer had any thoughts of revenge against the Godless Dynasty.

In this case, it is the wisest choice to save oneself first, as for revenge, it can only be postponed.

If there is a chance, Zhen Xuanyin will take revenge on Buluoshenchao, if there is no chance, he will never take action against Buluoshenchao again in his life.

The departure of Zhen Xuanyin further accelerated the demise of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty.

Just as Qin Yi thought, after he suppressed the God Lord of Wandao, the God of Wandao also collapsed.

As long as the army of the God Dynasty does not overwhelm the realm, the territory of the Wandao Dynasty can be fully controlled.

Of course, that's all for later.


After the death of the Divine Master of Wandao, his body and soul were all annihilated, leaving only a furnace and cauldron suspended in the chaos.

It is the natal dao device of the Lord of Wandao, the cauldron of Wandao, a middle-level celestial device.

Wan Dao Lu Ding originally wanted to escape, but because he was injured by Qin Yi's punch, he couldn't move for a while, and the deity fell into a coma.


As soon as Qin Yi raised his hand, Wandao Cauldron fell into Qin Yi's hands under the traction of invisible force.


As soon as the Wandao Cauldron fell into Qin Yi's hands, it seemed to feel something, and let out a whine, trying to break free from Qin Yi's hands.

"Be honest, you don't want to be obliterated by me, just be obedient!"

Qin Yi snorted coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the trembling of Wandao Cauldron stopped.

The **** of Wan Dao Cauldron also has self-knowledge. He knows that if he does not submit to Qin Yi, Qin Yi may really wipe him out.

Although the deity of a Heavenly Venerate Artifact is wiped out, its power will inevitably be greatly reduced.

For example, the Wandao Cauldron is a mid-level Celestial Artifact, if its gods are destroyed, its power will also drop to the level of a low-level Celestial Venerable Artifact.

Only when the gods of Wandao Cauldron are born again can it be possible to restore the power of the peak. This process may be very long and requires a lot of time and energy.

Therefore, the general powerhouse will not easily obliterate the gods of the gods when they get a piece of heavenly artifact.

But the gods of Wandao Cauldron can sense the indifference in Qin Yi's words, Qin Yi really doesn't care about the damage of Wandao Cauldron.

Wan Dao Furnace chose to surrender decisively, and did not choose to follow in the footsteps of the God Master of Wan Dao.

After all, his own life is more important than the so-called caster.

You must know that the lifespan of the gods and gods of the gods is far longer than that of the virtual gods.

Although practitioners break through the seventh realm, their lifespan is beyond the river of time and is no longer limited by lifespan.

However, cultivators will always encounter all kinds of calamities, and may even fall because of it.

Even many immortal gods are no exception, and the gods are different.

The gods of the Celestial Artifact, as long as the body of the Celestial Exalted Artifact is not destroyed, can always exist in the world.

Even if it is lost in the abyss of nine secluded and endless underworld, it is the same.

Even if the realm of the gods falls, the gods of the gods can continue to exist.

In the countless years of history of the five realms, there are not a few celestial gods who have fallen, but very few gods and gods who have perished.

In this case, the God of Ten Thousand Dao Furnace will naturally know how to choose.

And Qin Yi really didn't care about the Wandao Cauldron. For him, the Wandao Cauldron was optional.

It's just a middle-level Heavenly Venerate weapon, and he doesn't care much.

You must know that there are no less than ten pieces of Heavenly Venerate Artifacts in Qin Yi's hands. Among them, there are the ancient map of Wan Yaomang and the Heavenly Primordial Sword. These are treasures whose power is far beyond the ordinary Heavenly Venerate Artifacts.

If Wandao Furnace is willing to surrender, that's all, if Wandao Furnace is unwilling to surrender, Qin Yi will directly take action to obliterate its gods.


Wan Dao Cauldron trembled, and a strand of source power floated out and fell into Qin Yi's palm.

Qin Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he instantly refined the power of the source, and the Wandao Cauldron completely surrendered to Qin Yi.

With the surrender of Wan Dao Cao Ding, this battle will come to an end completely, and it will be a successful conclusion to the victory of the dynasty.


The aftermath of this battle is still slowly emerging.

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