Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4613: The strength of the true dragon ancestor


The three Jumang ancestors stood in the chaotic void, their eyes were indifferent, their expressions were neither sad nor happy, and they overlooked the Buddha and others.

The six peaks of the imaginary fairyland may be incomparable in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of the three of them, it is not the case.

With the strength of any one of the three Jumang ancestors and witches, it is enough to defeat the six imaginary fairyland peak Tianzun such as Da Zizai Buddha.

Different from the reincarnation of the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the Great Sun True Immortal, Da Zizai Buddha and others are not the reincarnation of the Nine Heavens True Immortals, and have never mastered the methods of the Great Way above the Immortal Realm.

There is no incomplete true immortal artifact, and in terms of strength, it is far less than the reincarnation of the nine-day true immortal such as the big day true immortal.

Therefore, with the strength of any of the three Jumang Zuwu, they can easily defeat Da Zizai Buddha and others.

This is the gap between realm and power.

It is not an easy task for Jumang Zuwu and the three to kill Da Zizai Buddha and others.

After all, Da Zizai Buddha and others are also the peak Tianzun of the virtual fairyland. To a certain extent, they are also in the same realm as the three Jumang ancestors.

Moreover, killing and defeating are two completely different concepts.

Of course, this is in the case that only one of the three Jumang ancestors has shot. If the three of Jumang ancestors join forces to attack Da Zizai Buddha and others together, they may not be able to kill Da Zizai Buddha and others.


Da Zizai Buddha and others naturally understood this, and there was only one thought left in their minds.

If you don't go, you won't be able to go.

At this time, Da Zizai Buddha and others no longer had any idea of ​​taking action against the Buluoshen Dynasty, let alone capturing the treasures of the Buluoshen Dynasty.

Compared with treasures, his own life is more important.


The next moment, Da Zizai Buddha and the others turned around and left without any hesitation.

The fastest, the first to react are the two ancestors of the real dragon and the real phoenix.


As soon as the two moved, they directly smashed through the chaotic void, turned into a ray of light, and walked towards the depths of the chaos.

"I want to go, don't you feel too late now?"

Seeing this, Jumang Zuwu snorted coldly.

After all, he slowly raised his hand, and instantly crossed countless chaotic paths, and probed towards the two ancestors of the real dragon.


Only to hear a roar that resounded throughout the universe, shaking the heavens and the world.

Countless strong men who could still stay awake looked up and saw an indescribable big hand lying across the chaotic void.

This big hand seems to traverse the entire eastern boundary, occupying all the sights of countless powerhouses!

How big is the Eastern Frontier?

There are as many worlds as Hengsha, many of which are Daqian worlds, and there are more than one thousand worlds that are unimaginable.

But at this moment, in front of this big hand, it seems extraordinarily small.

A square of a thousand worlds is like a marble next to this big hand, reduced to an ornament.


With a light grip of the big hand, it is as if the heavens and the world, the endless universe, and the laws of the Great Dao are all grasped in the palm of your hand.

The supreme will of Tyrant swept through the chaos, sealing all the voids in the tens of millions of chaos.

The huge pressure directly pressed on the two ancestors of the real dragon, as if to suppress them on the spot.

Big hands cover the sky, across all worlds!

"no no!"

The ancestor of the real phoenix changed color in dismay, and his eyes were full of horror.

In front of this big hand, He seems to have turned into a child, without any ability to resist this blow!

Not even able to continue to escape.


Just when the true phoenix ancestor thought he was going to be suppressed, a sigh suddenly sounded.

Then, an invisible force enveloped him.

Under the influence of this invisible force, the true phoenix ancestor actually got rid of the influence of this big hand and could continue to escape.

"This is?"

The ancestor of the real phoenix was shocked, and he couldn't help but look at the ancestor of the real dragon beside him.

This invisible power comes from the real dragon ancestor, and the real dragon ancestor at this moment is exuding power far beyond the peak of the virtual fairyland.

Half-step real fairy!

The ancestor of the real dragon has broken through the half-step real fairyland!

The breath of the ancestor of the real dragon is enough to compete with the ancestor of Jumang. Obviously, it has broken through the half-step real fairyland.

"The ancestor of the real dragon actually broke through the half-step real fairyland?"

The virtual immortals who were watching couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, soon all the virtual immortals also suddenly realized that the ancestor of the real dragon is one of the oldest gods in the five realms. It was born from the origin of the real dragon and naturally occupies the origin of the real dragon avenue.

It can be said that he is a figure of the same generation as the ancient gods such as Taikoo Thor and Taikoo Qingdi.

And the first ancestor of the real dragon has broken through the peak of the virtual fairyland for hundreds of epochs. It is also reasonable to break through the half-step real fairyland.


The real dragon ancestor sighed in his heart.

He didn't want to reveal his own cultivation, but now, he had to expose his cultivation to save the True Phoenix ancestor.

Like him, the ancestor of Zhenhuang is the mainstay of the gods and beasts of the heavens.

If the ancestor of the true phoenix falls, it will also be an unimaginable huge blow for the gods and beasts of the heavens. It will not only affect the true phoenix family, but also the true dragon family.

Therefore, the ancestor of the real dragon can only expose his true cultivation base and protect the ancestor of the real phoenix.

"The three who do not fall into the gods, my gods and beasts have no intention to be enemies with you, and I also ask the three fellow Taoists to be merciful, and the two of us will leave now."

The ancestor of the real dragon said, with a hint of emotion in his eyes.

Before this battle, who would have thought that the Godless Dynasty would have such a heritage?

The three half-step true immortals, with such power, are not comparable to the gods and beasts of the gods, even if you count the hidden background of the gods and beasts of the gods.


After that, the ancestor of the real dragon took the ancestor of the real phoenix and left decisively.

Before leaving, the first ancestor of the real dragon could not catch a glimpse of the divine ship, as if he saw the supreme and noble figure, and at the same time, he seemed to feel the throbbing of his own blood.

In fact, as early as a long time ago, when the Buluoshen Dynasty had just risen, the first ancestor of the real dragon had paid attention to the Buluoshen Dynasty, or Qin Yi.

At that time, he felt a familiar throbbing of blood from Qin Yi.

At first, the ancestor of the real dragon only thought that Qin Yi had a trace of the blood of the real dragon clan, and he was the descendant of a real dragon, but later, he discovered that Qin Yi actually had the same blood of the ancestor dragon as him.

In other words, Qin Yi is fully qualified to replace him, occupy the True Dragon Avenue, and become the new source of the True Dragon family.

When he discovered this, the first ancestor of the real dragon thought about taking action against Qin Yi and killing Qin Yi.

However, he later found out that Qin Yi was practicing the Emperor's Avenue, not the True Dragon's Avenue, so he gradually let go of his killing intent.

Of course, there are also reasons for the mangzu witch, the closure of the road, and so on.

But the attention to Qin Yi, the real dragon ancestor did not stop.

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