Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 957: Human race has hatred


Dozens of soaring auras echoed unscrupulously under the sky.

The terrifying aura made the void of a hundred miles to freeze.

With so many Feathered Demon Races appearing together, everyone suddenly changed their colors!

Even if it had been predicted, when many Emerging Demon Races appeared, the human race warriors seemed to press on a heavy mountain, unable to move at all!

But the monster army can slaughter the human warriors without any scruples!

"The humble ants want to resist us too?"

That Taixu God even despised everyone and looked down on the capital of the Qin Emperor.

Needless to say, the demon army is making another move.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The monsters let out a weird laugh and slew towards the human race.


"Kill all these humans!"

"The humble human race is only worthy to wait for blood for me!"

There were endless roars and arrogant laughter.

"Crack! Crunch!"

A huge monster beast, with a mouth, swallowed dozens of celebrity martial artists.


Countless monsters are merciless, and continue to take the lives of human warriors!

This is a feast belonging to the Yao Race, the sorrow of the Human Race!

The human warrior can only stay in place with the utmost frustration, and can't do anything!


The Terran warrior hissed and wailed humiliatingly.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of such a humiliating death!

Dou Da's tears slipped from the corners of everyone's eyes, and the feeling of anger and helplessness, like a knife, cut everyone's hearts fiercely!

We have hatred!

I wait for the human race, and there is no chance to die in a serious battle!

Hating the sky is not allowed to kill the power of the common people, and cannot kill the Huanghuang Avenue for the human race!


Countless human warriors looked up to the sky and screamed, containing incomparable despair and anger!

If you have no ambitions, you will die first, and the hero will burst into tears!

"Go away!"

In midair, another battlefield also burst out with anger.

The Desolate King and others blasted the Fei Mingtu Demon God, wanting to help the human race.

However, the Netherworld Demon God did not forgive, and under the Nether God's imperial ambassador, he repeatedly injured the Desolate King and others.

"Fuck this king!"

The Desolate King and the others were mad at the end of the battle, their long shirts stained with blood!

"A bunch of noisy ants!"

At this time, Nether God's eyes sank, as if he was already angry.


The majestic momentum, like a violent tornado, swept the world.


The Desolate King and the others immediately spewed out of blood, the overbearing aura, making them stagnate.

The Demon God of Underworld immediately followed, the underworld was overwhelming, and the Desolate King and others were severely injured and fell into the void!


The Desolate King and others roared in anger, staring at the powerful monsters such as Nether God.

I can't wait to step up into the air again and compete with the strong monsters again!

However, the evil spirit left by the Demon God of Underworld is deeply rooted and has been difficult to remove, causing several people to temporarily lose their combat power!

"Hmph, make an all-out effort to wipe out this great Qin Emperor!"

Nether God ignored the angry eyes of the Desolate King and others, and let out a cold snort.

By this time, all the demon gods had lost their last patience.

It is an honor for a group of humble microbes that are not reptiles in their eyes to stop them for so long!

"Hahaha, good!"

That Tai Xu Shen couldn't stand it at first, laughed, and raised his hand and punched out.

The rest of the Eclosion Demon Race followed closely behind each other with their own means.

In an instant, the sky above the Emperor Qin was completely overwhelmed by the violent tide of power!

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