Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 922: All blow up


The huge body of the Golden Ape God flew out completely.

Under head-on, Jin Yuanshen also fell into a disadvantage!

"No, it's impossible, you actually stepped into the fifth realm of eclosion!"

The Golden Ape God roared again and again, and could no longer keep the posture of the **** high above.

After fighting against White Beard, he already knew the strength of White Beard!

Eclosion five!

Compared with his cultivation base, he has to be two times higher than his cultivation base, so that he can blow him away with one punch.

At this moment, even Xiao Chi and the three golden lions on the side were all speechless.

Neither the little red beasts expected that the strength of the white beard would be so strong.


Suddenly, the three golden lions roared, seeming to cheer for the white beard.

If you look closely, you can see the secretive expression on his face.

With this existence, supporting it, wouldn't that lion be able to run wild in the sin world!

Not to mention the surprise of Xiao Chi, the joy of the three golden lions.

"I take the order of my lord to flatten the barren cave sky!"

The white beard blasted off the Golden Ape God, stepping in the air, slowly approaching the Golden Ape God and other monster gods.

"Wait, you must die today!"

With a long roar, the white beard hovered up like wolf smoke.

"Humans, don't think that you can do whatever you want by stepping into the fifth stage of emergence!

Here is the deserted cave sky, here is the world of the demon race! "

Jin Yuan Shen let out an angry roar.

"Split Heaven Hand!"

The Golden Ape God opened his big hand slightly, and the aura of a hundred li radius gathered frantically and instantly turned into a huge palm covering the sky and the sun.

This time, he learned well, and instead of head-to-head with White Beard, he fights against Qi instead!

This is a martial arts created by the Golden Ape God, and according to the division of Tianyao mainland, it can be classified as a high-level martial arts of heaven!

When this big hand covering the sky manifested, a clicking sound suddenly sounded in the void.

Looking at this power, it seems that there is no difference between Baibeard's previous punch!


The big hand covering the sky and the sun, like the sky and the earth collapsed, patted the white beard.


At the same time, the other demon gods looked at each other and chose to do it together.

The heavenly snake **** drives the poisonous gas like a mountain and rushes towards the white beard!

The giant elephant deity transformed into a real body, supported the sky and stepped on the mountain, and jumped up. The whole body was like a huge mountain range, smashing into the air!

The white tiger **** flapped his wings, and his body was full of gold and gold, clanging!

For a time, White Beard fell into a situation of enemies on all sides!

"Human, after you die, this **** wants to swallow your whole body of energy and blood completely, then, this **** can go one step further!"

The Golden Ape God laughed loudly, but he had the idea of ​​a white beard body.

The monsters are cruel in nature, they feed on humans, and even monsters like to eat human flesh.

Among them, not only the nature of the monster race, but also because it devours the flesh and blood of the human race, it helps the monster race to improve its cultivation.

White beard is full of vitality and blood to the extreme, comparable to the body repair of feathering!

If the Golden Ape God swallowed the flesh and blood of White Beard, he was bound to go further!


Compared with the greed of the Golden Ape God, White Beard only said coldly.


As soon as he stepped on the void, the white beard disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, the white beard had already appeared on the head of the heavenly snake god.


With a punch and a muffled sound, the snake **** fell on the spot!

The Heavenly Serpent God was in the hands of White Beard, and basically did not have the slightest strength to fight back.

The poisonous gas he was so proud of couldn't hurt the white beard at all, and was completely isolated by the surging qi and blood of the white beard!

One punch, heavenly snake god, die!

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