Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 972: Look in my eyes


In the hall, the loud slap in the face still didn't stop.

Qiu Feixuan, who was watching this scene, was stunned.

I didn't expect this interrogation to become like this.

Her majesty, who looked like Young Master Pina, would suddenly become so violent.


With another slap in the face, Qin Yi finally stopped.

"Human, you have the ability to kill the deity!"

Venerable Xuan Yang snarled aggrieved, his heart was full of anger.

He knew that Qin Yi was humiliating him and wanted him to tell the master's plan.

However, how could he make it happen!

"Do you know why I want to beat you?"

Qin Yi's deep eyes looked at Venerable Xuanyang lightly.

"I will come to this world of sin, and it is thanks to you!"

Qin Yi leaned down and whispered in Venerable Xuanyang's ear.

Although, Qin Yi came to this sin world because of his original intention to complete the system task.

However, in the final analysis, it is also because of the remnants of the Dark Dynasty.

After Qin Yi's deity returned to Qingzhou, the people of the Scarlet Demon Dynasty had disappeared.

Even if Qin Yi's deity took Madan and others, went to the Tianbei Mountain Range to explore, but he could not find anyone from the Scarlet Demon Dynasty.

Since, in this sin world, traces of the Dark Empire were discovered, Qin Yi naturally didn't mind venting his anger on Venerable Xuanyang.


Venerable Xuanyang trembled and looked at Qin Yi in horror.

He finally understood that Qin Yi's true identity was the unruly king who was exiled to the sin world by them!



It turns out that this is the influence of variables!

Venerable Xuan Yang lost his soul and suddenly realized it.

The reason why their layout in the sin world failed is precisely because they introduced the variable of not falling into the sin world!

It was the shadow that exiled this unfallen dynasty into the world of sin that led to their failure.

Venerable Xuanyang didn't know how to express his feelings, bitterness or sadness.

If they don't ban this king who will not fall into the sin world, the six big caves of the monster race will still be the ruler of the sin world!

Moreover, the master's return plan will not be delayed because of this!

All this is because he and Tian You are self-righteous!

"If you don't fall for the king, don't think that if you become the lord of the sin world, just sit back and relax!

The master will avenge us, and when the master returns, it will be the day when you will be destroyed!

Not only the sin world, but also your unfallen dynasty will be destroyed! "

Venerable Xuanyang suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth and said.


Qin Yi raised his brows, this Venerable Xuan Yang actually recognized him.

Qin Yi's thoughts flowed, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes.

This Venerable Xuanyang knew him, which meant that the Scarlet Demon Dynasty that had disrupted Qingzhou before was the demon race in the sin world!

"It seems that I really have a relationship with you!"

Qin Yi chuckled lightly, his eyes becoming more and more indifferent.

"Hmph, you don't want to be..."

Venerable Xuanyang snorted coldly, still trying to threaten Qin Yi.

At this moment, a soft moan sounded in his ears: "Look at my eyes!"

Venerable Xuan Yang's expression was stagnant, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Qin Yi.

However, what catches the eye is the eye with dazzling golden light!

Cold and ruthless, like a **** above the sky, overlooking the vast world!

The majestic and vast breath came from his eyes, obliterating his will!

The sense of resistance in Venerable Xuanyang's heart also disappeared little by little!

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