Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 934: Heaven Breaking Pill

"Destroying Heavenly Spirit Pill: Heavenly Grade Top Pill;

Source: Qingmu Valley Town Paizhibao;

Description: The supreme treasure medicine, break the delusion!

Essence and qi are one, and the emergence is faded!

Exchange price: 60,000 killing points. "

Qin Yi rummaged through the system store, only to find the Heaven Breaking Pill.

This pill is suitable for the peak martial artist of heaven and man to break through the realm of emergence.

And Qin Yi once exchanged the Yimu Qingling Pill, and they came out of Qingmu Valley.

However, in terms of the exchange price, the Heaven Breaking Spirit Pill was even higher than 10,000 killing points.

This is also normal. Although the Yimu Qingling Pill is a healing sacred medicine, it is even less precious than the Heaven-Splitting Pill that can help people break through the emergence of emergence.

Four Heaven-breaking Heavenly Pills, which is two hundred and forty thousand killing points.

Fortunately, after White Beard stepped through the barren cave, he pushed the conquest of the crime world to 25%, and the system released a new reward with a total of 300,000 killing points.

Qin Yi has enough killing points to exchange these Heaven-Smashing Spirit Pills.

After that, Qin Yi selected four celestial peak martial artists from the thousands of warriors who had taken refuge in him in recent days, and bestowed four Heaven-Smashing Heavenly Pills.

That is, the four people kneeling before him, the Desolate King and the other four.

Among them, the King of Yin and Yang and King Taixu, like the King of Desolation, are one of the six kings.

And that Mu Qing is a casual cultivator in the sin world, and his cultivation is also the ninefold of heaven and man.

These four people did not disappoint Qin Yi after obtaining the Heaven-Splitting Spirit Pill, and thus broke through the realm of emergence.

These four people, because they have been trapped in the Nine Layers of Heaven and Human for countless years, they broke through and evolve, and their realm has advanced by leaps and bounds, far beyond Qin Yi's imagination.

In just one month, the four of them consolidated their first stage of eclosion, and they were not inferior to the eclosion of ordinary monsters!

Even thousands of years of penance have given them a strong foundation.

Given time, the cultivation base of the four people will not be limited to the first layer of feathering!

"The minister, wait, and thank your Majesty for giving medicine!"

The Four Wangs of Desolation knelt down on the ground again and bowed to Qin Yi.

Even after the Four Desolate Kings broke through the eclosion realm, they still respected Qin Yi extremely.

With Qin Yi's method, naturally, he would not give the Four Desolate King's pill for nothing. Before giving the pill, Qin Yi signed a master-servant contract with the four.

The contract power of the master-servant contract can only be cancelled unless the ancient sage takes the initiative, or the four of them break through the realm of the ancient sage!

The Four Desolate Kings have just broken through the realm of emergence, and the master and servant contract can also restrain them!

"Get up."

Qin Yi let out a laugh, and immediately signaled the four of them to get up.

This master-servant contract is good everywhere, but the restraint ability is too strong.

In just one month, the four desolate kings were contracted by the master and servants and brainwashed into Qin Yi's loyal subjects.

Even if the four of them break through the realm of eclosion, their loyalty will not be reduced, but will be more profound!

This also led to the Desolate King and the others forming a habit of bowing to Qin Yi at every turn.

Of course, this side effect, in the eyes of others, is a good thing.

After all, a warrior in the eclosion realm has such a respectful status, no matter where he is, he has a very high status, and he does not need to pay homage to people.

Even in the dynasty, the feathered warrior could not bow to the lord of the dynasty.

If so, let others see how respectful the Desolate King is to Qin Yi, and they will be surprised.

"What's the progress of what I asked you to investigate?"

At this moment, Qin Yi smiled indifferently and looked at the Four Desolate Kings.

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