Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 979: Eternal Killing God, Bai Qi

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing five summons, one obedience summon, one legion summon, one magical power summon, one pill summon, and one weapon summon."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for summoning the opportunity to rebel, linking to the mythical Qin and Han world."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host army for the opportunity to summon, link to the mythical Qin and Han world."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the chance to summon supernatural powers and link to the world of Naruto."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the opportunity to summon the pill for linking to the prehistoric mythical world."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host weapon summoning opportunity to link to the True Qi version of the Three Kingdoms World."

The series of prompt tones of the system made Qin Yi a little dazed.

Five summons, one for each of obedience, legion, magical powers, pill, and weapon.

These five summoning opportunities are really evenly distributed.

Qin Yi didn't think much, raised his eyes and looked at the space channel, waiting for the result of the conquest.


There was a sway in the space passage, and a tall figure slowly stepped out of it.

"Kill tens of thousands and cast the foundation of the world!

Eternal killing god, Daqin Wuan!

Eternal handsome, undefeated God of War! "

A faint chant floated from the channel.


The channel swayed like water waves until the figure of a person was exposed.

Slender body, white clothes, and seemingly elegant posture, but revealing an unspeakable domineering spirit!

On Junyi's face, the facial features are sharp and sharp, and the elegant and unrestrained breath is mixed with iron and blood.

Two different temperaments, appearing in one person, neither makes people feel abrupt, but everything seems so natural.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being recruited to Daqin Wuanjun, Bai Qi!"

"It's him at all, killing God in vain!"

Qin Yi glanced at it, and the smile on his face grew warmer.

The first obedience call gave Qin Yi such a big surprise, which was beyond Qin Yi's expectations.

Even if the next four summons didn't summon any good things, Qin Yi recognized it!

This is nothing but the **** of killing, the **** of war who has a reputation for eternity!

It can be said that the establishment of the Great Qin Dynasty in history was all because Bai Qi laid the foundation for it!

Fight on the battlefield for thirty years, siege countless cities and wipe out countless enemies!

Bai Qi can be said to be the greatest contributor to the opening of the Qin dynasty, and he has made unworldly contributions to the great cause of the reunification of the Qin State!

Once to the end, there was no one in the six countries of the Warring States Period, so dare to fight with them!

For the general, to be able to achieve this step, I have to be impressed.

And such an invincible God of War, following Qin Yi's call, came to Qin Yi to serve Qin Yi!

"His subordinates are white, they should be recruited by your majesty, and are waiting for your majesty to send them!"

Bai Qi walked in a tiger's step, strode to a meteor, came to Qin Yi and knelt down on one knee.

"Subordinates swear to respect your majesty as the emperor, and use my blood to seal the borders for your majesty!

Killing one person is a crime, slaughtering a million people is a male, and slaughtering nine million people is a male!

The minister is white, willing to turn into the sharpest blade in your majesty's hand, to kill all the enemies for your majesty, and slaughter all the enemies in the world! "

Bai Qi bowed his head and offered the highest loyalty to Qin Yi.

The sound of Jinshi fighting, full of loyalty!

This is another rebel of Qin Yi's subordinates, who kills the gods through the ages, for nothing!

"Character: Bai Qi;

Identity: Daqin Wuanjun, the **** of death through the ages;

Realm: Eclosion Seven;

Weapon: Panlong sword;

Martial arts: the way of warfare leads to the gods, the swordsmanship of destroying the world and the sky, the warfare of the witch race

Talent: S. "

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