Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 955: Human ambitions are as hot as fire

Under the sky.

Unyielding blood, blooming in the sky, poured out in nine days!

Fight in blood, unswervingly until death!

In this life-and-death battle, the power of unyielding faith burst out beyond imagination!

Terran warriors opened their eyes in anger, clenched their teeth, and refused to take a step back!

For the human race, they cannot retreat, nor do they want to retreat!

"Kill me!"

The voices of Daqin generals became more and more stern, leading the charge and charging at the front line.

The celestial military will be the center, like the Optimus Prime, standing in front of the monster army!

Every human warrior did not say a word, just like a fearless hero, even if the armor was stained with blood, he did not back down!


The monster army was naturally unwilling to show weakness, roaring again and again, and biting towards the human warrior.


A Terran warrior caught off guard, was bitten by a tiger-shaped monster, pulled it slightly, and fell on the spot.

"Naughty animal, go to death!"

But the tiger-shaped monster beast was beheaded by another human warrior before it could continue to be fierce in the future!

At this time, only the collision of blood and flesh is left!

Death and bloodshed are the only main melody on the battlefield!

The monster beasts of the monster race are indeed stronger than the warriors of the human race, then two warriors of the human race will face a monster!

Even if they fight the fallen two, they have to exchange the life of a monster!

Or, before dying, the human martial artist will also blew himself up and kill the monster monster!

"My, human race, fight to death!"

A famous warrior yelled, with a face of determination, embarking on the road to death!




There was a muffled sound and a roar over the capital of the Qin Emperor.

The splattering blood is like a blossoming poignant flower!

Each flower of blood represents the fall of a human warrior, and also represents the completion of its final mission!

As a human race, we are willing to die!

No bones exist, so what!

We are not afraid!

The only thing we are afraid of is not killing enough monsters!

One person, in exchange for the life of a monster clan animal, is enough!

A muffled sound resonated with the roar of the battle drum!

Every time a human race falls, the sound of the war drum is even louder!

Until the sound of the war drum overwhelmed everything, pushing the momentum of the human race to the apex!

The roar of war drums has ignited the blood of the human warriors!

The blood burns in the body and turns into endless power!

The will of thousands of human race warriors is as hot as fire!


The voice was hoarse, but the human warrior was still shouting.

The expression on his face, I don't know when, has turned into a crying smile!

It's like a smile but not a cry, and it's like a cry but not a smile!

"Kill! Kill! The **** battle! Goodbye in heaven!"

The Terran warriors looked crazy, constantly waving the weapons in their hands.

No need for too much words, no passionate accent!

There is only one thought left in the hearts of thousands of human races, fighting for the human race!

Fight for the rise of the human race, fight to the last person, fight to the last moment of life!

The blood has dyed the sky above the capital of the Qin Emperor red, and also the walls of the capital of the Qin Emperor!

Every moment, there are human warriors and monster powerhouses falling on the spot!

It was also because of the fierceness of the human warriors that the human race finally blocked the monster's attack!

The human race stopped an army of hundreds of thousands of monster races with unyielding will!

Human race has aspirations, but can suppress the boundless!

The sky cannot overwhelm our human race, the earth dare not overwhelm our human race, and your demons cannot destroy our human race!

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