Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 936: Pressure of the Desolate King

"Your Majesty's move is really the best policy, and the old officials admire it!"

The King of Yin and Yang first gave Qin Yi a little flattering.

Immediately, he continued: "Compared with the monster clan, Da Qin's power is stronger than a cave, but weaker than the entire monster clan.

If we waited forcibly against the five big caves, it would definitely be counterattacked by the Yaozu.

At this time, waiting for the moment has become the best policy. "

In the entire Great Qin Dynasty, although the Desolate King and others broke through the realm of emergence, plus Qin Yi and Baibeard, there were only six emergence warriors.

This level of strength is not weaker than a hole in the sky, and even beyond.

On the side of the monster race, there are still five great caves, more than dozens of feathered monster races.

The Great Qin Dynasty recklessly hit the five great caves, and it is the Great Qin Dynasty that will suffer in the end.

"But, shall I just give up this opportunity when I wait?"

However, the Desolate King was still unwilling.

This is the best time to destroy the other big caves except the Nether Cave.

If he missed this opportunity, the Desolate King would be unwilling.

"Compared with the demon races in the big caves, the feathered demon races that gather in the nether caves are the big troubles I wait for!"

The King of Yin and Yang smiled freely.

For today's Great Qin, or the human race of the sin world, the most threatening is the feathered monster race of the big caves.

These dozens of Feathered Demon Races, as long as they still exist, the Five Great Caverns and Six Great Caverns can be pulled at any time.

Da Qin dispatched troops at this moment to wipe out the five great caves, which is undoubtedly a thankless effort!

Only by beheading the dozens of feathered monster races, can the threat of the monster race be truly resolved!

Without the Feathered Monster Race, the rest of the Monster Race would not be able to stand on the table at all.

The words of the King of Yin and Yang awakened the King of Desolation and others.

"It's the Weichen who didn't think about it!"

With shame on his face, the Desolate King couldn't help but confess his mistake.

"The Desolate King was blinded by hatred. This is why he has not considered this. Please forgive me."

The king of Yin and Yang on the side opened his mouth again and explained to the King of Desolation.

"It doesn't get in the way."

Qin Yi smiled indifferently, without intending to scold the Desolate King.

As the King of Yin and Yang said, the King of Desolation was only blinded by a momentary hatred.

Thousands of years of pressure, as well as the sins that have been carried on oneself.

After the Desolate King broke through the realm of emergence, it broke out in a single period.

This made the Desolate King confused, eager to prove himself, or use the blood of the monster race to wash away the sins contaminated with his hands.

It is undeniable that the Desolate King used to be the spokesperson of Desolate Cave Sky, and his hands were stained with human blood.

Finally, there is a chance to destroy the five great caves, and then the Desolate King will be eager to fight, and Fang Cun will be in chaos.

"But, Your Majesty, if the five eclosion demon races in the sky cave together and attack, how should I respond?"

At this time, King Taixu on the side said with some worry.

The strength gap between Daqin and Yaozu can be described as a huge difference.

Da Qin will not fight against the demon clan, the five big caves of the demon clan will fight Da Qin sooner or later.

The monsters have overlooked the crime world for thousands of years, how can they tolerate the rise of the human race.

The gathering of all feathered demon races in the Nether Cave Sky is the best proof.

"Then fight, our Majesty Qin is here, the white beard guards are here, and the four of us are here!

With such a powerful strength, why should I wait for a fight! "

Hearing the words, Wang Wu immediately jumped out and tried his best to fight.

The Terran has been suffocated for so long, so why are they afraid of it!

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