Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4621: The phantom old man and the immortal man

In the True Dragon Hall, after the virtual immortals of the gods and beasts of the gods reached an agreement, the whole clan of gods and beasts also began to operate.

Many powerhouses from the gods and beasts of the heavens were sent out to contact the powerhouses of the Buddhist and Taoist holy places in the Western Heaven, intending to take action against the Buluoshenchao.

As predicted by the old man Linghuan and others, Western Heaven Buddhism and Taoist Holy Land also deliberately took action against the Buluoshen Dynasty, suppressing and dividing the Buluoshen Dynasty.

The two sides hit it off and discussed the matter of making a move against Fushenchao together.

And the gods and beasts of the gods are secretly in contact with the real ancestor of the unicorn, wanting to get in touch with the strong people who do not fall into the gods, and even with Qin Yi through the relationship of the unicorn family.

Just like the strategies formulated by the old man Linghuan and the Daoist Buku when discussing matters of all ethnic groups, everything is proceeding step by step.

But Xuanwu Ancestor and others didn't know that after leaving the True Dragon Palace, the old man Linghuan and the Daoist Buku seemed to have returned to their respective races, leading the next move against the Buluoshen Dynasty.

But in fact, the phantom old man and the Buku Daoist sent their own clones to the one side of the world.

This Fangzhongqian world is not special, it is ruled by a dynasty of emperors.

But the special thing about Thousand Worlds in this side is that it is close to the eastern border, and it is less than ten million chaotic Taoli distance from the eastern border.

This world is called Yunkongjie.


After coming to the Yunkong Realm, the avatars of the Linghuan Old Man and the Buku Daoist did not stop, nor did they go to the Master of the Yunkong Realm, but went deep into the Yunkong Realm.

Soon, he entered a secret realm in the depths of Yunkongjie.

The secret realm is not big, there is only one big tree covering the sky, which seems to support the entire secret realm.

Under this big tree, there is a stone table and a few stone benches.

A man dressed in a Confucian shirt, with a refined temperament and an air of immortality, was sitting on a stone bench, sipping a cup of green tea.

The man in the Confucian shirt saw the ghostly old man and the Buku Daoist, and quickly got up and bowed his hands:

"Daoist Linghuan, fellow Daoist not dry, please take a seat."

"Fellow Shang Yang, you are polite."

The old man Linghuan and the Daoist Buku did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly returned the salute to the man in the Confucian shirt.

This man in a Confucian shirt is a business sheep.

As for why the ghostly old man and the Taoist do not cry come to see Shang Yang?

It is very simple, that is because the illusory old man and the Daoist Buku have long since surrendered to the Godless Dynasty, serving for the courtiers of the Godless Dynasty and serving the Dynasty.


Xuanwu ancestors waited for the immortal gods of the gods and beasts of the gods, and he never thought that the two big think tanks of the gods reached out to the gods, all of them have already surrendered to the gods and worked for the gods.

In fact, as early as hundreds of years ago, when the daughter of the great elder of the Nine-Tailed Tianhu Clan married Zhang Zhenshan, the two of them had already surrendered to the Buluoshen Dynasty and became members of the Buluoshen Dynasty.

As for the previous discussion of the ten thousand clans, the two old people Linghuan were so active in urging the gods and beasts of the gods to take action against Buluoshenchao, and there were natural reasons for their various plans.

"I wonder how the strategy set by Lord Zhuge and others has been implemented?"

When the old man Linghuan sat down, Shang Yang asked.

"Everything went well, and everything went according to the strategy set by Lord Zhuge and others.

The gods and beasts of the heavens have already thought according to the original plan, while suppressing my Buluoshen Dynasty, and at the same time allying with Buluoshen Dynasty, and then we can proceed to the third step of the original plan. "

The phantom old man nodded immediately.

That's right, the strategies proposed by the two elders in the Ten Thousand Clan discussions are all strategies that Zhuge Liang and others have formulated long ago.

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