Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1760 Nine Needles of Heavenly Movement

Ling Yun smiled!

"Young boy, you are uttering arrogant words!"

"What? Don't you dare? Western medicine is unparalleled in the world. Isn't your slogan very loud?"

Ling Yun's move was to put Western medicine down, and to prove that except for his daughter, Chinese medicine was just superficial and unsightly.

"Who are you kid!"

Ouyang Zhenhua said.

Song Yili smiled and said, "Okay, there's nothing to be afraid of, but are you sure Sissi can participate? How much does she know?"

She believed in Ling Yun's alchemy skills, not the little guy. She definitely didn't believe that the latter had medical skills. She knew very well how difficult medical skills were.

As long as Ling Yun didn't take action, she didn't believe that the little guy could cure the old man who had suffered a stroke.

"Auntie...I can do it, but don't underestimate me." The little guy said in a sweet voice.

"Well, come on, sister, if you get first place, ask Shuai Shu for ice cream, boo..." Beibei was so happy.

Mr. Li, the genius doctor of Xinglin, frowned. He was a little angry. Ling Yun had stolen all their limelight. He wanted to see how long Ling Yun would make trouble.

Professor Acrylic smiled: "I'm looking forward to this game, and I also want to witness a miracle."

He didn't know why, but he chose to believe in Ling Yun and the little guy!

The other professors of Western medicine all looked surprised and looked at Ling Yun in different ways.

Now that Song Yili has spoken, the other two Western medicine representatives also think it's okay. They don't believe that the little guy has such ability.

"Okay, then ask her to take action. We don't think we can cure this old man with a stroke in one hour, so your Chinese medicine practice will do it." Ouyang Zhenhua said.

"Hmph...I'll wait and see what happens."

Mr. Li, the genius doctor of Xinglin, chose not to stop it, which did not mean he agreed.

Ling Yun said a few words in the little guy's ear, and then the latter laughed and turned his eyes gloomily!

As the old man who had suffered a stroke agreed, treatment began immediately.


The price Ling Yun paid was a bit high, that is, if the treatment was not good, he would be stigmatized. On the other side, Mr. Zhao, the successor of the imperial doctor, and his apprentice were really annoying.

"If she knew how to heal, I would slap her a hundred times."


Mr. Zhao, the successor of the imperial doctor, knew that the little guy had medical skills.

Ling Yun said: "What did you just say?"

"Ahem, I mean, if she can be cured, I will slap myself a hundred times, do you hear me?"

After hearing the words of Mr. Zhao, the successor of his master's imperial doctor, Xiao Wu quickly changed his mind.

"Everyone must have heard it. Record what he said. If you slap him in the face later, there will be another pig head in the world."

If there is such a good thing, Ling Yun will definitely agree.

"But if you lose, you will also get slapped in the face." Xiao Wu said.


Ling Yun readily agreed.

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and he said in a milky voice: "Daddy, don't worry, I won't let you turn into a pig's head, haha."

As the old man who had suffered a stroke was pushed up, the treatment officially began.

The little guy scratched his head, then took the ghost doctor Fang Lao's silver needle and sterilized it cutely in the sun.

Everyone: "..."

Could this kid be here to play house? Silver needles can be disinfected like this.

Only a few miracle doctors' eyes brightened. This disinfection method was unique and effective.

After the little guy inserted the first silver needle into the head of the old man who had suffered a stroke, everyone was frightened and did not dare to breathe.

Then he quickly pulled out eight needles, and the technique was very precise. The little guy took a deep breath and almost finished it in one go. The technique was very skillful.

Everyone was a little dazzled when they saw it.

"This is……"

"God... okay..."



Mr. Li, the miracle doctor of Xinglin, was shocked!

The other three miracle doctors were sweating profusely and their legs were shaking, and they actually saw the legendary acupuncture technique.

Don't say that most people don't know the existence of Xuantian Nine Needles. Even the famous domestic traditional Chinese medicine doctors have never heard of the name Xuantian Nine Needles.

But these four miracle doctors knew about the Nine Needles of Heavenly Movement! !

The ancient Nine Needles that people know now were developed based on the Xuantian Nine Needles.

Nine needles, from the "Huangdi Neijing".

That is, trembling needles, pricking needles, lifting needles, sharp needles, beryllium needles, sharp needles, filiform needles, long needles and large needles.

The nine needles have different shapes, sizes, and lengths when they penetrate the body. Each needle must be mastered very well and selected according to the situation to cure the disease.

The ancient Nine Needles were created by the ancients by imitating the Xuantian Nine Needles circulated in ancient times. It is completely based on the idea of ​​Xuantian Nine Needles for treatment, and the effect is roughly the same.


Different people use different methods, and that's the magic of it.

But the only difference is that Tianxing Nine Needles requires a lot of internal strength, which means that the true energy must be released outward.

What the four miracle doctors know is that the only place that can release true energy is the legendary realm of heaven and man.

Just ask!

A small child whose strength is at the realm of heaven and man, how can he not make their hearts tremble.

Of course, the materials used to perform Tianxing Nine Needles are different, and the effects are obviously very different. The special effects of Xuantian Nine Needles cannot be imitated by ordinary Nine Needles.

The little guy used ordinary silver needles, and he didn't know what effect it would achieve. The four miracle doctors looked at it, not wanting to blink, for fear of missing something.

It is recorded in the book that when the Nine Heavenly Needles come out, the diseases in the world will disappear.

It is recorded in the book that the acupuncture technique of Tianxing Nine Needles disappeared five thousand years ago, so only later did the ancients create the ancient ordinary Nine Needles.

All nine needles were applied. The little guy used his hands up and down. A cold light flashed, and the nine needles were inserted into the acupuncture points one by one on the head of the old man who had suffered a stroke.

But strangely, these acupuncture points look strange in the eyes of some Western doctors.

Because in their eyes, these are not acupuncture points at all, the little guy is just pricking them randomly!

The breath energy in the little guy's body enters the patient's head and plays a role in pushing the uterus through the blood, and gradually activates the life breath in the patient's body, making the dying brain cells in the patient's body active.

A trace of weak power was hindered in the operation of the stroke old man's head, and the operation slowed down.

It seems that there is too much necrosis of the brain tissue, making it difficult for the little guy's power to operate. He increases his mental strength time and time again, hoping to activate the cells in the brain of the old man who has suffered a stroke.

After repeated shocks, the effect is also obvious, opening up several stagnant brain meridians.

Seeing the little guy's movements, all the doctors had smiles on their faces. Is this still first aid? This is simply a big show!

"If this is a profession, why should I learn medical skills?" Xiao Wu said with a sneer.

"Shut up!"

This time, Mr. Zhao, the successor of the royal doctor, spoke angrily.

This is the Nine Needles of Heavenly Movement, and he cannot let his apprentice destroy it.

The little guy watched quietly, with sweat on his forehead. Long Yanran wiped the sweat for her very carefully. After wiping, the little guy said thank you.

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