Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 976: Chaotic turbulence


It was grey and chaotic in the vast space.

Chaos and disorder!

Here, it seems that all rules, laws, and the principles of heaven and earth have been broken.

Everywhere is filled with the power of violent space, as well as the endless chaos aura!

"This is Chaos Turbulence?"

Qin Yi stood with his hand in his hand, standing in this gray world.

A faint halo of indeterminate light circulated on him, protecting him from the power of space.

Chaos and turbulence.

The heavens and myriad worlds are divided into countless worlds. Between these countless worlds, there is chaos and turbulence.

If the heavens and myriad worlds are vast and boundless, then the chaotic turbulence is countless times wider than the heavens and myriad worlds!

After all, the chaotic turbulence encompasses all the heavens and all realms!

Only when you step into this chaotic turbulent flow will you know the terrible chaotic turbulent flow.

Not to mention, the power of space, the aura of chaos, and the vastness that cannot be detected to the end is enough to make people get lost in it!

If you want to stop here, at least you need a cultivation base above the Eclosion Realm.

And if you want to stay here for a long time, it would be impossible without the methods of ancient sages.

In the realm of saints, the mighty power belongs to oneself, and the mortal fetus is removed, and the immortal body is cast!

Only at this level did he dare to cross the chaotic turbulence with his body.

Even so, the saint realm warrior did not dare to stay longer in the chaos.

"Huh, if I hadn't mastered the Void City Formation, I would not dare to come here to explore."

Qin Yi exhaled gently, sweeping the power of the restless space, a trace of heart palpitations flashed under his eyes.


Qin Yi can stand here intact, relying on the Void City Formation!

The Void Metropolitan Array, as a complete celestial top-level large array, has unlimited power, and of course it is impossible to have only the ability to transform into a void coordinate.

It can be said that with the help of the power of the system, Qin Yi, who is in full control of the Void Metropolitan Array, is more worthy of the name as the Lord of the Sin World.

Regardless of whether it is in a nominal or practical sense, it is true!

Judging from Qin Yi's ability to control, the power of the Void Dumen Formation was far greater than that of the Mountain River Eight Diagrams Formation and the Demon Refining Formation.

The reason is that the Bagua Formation of Shanhe is still in the growth stage, and the great formation of demon refining is not complete.

Therefore, the two formations are much weaker than the Voiddumen formation.

After all, Qin Yi hadn't used the One Realm as the foundation for the time being to lay a great array.

"There is Tianyao Continent?"

Qin Yi had divine light in his eyes and looked far away. There were countless worlds around the sin world, floating in the turbulent flow of the void.

Among them, the most massive is the vast world in front of Qin Yi.

Layers of sunlight, layers of light, all kinds of colorful light, shrouded the world!

Qin Yi can also feel countless tyrannical auras from it!

The world closest to the sin world is naturally Tianyao Continent.


At this moment, a huge force spread from a distance.

The entire chaotic turbulent flow is like boiling, and terrible storms continue to rush.

The terrifying power tore the entire void, and the violent vibration made Qin Yi's halo tremble endlessly.

"Chaotic Storm?"

Qin Yi frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Chaos Storm is the most powerful force of Chaos Turbulence.

If hit by the chaotic turbulence head-on, even a saint-level martial artist may fall!

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