Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 902: The so-called gods, I will step on it

"Get away from the god!"

Tianpeng God screamed, stunned the sky and contained the clouds, and went straight to Jiuxiao.

The golden light on his body was flaring, like a huge blazing sun, burning blazingly!

This time, the demon element in Tianpeng God's body was completely mobilized by Him.


The roar of rivers and seas rushing from the body of Tianpeng God resounded throughout the deserted city.

With the struggle of Tianpeng God, the ground was affected and numerous cracks opened.

The crack spread, and even a mountain was shaken and collapsed!

The debris is scattered, so amazing!

Even the walls of the barren city were shattered!

It can be seen how terrifying the power of Tianpeng God is.


However, there was another heavy muffled noise that made everyone's hearts tremble.

It turned out that Qin Yi kicked again and suppressed Tianpeng God.

No matter what Tianpeng's supernatural power moves the mountains and the supernatural power reaches the sky, it is impossible to break free from Qin Yi's feet.

Qin Yi stood there, the unmoving mountain, suppressing everything!

"Human, you know what you are doing, you are looking for death!

You are provoking the majesty of the Yaozu, and you will pay for it! "

Tianpeng Shen had a pair of green pupils, full of anger, staring at Qin Yi fiercely.

At this moment, God Tianpeng couldn't wait to tear Qin Yi into pieces and devour it alive!


Qin Yi didn't answer, his nose shook, and Tian Peng's energy and blood flowed.


God Tianpeng opened his mouth, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out and spilled to the ground.

"Humans, don't think that you can do whatever you want by stepping into the realm of gods.

My monster race, but there are dozens of gods guarding Dongtian! "

God Tianpeng screamed, his eyes were red, and the flames in it were burning.

"It's just a group of beasts, and you dare to call it gods?"

Qin Yi raised his brows and said lightly.

In the final analysis, Tianpeng God is nothing more than a monster of the eclosion realm.

According to the information Qin Yi got from the system, although the eclosion realm is strong, it can only dominate in one plane.

Whether in Qingzhou or in the world of sin, the feathered venerable person will be called the land immortal or god.

In fact, how noble is the name of immortals and gods!

How could he be a mere Feathered Venerable, able to condemn it!

That is to say, the weak who do not know why they will regard the feathered warrior as the first-class gods.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of real immortals, the existence of the eclosion realm can be destroyed by a finger!

Even the ancient sages are just slightly stronger ants in the eyes of immortals!

"Human, you are just a god, so what right do you have to despise the gods of the monster race?"

Hearing this, Tianpeng God suddenly became furious.


Tianpengshen flapped his wings, struggling hard, and in an instant, the mountain shook again.


Qin Yi frowned, his feet pressed hard, and the golden light was released, pressing the universe down!


Tianpeng's spirit languished for a while, and blood seemed to spew out without money.

The golden blood, flowing on the ground, exudes a charming medicinal fragrance.

As far as Tianpeng God's realm is concerned, his blood is already considered a treasure of heaven and earth.

"Damn it, this **** wants you to die!"

In Tianpeng God's aquamarine eyes, anger almost gushed out.


Qin Yi's eyes were indifferent, his right foot lifted, and then slowly fell.

This kick is like a sacred mountain smashing down, smashing the Tianpeng **** head to blood, and countless golden feathers fall!

The so-called monster gods are nothing but ants in the eyes of the son!

It's just a demon god, I just stepped on it!

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