Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4525: arrange

The development of thousands of years has made the foundation of the Buluoshen Dynasty soar, and many immortals have improved a lot, and even broke through the original realm.

For example, Jumang Zuwu, Yimu Tianzun, and Dian Wei have all broken through the peak Tianzun of the virtual fairyland.

Needless to say, Jumang Zuwu has already stood at the peak of the late virtual fairyland, and it is also expected to break through the peak of the virtual fairyland in a thousand years.

Yimu Tianzun also broke through the late stage of the imaginary fairyland thousands of years ago. A few years ago, he also achieved a breakthrough with the blessing of the indomitable spirit and luck, as well as the blessing of many resources and the space-time cultivation pavilion.

Now, Ottomu Tianzun is still in a stable cultivation base, but he has indeed broken through the peak of the virtual fairyland.

Not to mention Dian Wei, his cultivation and aptitude are all top-notch. Since Qin Yi summoned him, he has cultivated in the late stage of the virtual fairyland.

A thousand years is enough for him to break through the peak of the virtual fairyland.

In addition, Taiyi Demon Venerable also broke through the peak of the virtual fairyland a few months ago.

To a certain extent, Taiyi Demon Venerable is the reincarnation of the True Immortal Creation, inheriting all the inheritance of the True Immortal Creation.

His body has been transformed by the True Immortal of Creation into a Immortal Destiny Body that is in perfect harmony with the Heavenly Art of Creation.

Coupled with the blessings of other conditions of the Godless Dynasty, Taiyi Demon Venerable broke through the peak of the virtual fairyland a few months ago, and now he is also stabilizing his realm.

If you count Xu Da, there are four Immortal Heavenly Venerates in the Buluoshen Dynasty today.

And the fifth Void Wonderland Peak Heavenly Venerate is Qin Yi himself.

After thousands of years of hard work, it took ten epochs to change to the time and space training pavilion, and Qin Yi's deity finally broke through the peak of the virtual fairyland.

However, just like Yimu Tianzun and Taiyi Demon Lord, Qin Yi's deity has just broken through the peak of the virtual fairyland for a few months, and is still consolidating his own cultivation.

That is to say, Qin Yi's deity, Yimu Tianzun, and Taiyi Mozun are temporarily unable to take action, which is why Qin Yi has not attacked the Chunyang Spear Sect for the time being.

As long as Qin Yi's deity, Yimu Tianzun, and Taiyi Demon Zun are all stable and cultivated, it will be the time when the gods don't fall in love with the Chunyang Spear Sect.

Qin Yi will not let go of the forces behind the Chunyang Spear Sect.

If the calculations fail to fall, you must be prepared to pay the corresponding price.

Of course, before that, you can't say no to the gods, otherwise, the other forces in the five realms really think that the gods are easy to bully.

"Monkey King, you go to the Chunyang Spear Sect."

Qin Yi pondered for a while, and said to Sun Wukong, who was cultivating in the depths of Fushendu, with his spiritual sense.

After doing this, Qin Yi lowered his mind and continued to practice.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sun Wukong immediately bowed his body, and immediately left without falling out of the gods.


The speed of Sun Wukong is extremely fast, and in an instant, he crosses countless chaotic paths, leaves the eastern boundary, and enters the central boundary.

The Chunyang Spear Sect was originally the eastern area of ​​the central boundary, a holy land of ancient times.

It is a pity that the Pure Sun Gun Zun fell as early as six hundred epochs, and the Pure Sun Spear Sect also declined and became a first-class top force.

Even, in the following six hundred epochs, the Chunyang Spear Sect has risen and fallen several times, and almost drowned in the long river of history.

But because the Chunyang Spear Sect is prosperous, after each decline, there will soon be a demon rising up, leading the Chunyang Spear Sect back to the ranks of the first-class top forces.

Therefore, the Pure Sun Spear Sect has continued to this day.

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