Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4639: That's it


The Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate turned into a streamer and disappeared into the chaotic void.

Lu Bu did not pursue, he had lost the best time to stop the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate.

If a Xuxian Tianzun wants to escape, he may not be able to stop him from the same realm, not to mention, Lu Bu's realm cultivation base is far weaker than the magic knife Tianzun.

In this case, Lu Bu will not do useless work.

Moreover, Lu Bu's initial goal has been achieved. With the help of the magic knife, he has stabilized his cultivation base and completely stepped into the virtual fairyland without the risk of falling into the realm.

With the departure of the Demon Sword Heavenly Venerate, the other powerhouses from the Western Heavenly Buddha Sect and other forces did not entangle too much with the powerhouses who did not fall into the gods, and left directly.

This battle also ended.

"This is the end?"

The crowd of onlookers, Xuxian Tianzun, looked astonished, a little incredible.

They thought that if forces such as Xitian Buddhism attacked and killed Lu Bu, they might not be able to take away the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, but at least they would kill Lu Bu.

As a result, this is it?

Not only did they not kill Lu Bu, but instead they fled in embarrassment?

"Nothing can be done. It is the best choice for the powerhouses of Western Heaven and Buddhism to retreat."

There is Xuxian Tianzun said indifferently.

The actions of Demon Sword Tianzun and others are easy to understand. At the beginning, the goal of the Western Heavenly Buddha Sect and other forces was to attack and kill Lu Bu with the momentum of thunder, and kill Lu Bu before the Fallen Dynasty did not react.

For this reason, Xitian Buddhism has already used the background of his own body to let the magic knife Tianzun take action.

In the eyes of the powerhouses such as Xitian Buddhism, with the cultivation base at the peak of the early stage of the virtual fairyland, it is not easy to kill Lu Bu, who has just set foot in the virtual fairyland.

Originally, the calculations of the forces such as Xitian Buddhism were perfect, but unfortunately, the forces of Xitian Buddhism and other forces underestimated Lu Bu, and Lu Bu, relying on the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, was able to resist the magic knife Tianzun.

The calculations of the forces of Xitian Buddhism and other forces will naturally fail.

Demon Sword Tianzun and other powerhouses such as Xitian Buddhism, no matter how unwilling they are in their hearts, they can only turn around and leave.

Otherwise, the powerhouses such as Demon Sword Tianzun, do you still have to fight to the death with the powerhouses who are not in the gods?

Even if the Demon Sword Tianzun and the others thought about it, the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect and other forces and the Buluoshen Dynasty would not allow it.

Judging from the current situation, a weak balance is being maintained between the Buluoshen Dynasty and the Western Heavenly Buddhism, and who would not want to break this balance.

The forces of Xitian Buddhism and other forces joined forces to suppress the development momentum of the Unfallen Dynasty.

Buluo Shen Dynasty fell silent, digested the previous gains, and developed with peace of mind.

If this balance is broken, it will inevitably be a shocking battle sweeping the five realms.

This is something that neither side wants to see, and it is something that both sides try to avoid. After all, no one wants to start this war that sweeps across the five realms.

Once this war is started, no matter victory or defeat, there will be a very heavy price to pay.

Otherwise, Xitian Buddhism and other forces would not choose to join forces to suppress the Buluoshen Dynasty.

The same is true for the Buluoshen Dynasty. Even compared to the Western Heavenly Buddhism and other forces, the Buluoshen Dynasty hopes to maintain this fragile balance.

Under this balance, the Unfallen Dynasty can digest the income, completely transform the entire Eastern Frontier into the territory of the Unfallen Dynasty, constantly improve the background of one's own body, and cultivate more powerhouses.

At the same time, Buluo Shen Dynasty can secretly nibble away the gods and beasts of the heavens.

Therefore, whether it is the choice of Demon Sword Tianzun and others, or Lu Bu's choice, it can be understood.

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