Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 987: I am waiting to respect the great Qin and unify the sin world

Daqin Palace.

The representatives of the various forces in the sin world human race raised their eyes in awe.

I saw a figure sitting above the deep palace.

Dressed in the robe of a graceful real dragon, a crown of twelve rows of beads, majestic and solemn, shrouded in terrifying aura!

Although he is sitting on the dragon chair, he does not lose his magnanimity at all. With every move, he has the magnanimity of the world!

Everyone looked at it as if they were facing a peerless emperor who was in charge of the human world's latitude and longitude and controlled the rise and fall of the human race!

Even if everyone had expected it, but when confronted with this Majesty Ye Huang, they were also terrified!

Everyone just glanced at it, and they lowered their heads unconsciously and did not dare to face it!

"Let’s meet His Majesty Ye Huang, long live, long live, long live!"

Immediately, everyone fell to the ground like pushing a golden mountain to a jade pillar, facing Qin Yi, shouting long live.

Every messenger made such a gesture, sincerely.

In any case, it was His Majesty Ye Huang who rescued the Human Race from the rule of the Demon Race. It was reasonable and reasonable.

Awe of the strong, this truth, no matter where you are, what race you are, is an eternal truth!

"Get up!"

Qin Yi smiled faintly, waved his hand gently, and motioned everyone to get up.

"You wait to come to worship today, what is the so-called?"

Qin Yi spoke softly, and his black and white eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. They contained extremely strong penetrating power and deterrent power, making the messenger cold and sweaty.

However, in Qin Yi's aura like a vast ocean, everyone couldn't return to their senses for a while, and no one dared to answer!

"Return to your Majesty!"

In the end, it was still a big power, the supreme master of Xuyuanzong was the first to react and had to stand up.

"Envoys from all aspects of the human race came to meet today, and all parties hope to respect Daqin and complete the general trend of unity of the sin world!

All parties in the human race are willing to dedicate countless treasures, and hope your Majesty will make it! "

Having said that, Sect Master Xuyuan was already kneeling on one knee.

"I am waiting to respect Da Qin and unify the sin world!"

The messengers of other human forces also recovered at this time, also knelt on one knee, shouting loudly.

All parties of the human race worshipped in order for the Great Qin Dynasty to take control of the crime world!

Regardless of the mentality of the power holders of these forces, in front of the powerful Qin Dynasty, they had to bow their heads.


Qin Yi groaned, but did not respond directly, and the expression on his face made people unable to see any happiness or anger.

This silence caused the messengers of all forces to lift their hearts into their throats.

If so, this Majesty Ye Huang did not accept their surrender, not only did they fail to achieve the purpose of their mission, but it also means that his majesty Ye Huang hated the forces they belonged to, which would be difficult!

After all, there are several forces present, dare to say that they have not done anything for the six big caves of the monster race!

If Emperor Ye wants to be liquidated, anyone can become the chicken that kills the chicken!

"In this case, I should take this matter!"

After a long while, Qin Yi finally spoke, making everyone feel relieved.

"His Majesty Ye Huang, long live, long live, long live!"

A messenger awakened the spirit, and quickly knelt down and shouted three times long live again.

"His Majesty Ye Huang, long live, long live, long live!"

"His Majesty Ye Huang, long live, long live, long live!"

Immediately afterwards, the messengers of many forces rushed to kneel down, shouting long live.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall seemed to be harmonious.

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