Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 939: Another characteristic of the Emperor's Order

Towering palace.

Under the scouring of humane luck, such as dyeing purple radiance, the breath becomes more mysterious.

This human palace, under the nourishment of the humanity and luck of a big world, is transforming into a war weapon.

If there is nourishment for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, it may not be possible to transform into a war weapon!

Even, in the end, it might not be impossible to achieve the supreme treasure!

With the luck of a clan to warm up the palace, only Qin Yi could do so with an emperor's order in his hands.

After getting acquainted with the human emperor's order, Qin Yi understood the human emperor's order, but it was not as simple as he thought.

Within the Order of the Emperor, the humane luck of the prehistoric human race is stored!

However, it can absorb the luck of the sin world human race!

Of course, it is a great pity that the aura of the sin world human race absorbed cannot be combined with the aura of the prehistoric human race.

The upper limit of the human emperor's order is also restricted by the humane luck of the prehistoric human race.

The human luck of the sin world that can be accommodated by the human emperor's decree cannot exceed the total amount of the primordial human luck when the human emperor is called.

Even so, the characteristic of the Emperor Order avoids an embarrassment.

Although the humane luck of the Primordial Human Race is strong, it is closely related to the Primordial Human Race. Every time Qin Yi invokes a bit of Qi luck, the Primordial Human Race will have less luck!

Until the end, the luck of the prehistoric human race will eventually run out.

However, the characteristic of Emperor Ren Ling solved Qin Yi's worries.

Although the luck of the sin world human race is weak, it is not to be underestimated.

With the growth of the Great Qin Dynasty, one day, the luck of the Sin Realm Human Race will be comparable to the luck of the Primordial Human Race!

Therefore, Qin Yi dared to make such a big deal, to cover the capital of the Qin Emperor with humanity and luck, gather spiritual energy, and gather people's hearts!

Inside the Great Qin Palace.

Qin Yi stood with his hand held, his faint gaze, like a blue sky, straight into the blue sky.

And behind him, a peerless beauty stood quietly, three thousand green silks hanging down, floating like a heavenly fairy.

The eyes of the beautiful lady sweep Qin Yi from time to time, her rhyme is fascinating, and her eyes contain affection!

"Fei Xuan!"

Suddenly, Qin Yi spoke softly.

"His Majesty."

The beautiful lady immediately regained her consciousness, and gave a polite and respectful expression.

"Little Nizi, I said that when there is no one, I don't need to be too restrictive in front of me."

Qin Yi looked back, shook his head and smiled.

"The concubine is just a maid next to your Majesty. These etiquettes can't be abandoned."

Qiu Feixuan glanced at Qin Yi bitterly, the meaning was extremely complicated.

There is not only the joy of being with the sweetheart, but also the depression of not getting a response.

As Qin Yi's status is getting higher and higher, Qiu Feixuan is certainly happy in her heart.

But this also led to the fear of becoming the concubine of Qin Yi.

How could this evil enemy be so heroic!

If you say that before, Qiu Feixuan still thought of marrying Qin Yi as his wife.

But when Qin Yi became the emperor of Qin, this thought had to be suppressed by Qiu Feixuan.

In her capacity, how could she be worthy of this injurious enemy, if she could be by her side, it would be enough.


Qin Yi touched his nose awkwardly, and under Qiu Feixuan's gaze, he was defeated.

How could he not understand Qiu Feixuan's mind, and how could he not understand it!

Even Qin Yi only needs a word to Xu Qiufeixuan as the emperor of the Qin Dynasty and enjoy the nobleness of all generations!

At Qin Yi's position, in the newly built Great Qin Dynasty, Qin Yi's words are all-in-one, it is not an exaggeration!

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