Supreme Daddy

Chapter 846 Accident

I guess it’s because I think it’s cool!

The blood crow is circulating!

"Purple Bird has confirmed that the gods, celestial beings, and generals have all arrived one after another. Those who delivered the spiritual stones and many city lords have also arrived." Baili Gusu explained.

"Oh? In that case! It's normal to have a fire in the backyard, but I don't know what the Supreme Lord will do when he finds out?" Baili said sarcastically.

Baili Gusu shook his head and smiled, no matter what happened, it was none of their business.

Changsun Wuji in box 851 also wants to auction the Heaven Defying Pill, but... he doesn't have the spirit stone!

"Hey, spirit stones, spirit stones, it's all that prodigal son's fault. He spent a lot of spirit stones on me, and I couldn't get so much out of it at the same time."


He left, bored, there was no use staying any longer, and he had no interest in who took the picture of the Heaven-defying Pill.

In the 910 box, Zhu Renmo signaled to Beauty Wang to bid!

"Thirty thousand!"

He suddenly had an idea, should he be humble? Please ask the Supreme Lord to sell him a pill!

Cure the infertility of his body!

I don’t know if Tai Shenjun has such a pill.

He has been to Danshen Sect dozens of times but found nothing.

Alchemy King?

He also visited him before, and the latter shook his head, but there was still nothing he could do.

Even if he has three thousand beauties and is powerful, so what? What's the use of having no heirs?

Box No. 780…

Emperor Wu Zu shouted loudly: "Thirty-five thousand!"

Everyone was shocked...

Nowadays, the world is dominated by local tycoons who cannot afford to pay...

150 private rooms!

The two elders of Danshen Sect were really shouting out the price at this moment: "50,000!"

They are bound to get such a heaven-defying elixir. Although they don't know if it is an ancient alchemy technique, but because of the name of this elixir, it is worth it.

Ben Ru of Box 99 frowned, Fifty thousand? He had 70,000 yuan left in his hand. Later he walked out of the guardrail and shouted, "Will others give me face?"


The Martial Ancestor God Emperor immediately said: "Fifty-five thousand!"

Baili Gusu: "Sixty thousand!"

Zhen Wudao: "Sixty-three thousand!"

Mo Liancheng: "Sixty-six thousand!"

Bidding has begun to enter a white-hot stage...

Ben Ru was speechless, shook his head, sighed, and slipped away. He might as well keep his 70,000 yuan and go home.

999 private room!

An Qing was very happy, shout, shout!


The little guy covered his stomach and pulled Ling Yun: "Daddy, it hurts here!"

Beibei also said: "It hurts..."

Ling Yun panicked and immediately checked them, and then his expression changed drastically!

There is a majestic force running around in the little guy and Beibei's belly!


Ling Yun suddenly thought that that fruit had both advantages and disadvantages, and it actually disrupted their power.

"There are bugs..." The little guy is in pain...

at the same time…

News comes from heaven...

Ling Yun was furious, but he couldn't leave. The little guy and Beibei needed him. It would not be easy to eliminate this power.

An Qing was so anxious. What happened to her daughter? Why was she in so much pain?

Madam Ghost was also anxiously looking around, looking at Ling Yun. Why didn't she take action to treat her daughters?

Long Jiani and the others all looked worried!

Little Eileen said: "Sister, there are no bugs in her stomach. She has the power to be violent."

Hear this!

An Qing became even more flustered and kept pulling Ling Yun: "Don't be so stupid!"

It's no joke to have power running around in the body. It can range from paralysis to the whole body, to death from explosion.

"Rex, Rex!" Ling Yun's tone was very angry, and anyone could hear it.

"My subordinate is here!"

"Inform Mr. Dong and others that something happened at the Dragon Lock Tower."

Rex was stunned for a moment, then broke into a cold sweat. He nodded and headed to the 950 box.

Lock the dragon tower!

The only place in the divine world where prisoners are imprisoned is located in a valley not far from the divine peak.

That's a tower!

Almost high into the sky.

The prisoners held there have been there since ancient times, and almost all of them are powerful and notorious.

These are all the achievements of the previous divine masters, especially the first divine master in ancient times, who captured the most big guys. They are still alive now and living a good life in the Dragon Lock Tower.

Ling Yun said: "I need to be quiet. If anything happens, don't disturb me."


He carried the little guy and Beibei to the attic and sealed it off.

How many of the drunken Emperor Guapi were thrown out?

Everyone knows the seriousness of the matter, and there is nothing we can do except worry.

Several Dong Shen Zun got the news, leaving only the Fortune God Zun!


He immediately led the others back to the divine peak. Nothing could happen to the Dragon Locking Tower.

Once the prisoners inside are released, the twelve regions will be in chaos.

Baili Gusu said: "He knew it, and the gods and others rushed over."

"What do you think the result will be?" Baili scoffed and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If the Supreme Lord doesn't take action, the outcome will be 50-50."

"Oh? Who is this person?"

"I don't know. I don't know the news reported by Ziniao, but the leaders are very strong."

"Interesting, there is actually an opponent you don't know about." Baili scoffed, his brows slightly furrowed, and his eyes revealed an incredulous look.

"Nonsense, I'm not omnipotent." Baili Gusu rolled her eyes at him, and the latter winked cutely.

An Qing and Mrs. Ghost were waiting anxiously outside the top floor.

What happens outside does not affect the auction at all!

Mo Liancheng in box 222 noticed something was wrong. In box 950, there was only one god left? Something seems to have happened.

"Seventy-four thousand!"

"Seventy-eight thousand!" The Martial Ancestor God Emperor continued to shout out the price.

The two elders of Danshen Sect looked at each other: "Eighty thousand!"

Zhen Wudao: "Eighty-three thousand!"

Zhu Renmo: "Ninety thousand!"

Mo Liancheng: "Ninety-three thousand!"

Baili Gusu: "Ninety-five thousand!"

The God of Fortune bit his lip: "One hundred thousand!!"

Everyone held their breath, it was just a pill, was it worth it?

They finally knew about the previous competition between Territory Lord and God!

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"One hundred and eighty..."

No one backed down...

Deng Wendui, the green-robed elder of Danshen Sect, opened the box door and walked towards the top floor, while the other one continued to call out the price.

Outside the top floor!

An Qing's frown never disappeared, she went back and forth and couldn't sit still at all.

"Empress, someone is coming from behind!" Empress Hanyue said.

"Who?" An Qing said in a bad tone, she was so annoyed!

Empress Hanyue said: "Looking at the attire, he looks like an elder of the Danshen Sect."

Elder Deng Wen has already come to An Qing and the others: "Everyone is friendly."

Mrs. Ghost was very polite and nodded gently in response.

Empress Hanyue represented the situation: "Hello, senior, what's the matter? No outsiders are allowed here. If nothing happens, please leave quickly."

Elder Deng Wen replied: "I want to meet the Supreme Lord, please inform me on my behalf."

An Qing looked angry. No one was allowed to disturb Ling Yun. What would she do if something happened to her daughter, so she was very angry.

Madam Ghost immediately spoke up and stopped An Qing who was about to get angry.

The Dan Shen Sect cannot be offended. There are too many forces involved. Many big forces are friendly with the Dan Shen Sect, and its own strength is not bad.

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