Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 899: Dictate the sky


With a dull sound, the overbearing claw of Tianpeng God was all eliminated!

Under the sky, Qin Yi's clothes were hunting and hunting, with one finger firmly against the giant claws of the Tianpeng **** like a mountain!


The warriors in the barren city looked up, all dumbfounded.

This is a scene they never expected!

For thousands of years, the gods have sat on the sky above the clouds, overlooking the world!

The power of the gods and spirits is so vast that it is nothing to say about turning the river down!

Terran warriors can only crawl humblely under this powerful force!

Today, two people have broken this myth.

First, the Desolate King slammed the gods, fought against the sky with his body, and carried the **** of Tianpeng!

After that, Qin Yi is a mortal, comparable to a god, and equal to Tianpeng God!

"No, it's impossible!"

Tianpeng's eyes sank, and he looked extremely shocked.

He naturally knows the power of his claw best.

It is not impossible to razor the barren city to the ground under one claw!

However, it was this ten-and-so-secure claw that was blocked by Qin Yi!

In his perception, Qin Yiming is nothing but a warrior of heaven and man!

Why can Qin Yi block his claw!

"Human race, this **** is going to devour you!"

The **** Tianpeng roared, as if he walked out of the ancient ferocious bird and bird aura like a savage, rippling away in a flash.


With a cry, Tianpeng God opened a huge mouth, and suddenly a horrible suction shaped like a hurricane pulled from it.


The wind and clouds were surging, and the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles was instantly inhaled into the mouth of Tianpeng God.

The unimaginable suction envelops the entire barren city, as if to swallow the entire barren city!

The fierce bird roars and swallows the sky in one bite!


Countless warriors, their feet were even more unstable, and they were sucked off the ground by this suction force and headed towards Tianpeng God.

"No, no!"

"Let me go, I don't want to die!"

"Please, God Tianpeng let me wait!"

Countless warriors cried bitterly, wanting to pray for God Tianpeng to let them go.

However, Tianpengshen turned a deaf ear to this, his blue eyes were cold and merciless.

"Stupid mortal, in front of this god, you won't be able to escape the fall!"

The voice of Tianpeng God echoed in the world.

The monstrous suction fell on Qin Yi and sucked him off the ground.

Even so, Qin Yi still looked complacent, and even the corner of his mouth was joking.

This was seen by God Tianpeng, and couldn't help being furious!

The humble ant, before the power of the gods, dare to show this posture?

It's just a tiny human being who is so leisurely when death is imminent?

"Death to the god!"

The voice of Tianpeng God became louder and full of anger in his heart.


The golden feather of the Tianpeng god, instantly uttered Huo Huo Shenhui.

The suction in his mouth also suddenly skyrocketed, like a long whale sucking water, and it is about to swallow countless warriors in the deserted city in one bite!


At this moment, Qin Yi smiled suddenly and uttered a divine voice.


The next moment, the surrounding space is certain, and the void is like being still!

The previously extremely violent suction suddenly stopped!

Countless warriors in the barren city were held upright in the air!

The area within a hundred li radius was solidified, and no matter how Tianpeng God urged the demon element, there was no reaction at all.

Qin Yi's body stood in the air, like a pin of the sea god, suppressing everything!

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