Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4563: Qin Yi's attention


The Taiyi Demon Venerable punched down, straight like a supreme immortal king sitting in the middle of the sky, wrapped in a supreme power and fell with a punch of the strongest.

The violent power ravaged the void, as if to tear apart the void of the world.

It is as if this sea of ​​​​boundary will all collapse and collapse, and turn it into a place of return!


next moment.

The power of the two collided, and unimaginable fluctuations erupted, setting off a monstrous storm of destruction that swept across the nine heavens and ten places.

The Void All Heavens Avenue made a roaring roar, and it seemed to be a little shaky!

In the end, the Void All Heavens Avenue in the Immortal Burial Domain was only evolved from the origin of the Dao, the origin of the true immortals, and the body of the true immortals after the fall of the nine-day true immortals.

In the Great Way of the Void, there are nine nine Heavenly True Immortals with their origins, origins of True Immortals, and Immortal Body of True Immortals.

Not as good as the real road!

The upper limit of the Void All-Heaven Avenue is far less than the 'All-Heaven Avenue' of the five realms. The collision of the peak level of the Void Immortal Realm is enough to shake the Void All-Heaven Avenue.

Not to mention, there are dozens of virtual fairyland peak-level existences in this world sea, fighting each other.

The Void All Heavens Avenue continued to emit a huge roar, as if it was whining and shaking.


However, Tairi Zhenxian and others didn't care about the roar of the Void All Heavens Avenue at all, but kept fighting and colliding, setting off unimaginable fluctuations.

At this moment, the entire Immortal Burial Territory seemed to be shaken by this wave.

Many emperor-level powers and masters of the world have to touch the world where they are, and stay far away from the place where Dainian Zhenxian and others fight.

No one dared to set foot in the area covered by the aftermath. If it was affected by the aftermath, even the Heavenly Venerate in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland would be seriously injured.

The powerhouses of the Immortal Burial Domain can only watch this battle from a distance at this time.


This fluctuation even spread out from the Immortal Burial Domain and fell into the central boundary, shaking the Great Dao of the Heavens.

The powerhouses of the five realms all cast their gazes towards the Immortal Burial Realm.

"What happened in Immortal Burial Domain?"

"What a terrifying fluctuation, is there a virtual fairyland peak Tianzun fighting?"

"Is there a reincarnation of Jiutian Zhenxian fighting?"

The powerhouses of the five realms were puzzled and speculated.

Because of the isolation of the Void All Heavens Avenue, the powerhouses of the five realms, even the ancient Heavenly Venerate at the peak of the Void Immortal Realm, could not investigate the situation in the Immortal Burial Realm.

Many strong people can only speculate what happened in the Immortal Burial Domain based on the fleeting breath.

But there is one thing, many powerhouses have reached a consensus, that is, there is a virtual fairyland peak Tianzun in the Burial Immortal Domain.

Moreover, there are not only two people who shot the peak of the virtual fairyland.

"What happened in the Immortal Burial Domain, which led to the Battle of the Void Immortal Realm Peak Heavenly Venerate? Is it because of the Great Sun True Immortal?"

The powerhouses of the five realms are very curious about this.

Previously, the Great Sun Zhenxian stepped into the five realms and forcibly led away Kunlong Tianzun. At this moment, a war broke out in the Immortal Burial Territory, which made it difficult for many strong people not to have associations.

At the same time, many strong people are also curious about the treasures taken by Kunlong Tianzun.

However, the powerhouses of the five realms did not intend to enter the Immortal Burial Realm to investigate.

After all, if you are a little careless, you may be trapped in the Immortal Burial Territory, just like the ancestor of the unicorn, and may even fall into the Immortal Burial Territory because of this.

Even if you enter the Immortal Burial Territory, you will at most only send a clone of yourself to enter the Immortal Burial Territory to investigate the situation.

Just when the powerhouses of the five realms were hesitating whether to enter the Immortal Burial Territory, Qin Yi had brought Xu Da and the Immortal Master Good Fortune to the void of the realm of the sea where Da Ri Zhenxian and others were fighting.

"very good."

Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, Qin Yi nodded in satisfaction.

This is exactly the scene he expected, only the more difficult the scene, the greater the possibility that he will capture the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment, as well as the Da Ri Zhenxian and others in the hands.

If Dairi Zhenxian and others are at their peak, even if Qin Yi joins forces with Xu Da and Taiyi Mozun, they may not be able to win the fragments of Daoyu Butterfly from Da Ri Zhenxian and others.

As long as Da Ri Zhenxian and others are injured, it will be much easier for Qin Yi to win the Dao Jade Butterfly Fragment.

"The Lord of Tianyuan has already set foot in the half-step real fairyland. Even the true Buddha of great merit and the true Buddha of great compassion are not opponents?"

And when Qin Yi set his eyes on the battlefield, the first thing he noticed was the Lord of Tianyuan.

The Lord of Tianyuan has one enemy against two, but firmly suppresses the True Buddha of Great Compassion and True Buddha of Great Merit, and the combat power of the two sides is completely different.

Qin Yi can see at a glance that the Lord of Tianyuan has broken through the half-step true fairyland, and is not at the same level as Dairi Zhenxian and others.

In today's Buluoshen Dynasty, there are only a few Xu Da and Jumang Zuwu who can stabilize the existence of the Lord of Heaven.

Even if it is Qin Yi's deity, without using the immortal gourd, the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, etc., the combat power and the master of the sky are only on par.

If Qin Yi's deity wants to defeat the Lord of Tianyuan, he will inevitably pay a big price.

This is a half-step true immortal, with tyrannical combat power, how can it be a good existence?

Qin Yi will not underestimate anyone, let alone a half-step true immortal.

If it is said that every existence who can prove the existence of Dao Xunxian Tianzun is a momentary hero, one may appear in dozens of epochs.

Then, every existence that can break through the half-step true fairyland is a peerless evildoer with great talent, great luck, and great perseverance. Hundreds or even thousands of epochs may not be able to appear.

There are countless years in the five realms, and the recorded half-step true immortals are less than the number of palms.

It is conceivable that the difficulty level of breaking through the half-step true fairyland is basically one hundred virtual immortals, and there may not be one who can break through the half-step true fairyland.

Of course, the difficulty of breaking through the Nine Heavens True Wonderland is far above the difficulty of breaking through the Half-step True Wonderland.

Just like the first person in the five realms in the past, Xuanhuang Jianzun only broke through the half-step true fairyland, and failed to prove the nine-day true immortal. In the end, in order to break through the true fairyland, he went against the nine-day true immortal, so he fell.

In any case, the Lord of Tianyuan can cultivate to a half-step true fairyland, and he also possesses great luck, great perseverance, and great talent.

Not to mention, the Lord of the Abyss is also the pioneer who opened up the path of the Lord of the World, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the ancestor of the Tao.

Qin Yi has stayed in the Immortal Burial Domain for a thousand years, and he can be said to be thunderous about the many deeds of the Lord of Tianyuan.

At the beginning of the birth of the Immortal Burial Domain, the way of cultivation was still there, but most of them were kept in the hands of the disciples of the true immortals.

The living beings born in the Immortal Burial Domain can only cultivate to the level of the emperor-level almighty at most. If they want to continue their cultivation, they can only worship the disciples of the true immortals.

Other than that, there is no other way.

In the hundreds of epochs from the birth of the Immortal Burial Domain, this has always been the case until the rise of the Lord of the Abyss.

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