Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4637: Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate


The avenues of the heavens roared, shaking the five realms.

The three thousand avenues vibrated in unison, and the rhythm of the Dao hung down and merged into Lu Bu's body.

Visions appeared one after another, purple air swept across the sky, immortal light descended from the sky, and golden lotuses surged from the ground.

At this moment, all beings in the Northern Wilderness Realm can perceive this vast vision.


Many visions lasted for a period of time, and suddenly they were closed, and they turned into a streamer and merged into Lu Bu's body, making Lu Bu's body and soul complete the final transformation, reaching a state of perfection.


At the same time, Lu Bu's mind was shocked, and his own will was instantly separated from the flesh, infinitely elevated, and flew into an unknown place.

Avenue of the Heavens.

As soon as he entered this area, a hint of enlightenment rose in Lu Bu's heart. This is the origin of the Great Dao of Halberds.

At a glance, you can see a long river in front of you that doesn't know where it started or where it ends, rolling forward from time to time.

In just a split second, Lu Bu felt countless mysterious and profound truths about the Dao of Halberds.

Even, you can see the existence of the avenue of cultivation halberds.

Among them, the most stalwart existence is the figure in the deepest part of the long river, but this figure is a bit dim and fuzzy, as if it may be directly broken at any time.

This is exactly the rhythm that Shenxu Tianzun engraved on the avenue of halberds. As long as Lu Bu shatters this rhyme and mounts his own Dao rhyme, Lv Bu can complete the final step of proving the Taoism and truly achieve Xuxian Tianzun. .


Lu Bu took a step forward and stepped into the origin of the Great Dao of the Dao of Halberds.

Then, without much hesitation, directly at the source of the Dao of the Halberd, imprint the Taoist rhythm that belongs to oneself, and wipe out the Taoist rhythm of Shenxu Tianzun.


In an instant, the long river transformed by the road of the halberd set off a monstrous storm, like a real dragon roaring and roaring, making a roaring sound.

This wave of fluctuations dissipated in an instant, shaking the entire five realms, as if countless gods and demons uttered a majestic sound of praise.

At this moment, in the five realms, as long as the beings whose cultivation base has reached the Saint Realm, can clearly feel the fluctuations originating from the avenue of halberds.

Countless powerhouses looked up and saw a long river rolling forward.

And at the source of the long river, a stalwart figure holds the Fangtianhua halberd, overlooking the heavens and the world.

"I am the **** of ghosts and gods, Lu Bu!"

Lu Bu's expression was indifferent, and his voice did not contain the slightest emotional fluctuations.

The next moment, under the influence of the Great Road of the Halberd, his voice was like a wave, and it spread to countless worlds.

At this moment, many powerhouses in the five realms knew that there was another virtual immortal Tianzun standing on the top of the five realms.

"Praise the gods and gods, Lu Bu!"

"Praise the gods and gods, Lu Bu!"

"Praise the gods and gods, Lu Bu!"

At the same time, the praises of gods and demons in the void also changed, becoming more and more magnificent.

Various visions reappeared, but this time the vision was even bigger than before, filling hundreds of millions of miles of chaotic void, which was the great joy of Dao.

If at this moment, there are emperors of the sixth realm in the chaotic void of hundreds of millions of miles, maybe they can comprehend and break through the shackles of the seventh realm, so as to transcend the long river of time.

Even the giants of the heavens above the seventh realm can comprehend.


Lu Bu stood on the source of the halberd, bathed in divine brilliance, covered his body with infinite fairy light, and held the Fangtianhua halberd in his hand, like an invincible divine general.

The eyes are staring, shocking the ages of eternity!

"With such power, the Godless Dynasty will add another powerful combat power."

A strong man couldn't help but sigh.

"It's still early, let's wait until this person survives the next calamity and survives from the hands of a group of powerhouses in the Western Heaven Realm."

There were also strong people who scoffed and were not optimistic that Lu Bu would survive.

If Lü Bu were to prove the Way in the Eastern Frontier, many powerhouses from the Western Heavenly Buddhism and other forces would be unlikely to threaten Lü Bu even if they wanted to make a move.

But in the Northern Wilderness Realm, that's not necessarily the case.

Once robbed and killed by the powerhouses of Western Heaven Buddhism, it is very likely that he will perish.


The fluctuation of the Dao gradually ceased, and many visions converged. The Dao's power surrounding Lu Bu dissipated, and Lu Bu's consciousness also waved into his body.


At this moment, an incomparably dazzling black sword light suddenly appeared within a thousand miles in front of Lu Bu, and instantly swept across the void.

Before the knife light shot, there was no trace of it, as if it was there from the beginning.

However, when the knife light appeared, an unimaginably terrifying aura swept out, like an ancient demon god, holding a magic knife in his hand, slashing the strongest blow.

Wherever the sword light passed, the chaotic void was completely destroyed, and the laws and avenues seemed to be cut off.

The terrifying power, even if it is separated by hundreds of millions of chaotic Dao, can feel the monstrous power contained in it, which is enough to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.


The black knife light swept across the void and pointed directly at Lu Bu's head, with a speed that was difficult for others to touch.

Even Lu Bu didn't notice it for a while.

When Lu Bu reacted, the black sword light had already approached him, and he only had time to dodge sideways, barely avoiding the fatal blow.

It is a pity that he was still injured by the knife light, and a drop of Tianzun's blood fell into the void, directly penetrating countless void dimensions.

Looking at Lu Bu again, he saw a shocking knife mark appearing on Lu Bu's body, extending from the left shoulder to the abdomen, with deep bones visible.

Just a little bit, Lu Bu was directly divided into two by the black knife light!

"This is?"

A group of strong men were suddenly startled, and quickly looked at the place where the black knife light was.

At this time, the black blade light had already revealed its original shape. It was a long blade that was as dark as ink and engraved with countless strange magic patterns.


The shrill demonic roar was transmitted from the black long knife, shaking the chaotic universe.

It seems that there are countless demon gods being sealed, and they may tear the seal at any time and walk out of the magic knife.

And this black sword is being held by a man in black at the moment.

The man in black has a slightly stooped figure, with a withered face, no trace of blood, no whites in his eyes, only black eyes, giving people the feeling that he has just crawled out of the endless underworld, and nothing is left to devour.

But upon closer inspection, the man in black had a faint 'swastika' mark in the depths of his eyes.

"Devouring the Heavenly Demon Sword, Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate!"

The moment they saw the black-clothed man, a group of Xuxian Tianzun recognized the black-clothed man's identity as a guardian demon of the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect.

Xitian Buddhism is most fond of transcendence, transforming the existence of other Daoists into Buddhism and serving for Xitian Buddhism.

For this reason, Xitian Buddhism also sticks gold on their faces, calling this act of saving sentient beings.

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