Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 915: The demon race in the deserted cave shows up

The demon gas turns into the cloud, rolling endlessly!

The terrible demon cloud spread endlessly, covering the sky!

it's dark!

The place where the barren cave is located is the territory of the monster race.

The whole barren cave sky turned into a huge black mist group, in which there were countless monster races, roaring and humming!

The incomparable laughter was transmitted from the black fog.

As one of the six big caves of the demon race, Desolate Dongtian is not only the existence of feathered gods, but also has some weak demon races.

According to the speculation of everyone in the sin world, the six great caves are named caves, and they are actually a small world!

Among them, there are countless monsters hidden in them, constantly multiplying!

Although its number may not be as good as the human race, it is also very impressive!

Of course, these little monsters were not seen by White Beard. The only thing that made him care about was the number of horrible monster shadows looming in the black mist!

"Who are you?"

At this time, a figure came out from the black mist, with a face like a jujube, hideous and terrifying.

This is a demon clan transformed into a human form. It is not strong, and has only seven or eight levels of heaven and human.

Unlike the fierce beasts in the barren mountains, most monsters prefer to transform into human form after reaching their strength.

"As a mortal, you dare to break into the realm of gods.

Retreat quickly, I can let you go! "

However, his tone of voice was extremely contemptuous when he spoke, and he did not put the white beard in his eyes at all.

Behind it is the barren cave sky. As its confidence, it also has the courage to say this!


As if to cater to his words, the monster race in the black mist roared together.

The breath that was like a vast ocean suddenly poured towards the white beard!


Baibeard did not retreat but moved forward, taking a step forward, and his vigorous vitality, like a wolf smoke of essence, rushed straight into the sky, like Wei Wei Tianzhu, penetrating the world!


The two auras collided with each other, and suddenly burst out boundless waves of air, rumbling.

"A group of demons who dare to call themselves gods are ridiculous!"

White Beard smiled coldly, and he blasted out a punch when he reached out.


The aura of the entire void seemed to explode and roll.

The terrifying fist strength swept across the sky, forming a substantial beam of light, rushing toward the monster race with a force of destruction.

The void is vigorous, roaring like a column!


The monster man's complexion changed, and he cried for a long time, directly showing the prototype.

It is a bull-shaped monster race with two horns. The upper body is a cow and the lower body is a human!


The bull head monster tribe also tried in vain to resist the blow of the white beard with its own strength.

However, when one of them came into contact with the punching strength of the white beard, they were blown out!

In the demon race, the bull-shaped demon beast is already good at energies, can shake mountains, and is unparalleled in strength.

In the face of the more terrifying White Beard, the power of this bull head monster race did not have the advantage at all, and was directly severely injured!


The black mist group surged, but it stood in front of the bull head monster clan, offsetting the impact of the punch.

"Boom boom boom!"

However, in the black mist, there was also a burst of flesh and blood.

Many weak monster races died in the aftermath of the white beard's punches.

That bull head demon race, and therefore escaped its life!

Baibeard's eyes condensed, and he saw the crux.

The black mist group is not something else, but formed by a formation!

Relying on this formation, the bull head monster clan could escape under Baibeard!

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