Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1774 Walking

The little guy ran up to the second floor with a smile, his head was covered with sweat, but he worked hard.

When passing by the balcony, she didn't forget to pick a few flowers, and then she slipped into An Qing's room. At this moment, An Qing was lying on the bed, scrolling through her circle of friends.

"Mom, Mom, look at it quickly."

An Qing turned around and saw the little guy standing by the bedside holding flowers and smiling silly. He looked like a child who got candy.


"This is Daddy's sincerity. Look at it, isn't it beautiful?"

"Aren't these flowers from the balcony?"

"No, it was picked by Daddy. He said he loves you and goes for a walk!"

This little guy directly stuffed the flowers into An Qing's arms, and then pulled the latter. An Qing was helpless.

An Qing found some doubts. After all, she was not stupid, but because the little guy was sweating, she didn't say anything. As long as the little guy was happy.

Ling Yun, who was on the first floor, almost knew it. Without saying a word, he took the hands of the three little guys and went for a walk.

The little guy shouted at the gate to the villa: "Aunt Long, remember to close the door."

Long Yanran: "..."

The three little guys were chattering non-stop along the way. After a while, Jiangbin Road arrived, and there were quite a lot of people.

The little guy was quite sensible and deliberately gave Ling Yun and An Qing space. She ran in front with Beibei and little Irene.


With a slight sigh, the little guy saw an old woman by the river, which was a little strange. The latter had been looking at the river for a long time without moving.

The little guy couldn't help his curiosity and ran down!

"Hello, grandma."

The old man did not answer her words, but continued to watch.

The little guy's eyes turned gloomily, and then he started to look there too. For a while, the three little guys were all looking there, not knowing what they were looking at.

They looked like this and attracted several people passing by.

"What are you all looking at?"

someone asked in confusion.

"I don't know what I'm looking at."

Others were speechless and said that they didn't see anything, they just didn't understand why the old man was so fascinated by it, as if he had forgotten himself.

A girl who was familiar with the old man said.

"She is a human, not a ghost, but she is no different from a ghost. She has no family, and no one even knows about her past."

"She appears here every day, quietly looking at the river, wandering like a ghost for decades."

"Perhaps there were people who knew about her past before, but those people are gone."


There was another soft cry, and the little guy's forehead was dripping with sweat. She saw a person in front of the old woman, but this person's face was very white and not real.

"Eh what?"

Beibei scratched her head. She couldn't see anything, but she was a little curious.

Someone continued: "This old man is also a poor person. This is an old observation deck that will be renovated soon. It is part of the Fourth Ring Road project."

Hearing this, the old man's eyes became moist.

Everyone present knew very well how terrifying a person's obsession can be. The old man seemed to be in good spirits, but that was because she had hope in her heart to support her.

To be able to persist here for decades without leaving, there must be some kind of persistence in it.

Demolishing this place at this time is tantamount to cutting off the old man's hope, which is tantamount to killing someone!

At this moment, Ling Yun and An Qing walked over holding hands.

Ling Yun looked at the disembodied man and frowned.

This is the first time he has seen this kind of spirit body in China, which is the obsession after death.


"Shh... don't talk."

"Grandma is so pitiful." The little guy seemed to be in a bad mood.

The spirit seemed to have discovered something and floated to the little guy. The latter was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Ling Yun and stretched out his head to watch.

The spirit immediately showed a smile: "I was indeed right, you can see me, that's great."

" scared my daughter." Ling Yun frowned and looked unhappy.

The spirit body was startled and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it."


"Do not talk."

At this moment, Ling Yun was talking to himself, and everyone almost regarded him as a fool. Fortunately, the lighting was not enough, otherwise they would all be recognized.

"This little brother, please help me. This is my last obsession. It will be gone soon. God must want me to wait for you. Please help me." The voice of the spirit body was full of prayer!

"Since people are dead, why should they cling to one thought?" Ling Yun shook his head.

At this time, An Qing was subconsciously clenched by Ling Yun's right hand. Listening to these words, she felt that there must be something she couldn't see.

"Don't... please, please say a few words to untie the knot in her heart. She has suffered so much these years." The spirit body was still talking, but Ling Yun didn't buy it at all.


"Please, time is running out."

The spirit body seemed unwilling to give in and dissipated even faster.

"Daddy, he is so pitiful."

The little guy couldn't stand it anymore and shook Ling Yun's right hand.

"Let's go, I agreed."

In the end, Ling Yun sighed, wasn't it just because of the little guy?

Hearing Ling Yun's personal agreement, the spirit smiled, looked at the old woman affectionately for the last time, and then disappeared into the world.

Ling Yun held down the little guy's head, and with a thought, he took the little guy's consciousness into the memory of the old man.

Only by understanding what this old man has gone through can we untie the knot in his heart.

"Chirp chirp..."

Several clear bird calls were heard, and Ling Yun and the little guy appeared in a forest.

This is a forest, and there are many birch trees. White birch trees are everywhere, and the little guy has a big mouth. She is sure this is not real.

Just when the little guy was distracted, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter. The laughter was like a silver bell, crisp and sweet.

Ling Yun and his daughter turned around and saw a little girl in the middle with braids and a white jumpsuit running over, shouting as she ran.

Not far away, a big boy, dressed in linen clothes, was holding a straw rope in his hand, with a big fish swimming on the straw rope. He responded with concern as he ran.

While the little girl was talking, she suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

The boy threw the big fat fish away and chased after it, showing concern on his face.

It is not difficult to see that the little girl is the old man, and the little boy is the spirit before his death!

Ling Yun was also explaining all this to the little guy. Everything here was in the old man's memories and everything that had happened in the past.

After being comforted by the little boy, the girl cried on the spot.

The boy hurriedly coaxed, imitating bird calls, duck calls, and frog jumps.

At this time, the little girl stopped crying, but covered her eyes and secretly watched this funny scene...

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