Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 999: Body like a war weapon, comparable to heaven


Numerous heaven and earth auras, transformed into auras, are like a vast ocean.

Through the golden real dragon, it continuously poured into Qin Yi's body.

It is this terrifying aura that is constantly strengthening Qin Yi's physical body.

So much spiritual water poured in frantically, causing Qin Yi's entire body to rise up with a thousand rays of glow, and his essence like a dragon, soaring into the sky!

It stands to reason that with so many auras entering, even if it is a powerful eclosion, it might be blown up!

However, Qin Yi was completely unafraid, as if he had not foreseen the crisis.

"For the lonely!"

Qin Yi focused on refining spiritual water and hammering his flesh.


In an instant, a strange sense of vibration emerged out of thin air.

Qin Yi's physical body oscillated slightly like waves, his spine roared like a dragon, and his physical strength increased at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The flow of vitality and blood issued a roar like a big river of the Yangtze River, and it was like the waves shaking the sky!

The bright golden light quietly appeared on Qin Yi's body.

Immortal golden body, automatically excited!

Ordinary warriors, of course, can't carry so much aura.

But Qin Yi can.

The true dragon bloodline, coupled with the immortal golden body, gave him a great body foundation.

Even more, this is just stimulating Qin Yi's potential!

The potential of the true dragon bloodline is so great, even if Qin Yi only has 10% bloodline concentration, it has created such a terrible body capacity for Qin Yi.

Not to mention, there is also an immortal golden body, which was hammered by Qin Yi!

Ten years of hard work is ten years of hammering!

At this moment, the benefits brought by the two burst out in a flash, and Qin Yi's physical body madly swallowed the power of the spirit water.

Of course, the ascension of the physical body cannot always be so smooth.


The bones of Qin Yi's whole body suddenly burst into pieces.

I saw that his muscles, bones and flesh were filled with aura and shattered piece by piece!


However, Qin Yi let out a dragon roar, and infinite golden glory burst out of his body, recasting his flesh with the magical power of the immortal golden body.

Do not break or stand!

Only after being shattered, the recast body is stronger!


The blood is surging, and the majestic vitality gushes out from all parts of the body.

The potential of the true dragon bloodline was constantly stimulated, repairing Qin Yi's body.

Destruction and rebirth exist at the same time!

"I am the king, so what is this pain!

Gu wants to conquer the heavens and all realms, don't want to scare Gu with this pain! "

Qin Yi clenched his teeth and persisted, enduring this hellish suffering.

Shattered and reborn again and again, brilliant golden brilliance bloomed, Qin Yi's body became more and more brilliant, shining with treasure, like a peerless treasure!

A quarter of an hour…

Half an hour...

An hour...


After a full day and night, the golden real dragon in the void finally dispersed.

The surging spiritual energy column also slowly dissipated between the heaven and the earth.


The endless Jin Hui dispersed, revealing the outstanding figure.

Wearing a white robe, it is still spotless and floating like a fairy.

Qin Yi stood with his hand held, but his breath seemed to be crushing forever.

All things in the world, all beings in the world, surrender to the front.

A thousand catastrophes are immortal and will last forever!


Qin Yi squeezed his fist lightly, and suddenly a sonorous metal croaking in his hand.

After such a long period of spiritual baptism, Qin Yi was able to perceive his body, and it seemed that he was not weaker than the Celestial War Weapon?

Being alone is like a heavenly weapon, this is a level that can't even reach the level of feathering and body cultivation!

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