Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4558: exposed

boundary sea.

An ancient and powerful existence stood with his hands behind his back, and the vast aura was constantly colliding, setting off an unimaginable storm.

The masters of the boundary sea, the giant beasts of the boundary sea fled in a hurry, and they didn't dare to stay here at all.

Just the aftermath of the collision of breaths is enough to kill all the creatures in the early stage of the virtual fairyland. Even the Tianzun in the early stage of the virtual fairyland, I am afraid that they will be directly and seriously injured.

Because the powerhouses gathered here are all the top existences in the Immortal Burial Domain.

Any one stomping, the Immortal Burial Domain will be shaken!

Not to mention, these powerhouses are all gathered here.

"Dari, take out the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment you got from the five realms!"

Bingfeng True Demon took a step forward and shouted coldly.

"Fellow Daoist Bingfeng, what do you mean by this? The treasures that this seat has obtained from the five realms are the true immortal artifact of the past, the crown of the sun, not the fragments of the avenue jade butterfly."

Dairi Zhenxian's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled lightly.

"Yes or not, you know yourself, this seat is not here to discuss with you whether it is or not, and take out the fragments of the avenue jade butterfly."

Bingfeng True Demon snorted coldly.


As soon as these words came out, Dairi Zhenxian's face suddenly turned gloomy.

The meaning of the words of Bingfeng True Demon is obvious, that is, he is very sure that the treasure obtained from the five realms in the hands of the Great Sun True Immortal is the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment.

"The news leaked?"

Dairi Zhenxian looked gloomy, and immediately thought that someone had leaked the news.

‘The true Buddha of great compassion, or the true Buddha of great merit? ’

Da Ri Zhenxian couldn't help but look at the two people of Great Compassion and True Buddha, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Not a poor monk."

The Great Compassionate True Buddha said with both hands clasped together.

The two of them naturally knew the doubts in the heart of Dairi Zhenxian, but the two of them really didn't leak the news.

'Then who leaked the news? ’

Da Ri Zhenxian's thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly, he thought of Kunlong Tianzun, and he realized it all at once.

The existence of the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment, except for the three people who know about the day, only the Kunlong Tianzun is left.

If it wasn't for the two people of Great Compassion and True Buddha leaking the news, then only Kunlong Tianzun would be left.

Previously, the Great Sun Immortal only rescued Kunlong Tianzun, which made Kunlong Tianzun resentful. However, the Da Ri Zhenxian did not care and would not care.

It's just a disciple, how could it make him care too much?

However, the Great Sun Zhenxian never thought that Kunlong Tianzun would dare to betray him and pass the news of the Jade Butterfly Fragment on the Dao to the Bingfeng True Demon.


Thinking of this, Da Ri Zhenxian poured out endless killing intent in his heart, wishing to annihilate Kunlong Tianzun directly into nothingness.

It's a pity that if you want to deal with Kunlong Tianzun, you must first get through this calamity. Ten beings at the peak level of the virtual fairyland come together, even if he is the reincarnation of the nine-day real immortal, he will feel a headache.

After all, the big day real immortal is just breaking through the peak of the virtual fairyland now.

"Da Ri, what do you want to do next?"

At this time, the voices of the True Buddha of Great Compassion and True Buddha of Great Merit also resounded in the mind of the True Immortal Day.

Originally, according to their initial plan, they used the corona crown as a substitute to fool the Lord of the Abyss and others.

In the beginning, everything went according to their expectations, but with the arrival of Bingfeng True Demon and others, breaking their calculations, it seemed that they had already fallen into an extremely dangerous situation.

If it is just the Lord of Tianyuan and others, Dairi Zhenxian and others are not afraid.

However, if the Taiyi Demon Venerable and the Bingfeng True Demons, together with the Lord of Heaven and Abyss, and the others, would definitely not be opponents.

"We must find a way to resolve this difficulty."

Dairi Zhenxian's thoughts turned sharply, thinking about a solution to the current predicament.

In fact, there is a very simple way for Da Ri Zhenxian to resolve the current predicament, and that is to abandon the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment obtained from the five realms.

However, just handing over the fragments of the Daoyu Butterfly, Da Ri Zhenxian was unwilling.

In order to find this Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment, Da Ri Zhenxian spent a lot of energy, effort, and even risked his way to the five realms, and only then took this Dao Jade Butterfly fragment back.

According to his initial plan, with the help of the fragments of this avenue jade butterfly, he can completely re-enter the half-step true fairyland in a few epochs.

Even, a glimpse of the threshold of the real wonderland.

How could he be willing to let him hand it over like this?

However, judging from the current situation, it would be difficult for him to get rid of the current predicament if he did not hand over this Dao Jade Butterfly Dao Fragment.

"Daoist Dao friend, in this way, the treasure you got from the five realms is not the crown of the sun, but the fragments of the avenue of jade butterflies.

In other words, the three fellow Daoists were deceiving us just now? "

Just as Dainichi Zhenxian hesitated, a voice suddenly sounded.

Da Ri Zhenxian raised his eyes to see that it was the Taiyi Demon Venerable who questioned him in a deep voice.

Taiyi Demon Venerable has already received news from Qin Yi, and asked him to provoke the relationship between Dairi Zhenxian and others and the Lord of Tianyuan and others, and let the powerhouses fight.

Although he was puzzled, because it was His Majesty's order, he did not refuse, but faithfully fulfilled Qin Yi's order.

And when Taiyi Demon Venerable opened his mouth, the Lord of Tianyuan and the others also came to realize that they looked at Dairi Zhenxian with a bad look on their faces, with a faint killing intent in their eyes.

This move by the real immortals is tantamount to playing them like monkeys, how can they not be angry?


As the eyes of many powerhouses fell, the enormous pressure fell on the Great Sun True Immortal, and even the Great Sun True Immortal could not help but change his face.

This is the existence of ten virtual fairyland peaks. Their eyes are gathered together, and it is impossible for the big day to ignore it, and they will also feel unimaginable pressure.

"Everyone wants to get the fragments of this Dao Jade Butterfly, but the deity has only one Dao Jade Butterfly fragment, how do you want to divide it?"

Facing the accusations of the powerhouses, Dairi Zhenxian did not panic, but asked a sharp question.

This is a problem that the Lord of the Abyss and others cannot avoid, and that is the problem of how to distribute the spoils.

The Da Ri Zhenxian obtained only one Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment from the five realms, while the Lord of the Abyss and others had ten people. How to distribute this Dao Jade Butterfly fragment is another problem.

For a time, undercurrents surged among the Lord of the Abyss and others, and they were somewhat guarded against each other.

Regarding the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment, which of the many powerhouses present is unmoved, does not want to take it as his own, and is even less likely to hand it over to others.

In this case, the Lord of the Abyss and others will also become rivals.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. We will find a way to solve it. If you want to come here, you won't have any opinions."

Bingfeng True Demon snorted coldly and said lightly.

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