Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4534: information

The closure of the mountain by the Chunyang Spear Sect caused quite a stir in the eastern part of the Central Territory, and also attracted many people to investigate.

Many forces quickly inquired about the causes and consequences, and they couldn't help but feel the incomparable fear of the methods and domineering of the Godless Dynasty.

Just because of a few arrogant evildoers, the Supreme Pure Yang Taoist, the headmaster of the Chunyang Spear Sect, was directly killed without falling into the gods.

How arrogant this is!

But it is precisely because of this that many forces are even more afraid of the Godless Dynasty.

But none of this has much to do with the Buluoshen Dynasty, or in other words, this scene was intentionally guided by the Buluoshen Dynasty.

Tianyao Continent.

In the depths of Chenglong Hall, in a secret realm.


Under the ancient tree of enlightenment, Qin Yi sat on the stone bench, holding a few pieces of information in his hand.

"There is no change in the forces of the Taoist Holy Land, and there is no change in the forces of the gods and beasts of the heavens?"

Qin Yi looked at the information from the Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and others, and his eyes flashed.

Before letting Sun Wukong take action against the Chunyang Spear Sect, Qin Yi sent a message to Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and others to search for information about the ancient forces in the Taoist holy land, the gods and beasts of the gods and other forces.

"There are still news of the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect, as well as Kunlong Tianzun and other buried fairyland Tianzun."

Qin Yi's expression moved slightly.

If it wasn't for the Holy Land of Taoism and the gods and beasts of the gods, then there would be only Western Heavenly Buddhism, and the Heavenly Venerates such as Kunlong Tianzun, who might not fall into the gods' dynasty.


At this moment, a stream of light passed through the void and landed in front of Qin Yi.

The stream of light dissipated and turned into a jade slip. Qin Yi took the jade slip and pierced it with divine sense, and instantly knew the contents of the jade slip.

"The Great Quiet Destroys the Buddhist Sect?"

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in the depths of his eyes.

According to the news passed by Fahai, a few days ago, the Great Nirvana Buddha had left the Great Nirvana Buddhist Sect several times and went to other Buddhist forces.

That is to say, the forces that do not fall into the divine dynasty are most likely to be the Great Quiet Destruction Buddhist Sect, or the Great Quiet Destruction of the Buddhist Sect and many other forces.

"Interesting, I haven't asked you to count the many previous grievances, yet you dare to count me out again?"

Qin Yi's expression sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The Great Quiet Destruction Buddha Sect's previous resentment against the Buluoshen Dynasty, Qin Yi has not yet settled with the Great Nirvana Buddha Sect, and the Great Desolation Buddha Dare to attack the Buluoshen Dynasty?

Is it true that if you don't fall into the gods, it's just a mess?

"Or, does the Great Silent Buddha think that I can't find the real murderer behind the scenes?"

Qin Yi sneered.

In fact, according to the arrangement of the Great Nirvana Buddha, it is not possible to find the Great Silent Buddha Sect hidden behind the Chunyang Spear Sect.

After all, the Great Desolation Buddha did not fall into the gods' dynasty with the help of the Chunyang Spear Sect.

Even if you don't fall in love with the Chunyang Spear Sect, the Great Quiet Extinguishing Buddha Sect just asks the Black Xuan Dao Zun to make a move and hide himself in the dark.

And if Fahai had not become a pivotal figure in Western Buddhism, he might not have been able to discover the movements of the Great Silent Buddha.

Of course, no matter what the strength of the Buddha of the Great Desolation, Qin Yi can't just let it go, and he must make the Buddha pay the price.

"However, this matter needs to be considered in the long run."

Qin Yi touched his chin and thought about it in his heart.

Dealing with the Great Desolation Buddha Sect is no better than dealing with the Pure Yang Spear Sect. The power of the Great Desolation Buddhist Sect is far superior to the Pure Yang Spear Sect, and there is an immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Behind it, there is a gigantic object like Western Heaven Buddhism!

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