Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 997: Adultization


The golden crow crowed, wandering in the flames recklessly.


At this time, the sound of the sky sounds, and the shrine comes out!

As if in the fire of the heart that never extinguished, a crimson palace rose up.

This is Oichi Shrine!


The three-legged golden crow suddenly turned around, transformed into an emperor wearing an emperor's crown and red robe, and entered the Great Sun Shrine.

The heart is open, the gods are born!

At this point, Qin Yi had fully opened his heart, and his control over the qi and blood in his body had also taken a step forward.

But Qin Yi did not stop opening the acupuncture points, his heart acupuncture was already opened, so he should naturally urge all the other acupuncture points!


More turbulent qi and blood rushed from the heart to the liver!


Huge qi and blood poured into the liver orifice, the sky was full of blue energy, and a giant tree pierced into the sky.

That huge tree, I don't know, is tens of thousands of feet high, the top of the tree seems to be breaking through the sky, leaning out of the starry sky!

To build wood!

Jier, the hundred orifices attached to the liver orifices are also opened.

In the sky full of blue air, Yimu Shrine came out, Tongtian Jianmu turned into an emperor wearing a blue emperor's clothes, and entered the Yimu Shrine.

Immediately afterwards, there are the remaining acupoints around the body.

The spleen is open!

When Wutu Shrine emerges, a ferocious Gochen beast turns into an emperor wearing a yellow robe and enters the Wutu Shrine!

The lungs are open!

From the Kuishui Shrine, a basalt, transformed into an emperor wearing a blue imperial robe, enters the Kuishui Shrine!

Kidney opening!

From the Gengjin Shrine, a white tiger turns into an emperor wearing a golden robe and enters the Gengjin Shrine!

Afterwards, there were hundreds of limbs, heads and trunks, and acupuncture points all over the body opened up, temples emerged, and gods emerged.

With the opening of the acupoints one by one, Qin Yi only felt that his own blood was growing rapidly!

Even the true essence in the body is constantly climbing up!


Qin Yi once again bloomed with a powerful divine glory, which turned into a halo, hanging behind Qin Yi's head.

More endless sacred scenes manifested behind Qin Yi.

Eleven vast palaces and 129,600 palaces have emerged one by one.

Among them, there are also countless deities sitting in them, dominating the acupoints and stars!

In less than a moment, a splendid view of the heavenly palace had already manifested!

As Qin Yi's blood flowed, countless heavenly palaces were lit up one by one, and billions of brilliance enveloped them.

"Acupuncture points open!"

Qin Yi suddenly opened his eyes, bursting with endless light.


At this moment, Qin Yi's mood was infinitely elevated, and his long gaze seemed to be able to see the river of laws hidden in the darkness more clearly!

After Qin Yi opened the acupuncture points around his body, Qin Yi naturally stepped into the realm of eclosion, and everything was a matter of course.


At the same time, Void Heming, endless flowers bloom, drowning Qin Yi.

The smell is tangy, and the fragrance bursts!

This is heaven and earth, a commendation for the martial artist to step into the realm of emergence.

These Dao flowers are the high heavenly Dao, condensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enhance the physical strength of the warrior.

For ordinary warriors, these Dao flowers are enough for their bodies to reach an extremely strong level.

But for Qin Yi, this is not enough!

Qin Yi sits on a five-star supernatural power and an immortal golden body, as well as a true dragon bloodline. His body strength is already strong by ordinary warriors!

These Dao flowers fell on Qin Yi and did not increase the strength of his body much!

Therefore, Qin Yi must think of another method!

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