Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4662: successive shots

Although the group of virtual immortals did not know the specific realm of the half-step true fairyland, they also understood that they were both half-step true immortals, and they were also different.

It stands to reason that the first ancestor of the real dragon is a strong person in the peak of the virtual fairyland, and he can fight three against one another. Then, after breaking through the half-step real fairyland, the real dragon ancestor should also be the powerhouse in the half-step real fairyland.

At least, it is far better than the Jumang Zuwu who has just broken through the half-step true fairyland.

However, to the surprise of the five realms of the virtual immortals, the Jumang ancestors suppressed the real dragon ancestors in turn. How can this not surprise the virtual immortals?

"Such power?"

The moment he collided with Jumang Zuwu, the expression of the real dragon ancestor changed slightly.

Because of his physical power and blood power, he was actually suppressed by the Jumang Ancestral Witch.

You must know that the real dragon family has always been known for their physical bodies, and their blood is in the same realm. Although they are inferior to the powerhouses of the gods and apes, they are not far behind.

Except for the gods and apes, there are few races that can suppress the real dragons in terms of strength.

The ancestor of the real dragon, as the blood source of the real dragon family, naturally has the same ability, and the physical strength can dominate in the same realm.

Even the ancestor of Xuanwu may not be able to suppress the ancestor of the real dragon in terms of strength.

However, in the collision just now, the True Dragon Ancestor could clearly perceive that his own strength was indeed suppressed by the Jumang Ancestral Witch!

How could the first ancestor of the real dragon know that the Jumang Ancestor Witch has the blood of the Ancestor Witch, and the physical strength and qi and blood power are the fields he is good at.

It must be known that the blood of the ancestors originated from Pangu Supreme, and it was the bloodline evolved from the blood of Pangu Supreme. It can be regarded as the continuation of Pangu Supreme blood.

Pangu Supreme, what kind of existence?

This is an existence that even the supreme saints such as Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun are inferior.

Even if he is the master of the sages such as Lingbao Tianzun of the Qing Dynasty, Daoist Hongjun should be inferior to Pangu Supreme!

The continuation of such existing bloodlines is not comparable to the true dragon bloodline, and even the ancestor dragon bloodline is inferior. Jumang Ancestor Wu can naturally suppress the real dragon ancestor in terms of physical strength.

"Take the punch!"

Jumang Zuwu's eyes were indifferent, and he exhaled.

Its sound is like the explosion of hundreds of millions of thunders at the same time, and it is like the sound of the avenues of the heavens breaking out.

Then, it was a punch in the air, and it was shot directly.


This punch was hit like a round that illuminated the sky of all ages, and the great sun that illuminated the heavens suddenly erupted, rushing directly towards the ancestor of the real dragon.

The dazzling light occupied everyone's eyes.


The real dragon ancestor was also not afraid, shouted angrily, and also greeted the mang ancestor witch.

The next moment, the two collided again.

Like the Xuanwu ancestor and the Wudang Virgin, the two ancestors of the real dragon also chose an empty chaotic void to fight against each other to avoid causing too much damage.

In the fight between the two true dragon ancestors, although Jumang Ancestor Wu suppressed the true dragon ancestor, making the true dragon ancestor fall behind.

But it is not a matter of a while for the two to decide the winner.


However, Xitian Buddhism and other forces have stepped out of a half-step true immortal.

Dao Zun Dayi's eyes were indifferent, he walked, waved his big sleeves, and shrouded Qin Yi. In an instant, his sleeves instantly became incomparably huge, as if he wanted to cover all the chaos.

A huge suction force swept out from it, as if to **** everything into it.

In just an instant, everything in the void of hundreds of millions of miles was sucked into it, and all tangible and intangible substances were not able to escape this difficulty.

"Slow down, slow down."

At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded.

Then, a crystal-like jade finger sticks out of the chaotic void, destroying all the suction power that enveloped this void, and at the same time repelling Dao Zun Da Yi.

"Antarctic fairy?"

Dao Zun Da Yi stood with his hands behind his back, with a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

In a place that no one could notice, there was a small hole in his sleeve, which was the trace left by the Antarctic fairy during the collision just now.

Obviously, in the collision just now, Dao Zun Dayi was at an absolute disadvantage.

"Da Yi Daozun, a battle in the depths of chaos."

An indifferent voice from the Antarctic Immortal Weng came from the void, inviting Da Yi Daozun to fight.


Dao Zun Dayi didn't hesitate, and with a movement, he fell into the chaotic void and entered the depths of chaos.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng invites to fight, Dao Zun Dayi is afraid of the Antarctic Immortal Weng's power, but he will not avoid the battle.


The next moment, a powerful wave of power erupted from the depths of the chaos, shaking the boundless chaos.

The infinite chaotic storm rolled out backwards, rushing in all directions, pouring out like a wave, giving people a feeling as if they were about to drown everything.

At this time, if there is a living spirit under Heavenly Venerate who is affected by this fluctuation, it will only feel as if the sky is collapsing, and will be instantly stunned by this fluctuation.

The aftermath of the collision between Antarctica Xianweng and Da Yi Dao Zun was stronger than that of Jumang Zuwu, and it was not inferior to the aftermath of the collision between Wudang Notre Dame.

But a group of Xuxian Tianzun can clearly feel that Da Yi Dao Zun is also in a weak position when facing Antarctic Immortal Weng.

Even, the weakness is even greater than when the real dragon ancestor faced the Jumang ancestor witch!

This battle is likely to be the first battle among the three battles, but this is not a short-term thing.

After all, Dao Zun Dayi is also a half-step true immortal. Even if he is much weaker than Antarctic Immortal Weng, it is not an easy task for Antarctic Immortal Weng to defeat him.

Compared with when the Antarctic Immortal Weng and the two will decide the outcome, the illusory immortals are more concerned about another matter.

"Notre Dame, Antarctic Immortal Weng, Jumang Ancestral Witch, and the three half-step true immortals who are not in the gods have all taken action, but the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect and the Great Wuji Buddha have not taken action."

A group of Xuxian Tianzun showed curiosity.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng and other three half-step true immortals who did not fall into the gods have already taken action, and Qin Yi is busy occupying the source of the Dao of the All Heavens. They want to see what methods the gods have to resist the great Buddha. .

"My Buddha is merciful!"

A Buddha's name, indifferent as the sky.

In an instant, it turned into the sound of the mighty Buddhist chanting, echoing in the chaotic universe.


At the same time, the endless Buddha light burst out, illuminating the universe for billions of miles, like a stream of stars flowing through the chaotic void everywhere, illuminating it.

Countless Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas pay homage, praise and recite sutras, and bless them.


Da Wuji Buddha's precious appearance is solemn, his expression is indifferent and lofty, like a vast avenue, with one hand slowly reaching out.

all of a sudden.

This buddha's hand seems to expand without limit, as if filling the heavens, mountains, rivers, endless seas of stars, and boundless chaos all seem to be within five fingers and square inches!

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