Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 989: Change the gate to Daqin Academy

"His Majesty Ye Huang, what do we need to do?"

Qin Yi's words made the envoys a little uneasy, but the Xuyuan Sect Sect Master had to bite the bullet and asked.

"Please show your Majesty Ye Huang!"

The envoys also expressed their opinions quickly.

"It's very simple, I don't have too many requests, I only have one request!"

As he said, Qin Yi raised a finger and said lightly.

"Your Majesty, please speak frankly, we can do everything!"

The envoys glanced at each other and said helplessly.

This is also a matter of no choice, who put the Great Qin Dynasty in a strong position.

Don't say one request, even if there are ten or countless requests, they can only agree to it.

"My request is only one thing. From now on, no royal forces are allowed in the crime world, and the sects are reorganized into Daqin Academy.

The senior sect leaders can receive official positions from the Desolate King to help me manage the college! "

Qin Yi flicked his fingers and spoke calmly.


As soon as this statement was made, the envoys suddenly changed their colors and their faces turned white.

This request is simply shaking the foundation of the forces of the human race!

For the first half of this request, many envoys have no objection.

Could it be Wang Chen, the shore of the soil!

The Great Qin Dynasty was so powerful, how could it tolerate other royal forces and continue to exist.

What's more, as far as the current situation is concerned, the three royal courts of Desolate King's Court, Yin-Yang King's Court, and Taixu King's Court were merged into the Great Qin Dynasty, and the three kings court of Xuanyang King's Court were also destroyed by the Great Qin Iron Horse!

Many royal court forces have long existed in name only, and the envoys will naturally not stand up for these forces!

However, the second half of this request is undoubtedly to knock down the human forces.

The change of the sect to an academy, and the high-level sect to Daqin officials, this move not only put the sect power in the hands, but also imposed restrictions on the family lords.

Just as Zeng Jin Qin Yi implemented the national policy in the dynasty that he did not fall, the influence of aristocratic family leaders will be weakened to the extreme when a college is opened.

This decree can be said to serve multiple purposes in one fell swoop, demonstrating Qin Yi's method!

If this purpose of Qin Yi is carried out, the Great Qin Dynasty will be the real supreme in the sin world!

The other human forces either served for the Great Qin Dynasty or were unable to compete with the Great Qin Dynasty!

This is completely different from what many messengers had previously expected!

No, we must not let this will be carried out!

The envoys glanced at each other, and they had plans in their hearts.

"Your Majesty Ye Huang, this is not right!"

Suddenly, Sect Master Xuyuanzong couldn't sit still at first, and jumped out.

Xuyuanzong is a martial arts sect located in the western part of Xuanyang Region. It has a powerful background and can be said to be one of the best forces in the human race.

If Qin Yi's will is carried out, Xu Yuanzong will be the most impacted!


Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly at the Suzerain Xuyuanzong.

The deep gaze made the Xuyuan Sect's heart tremble, and then I remembered that this lord was not a soft-hearted person, and the powers such as the Royal Palace of Xuanyang would be wiped out, let alone the Xuyuan Sect!

"This this……"

Sect Master Xuyuan suddenly broke out in cold sweat, hesitating, not knowing what to say.

Qin Yi rubbed his chin, did not speak, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly felt a sense of depression!

If the previous envoys were still full of joy, at this moment, they finally felt the pressure from Qin Yi!

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