Supreme Daddy

Chapter 26 Eye of the Void

The Qin family has a huge manor in the villa complex.

At this time, the living room of Qin Manor was crowded with people, including the Qin family, the Long Group, and the Ministry of National Security.

"Have you caught Tokugawa Nakachi?" Ma Rulong, the director of the Dragon Group stationed in Liangjiang Special Economic Zone, asked. (late congenital stage)

"Lin Hao's team has already gone to hunt"

"But their strength may not be able to do anything to him."

"Since you know, why don't you send more people there?" Gao San, the person in charge of Jiangbei of the National Security Bureau, frowned and scolded. (S-level superpower)

The target of the attack this time was the Qin family. If Boss Qin knew that under his jurisdiction, the Qin family was attacked and no one could be captured, he would lose his skin even if he didn't die.

"Hmph, it's not the national security's turn to intervene in our Dragon Team's work." Ma Rulong ignored the senior year's words.

"I can ignore the rest, but it concerns the Qin family, and Guoan cannot stay out of it," the senior high school student replied sternly.

The Qin family was a little confused. They were obviously asked to handle this matter, but why did they end up quarreling.

Qin Gongming is the head of the Qin family. He has cultivated in the early stage of Baodan. He has three sons and one daughter. His eldest son Qin Tiansheng is his greatest pride. He is the head of the National Security Bureau with 3S powers and is stronger than him. His second son Qin Tiannan and his third son Qin The dynasty was engaged in business, and he also had early Xiantian cultivation, and managed part of the Ziyun Imperial County.

The Qin family members who were injured this time were Qin Tiansheng's son Qin Hao and Qin Chao's seven-year-old son Qin Huai. They were also targeted. Qin Hao in the middle of the day after tomorrow was no match for Tokugawa Nakachi. Fortunately, the steward Qin Fen and Mr. Qin arrived in time, otherwise they would His life was long gone. When the incident happened, Qin Gongming was drinking and playing chess with his old friends in the city.

"Grandpa, cousins, what's going on?" Qin Lan asked.

It turns out that Qin Lan left Ling Yun's house because her father called her to tell her that her two cousins ​​had been attacked, so she hurried back.

"It was a few bodyguards who died. Qin Hao was seriously injured, but his life was saved. Qin Huai was slightly injured," Qin Gongming said after sighing.

"Did my cousin offend someone?"

"No, he is probably your uncle's enemy."

"Xiao Lan, I haven't investigated clearly. You should go out less recently," Qin Tiannan ordered.

"Second uncle, where is my brother injured?" Qin Xianglian came back from outside holding her daughter in her arms.

"Grandpa, where is my uncle?" the child in Qin Xianglian's arms asked in a sweet voice.

Just when Qin Tiannan wanted to tell them the whole story.

A pleasant ringing sound rang in the living room.

It was Ma Rulong whose cell phone rang.


"District Chief Ma, I am Lin Hao. I failed to catch him, so I let you down." It was obvious that he was embarrassed when he spoke.

"What, you idiots, how did you do this?" Ma Rulong said angrily.

Because the speaker was turned on, the sound was relatively loud, so everyone present heard it.

In the third year of high school, his green roots burst out and he ran away? Can't catch it? How should I face Boss Qin? My black gauze hat may not be guaranteed this time.

"I'm sorry, District Chief, we have seriously injured him, but his breath disappeared in an instant," Lin Hao said depressedly.

"what happened?"

Lin Hao immediately reported everything to Ma Rulong, and everyone was full of questions.

"Come back, everyone. In this case, Tokugawa has already run away," Ma Rulong ordered.

"Tokugawa hasn't left Jiangbei yet. We should join forces to arrest them. What do you think, Ma Rulong?" The senior high school student was thinking about how to atone for his sins.

"Okay, I agree. They are too crazy. We must give them a heavy blow for daring to run wild in the place I manage." Ma Rulong said angrily.

Immediately give instructions and report any clues immediately without any mistakes.

However, what they don't know is that all they do will be in vain, because Tokugawa Nakachi is already dead.

late at night

A dark shadow appeared in front of Villa No. 2403 in District 11.

"This is it. The last breath of Tokugawa Nakachi's secret technique disappeared here." After speaking, the black shadow looked up at the villa and didn't feel anything different.

Black Shadow is the person in charge of this assassination operation. He is Suzuki Sheep of the Baodan Realm of the Yasukuni Shrine in the island country. He is also a killer who has been on the killer list for a long time. He is also a wanted target in China. He dare not see the person in person during the day.

No matter what, he wanted to find out why Tokugawa disappeared? He had to find the answer. He had a feeling from the moment he came to the door of this villa. The disappearance of Tokugawa Nakachi must be related to this villa, not to mention that Suzuki Sheep's feeling was still very accurate.

With a backflip, Suzuki Yang arrived at the front yard of the villa. Suzuki Yang's face was filled with joy. Sure enough, Tokugawa's last secret technique disappeared here. Then the owner of this villa... stared straight ahead.

Suddenly he saw an extremely terrifying eye, yes, it was an eye, a human-shaped vertical eye floating in the air. Because it was so sudden, Suzuki Yang was startled, and he punched out of reflex. The punch hit that eye, and the eye directly absorbed it. This punch was sure to seriously injure the opponent in the middle stage of Bao Dan, but now it has no effect on that eye.

Suzuki Yang was stunned and horrified. He finally knew where Tokugawa was. Tokugawa was waiting for him. In hell, he regretted why he came here. If he could choose again, he would definitely not come to investigate.

The Eye of the Void blinked at Suzuki Sheep. Suzuki Sheep's body began to petrify from bottom to top, and he watched his feet turn into stone. It was painless and itchy. This method was shocking to the world.

Suzuki Sheep's last words before he was completely petrified: "Kami-sama"

Another ant, haha, everyone who ruined my daughter's life must die. Ling Yun snapped his fingers, and the scene of the Eye of the Void just happened.

A trace of merit flowed into Ling Yun's eyebrows. Ling Yun rubbed Qian Qian's head lying in his arms and smiled.

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