Supreme Daddy

Chapter 891 Poison Bat

Du Qianfu's eyes suddenly lit up...

Breaking is the best, I wish I could!

He just wants to use it to break it. The red bat is his special skill!

The little guy passed by Miao Midang and came to Beibei. He looked at the red bat and said in a milky voice: "Sister, what is this?"

She feels familiar!

Beibei touched his head and remembered that when he was at the Jiangnan Ancient Tomb for the first time, when the tomb passage collapsed at the end, wasn't it something like this that held it up?

The little guy laughed, it turned out to be it...

Gongsun Qing shouted in a funny voice: "Living treasure, Sissi!"

An people are about to vomit blood!

"You're here too..."

Mr. An's face turned dark again...

Second Master An was looking everywhere, where is Ling Yun?

Du Qianfu became anxious when he saw that Beibei was not broken.

The little guy said: "It doesn't look good, let's let it out."

"Okay, okay!" Beibei nodded, still sitting on the ground, trying to open the piston of the bottle.

The little guy was also helping, and after a while, the red bat was released smoothly by them.

"Yeah yeah..."

The little guy high-fives Beibei!

The red bat immediately flew into Du Qianfu's hands, and the An family was stunned!

Du Qianfu laughed...


Suddenly, everyone heard a strange scream.

Immediately afterwards, red flying things came quickly from outside.

"What the hell?"

Everyone in the An family had questions and a bad feeling in their hearts.

Although Miao Midang knew that these were all caused by Master Du, he had rarely seen such weird scenes with his own eyes.

"Wow, I know, this is the Flying Poisonous Bat." Wu Xiufu exclaimed.

"It is rumored that once someone is bitten, he will die immediately in less than half a quarter of an hour." Luo Jianliang raised his eyebrows slightly.

The other Miao Midangs couldn't help but feel frightened, and even retreated far away, for fear of being accidentally injured.

"Fuck..." Mr. An was shocked to see so many densely packed red bats.


Seeing the bats swooping up in front of him like lightning, Mr. An took a few steps forward, quickly came to the little guy, shouted loudly, and punched several of them away.


However, the bat was flying very fast and looking for tricky directions. It frightened Mr. An and made him dodge left and right, almost getting bitten.

"Damn it, you go to hell..." Mr. An was angry again and punched him again.

The little guy blinked...

Beibei kept staring at the bats in the sky.

"Old man, you don't have to waste your efforts. How can you destroy the flying poisonous bat?" Du Qianfu shook his head and crossed his arms.

"That's right, the Flying Poison Bat is incredibly fast, and its body is as hard as steel. Even if you hit it, it's just a scratch." Wu Xiufu swallowed his saliva as he recalled the weirdness of these bats.

"Absolutely. I want to cultivate a qualified flying poisonous bat, but it will take several years, and you can't kill it." Poisonous Master smiled, his eyes full of disdain, and he also raised his hands. Put it on your chest and look confident.

Luo Jianliang looked at Beibei and almost remembered it, but he couldn't think of the key point.

The little guy exclaimed: "So powerful?" Her beautiful eyes kept looking at the bats in the sky. Some of them were flying low and she jumped up, trying to catch one.



The flying poisonous bat that had been smashed to the ground by Mr. An now flew up quickly again, screamed miserably, and flew towards him again.

The An family was shocked. They didn't expect those bats to be so perverted.

"You can't even deal with a small flying poisonous bat, and you are so brazen that you dare to destroy us." Meng Qingfu was full of laughter, his eyes were a little cold, he probably wanted to take action, his hands were itchy.

"I really don't know how high the sky is." Wu Xiufu looked at Mr. An with contempt, and the latter was angry and unwilling.

Suddenly a bat turned and bit Wu Xiufu!

"Okay, okay, okay, bite him to death, bite him..." The little guy clapped his hands excitedly.

Wu Xiufu was bitten by a flying poisonous bat that suddenly appeared, and his face turned black immediately. It was really poisonous.

"Help, Master Du..."

Wu Xiufu became very panicked and kept slapping the bat with both hands. The bat kept biting him, which scared the other friends.

Du Qianfu frowned, a little unbelievable, how could his bat bite Wu Xiufu!

Beibei curled her lips and muttered: "It doesn't even listen to you."

Just now Beibei tested her affinity, but the bat immediately obeyed her and bit Wu Xiufu.

The little guy looked at Beibei, who scratched her head and asked, "Sister, can I blow some air?"

Beibei doesn't know why, blowing? Blow whatever you want...

"Yeah, yeah..."


The little guy took advantage of Miao Midang's people not paying attention, let out a breath, and immediately formed a tornado, blowing all the bats away.

Beibei's lips twitched, she shouldn't have been allowed to blow, who knew this would happen?

Everyone in Miao Midang lay on the ground, clinging to the ground to prevent the wind from blowing them away. The dust got into their eyes and they couldn't open them.

The An family was stunned...

Mr. An looked incomprehensible. Who did it?

Mr. An breathed a sigh of relief, he almost died.

Gongsun Qing's eyes suddenly lit up, and she saw Ling Yun walking over leisurely.

Why does An Shize feel that Sissi did this...

After everything calms down...

The little guy laughed loudly and kept clapping his little hands excitedly, as if to say, they disappeared, it was all my fault, and I want daddy to praise them.

Du Qianfu stood up and was furious. Where was his flying bat? It doesn't matter anything else, the red leader must be found, otherwise how can he command?

Wu Xiufu continued to scream, Meng Qingfu was suppressing the poison for him, and the ugly man was looking for the antidote. There were so many antidotes in his hand that it was difficult to find.

"Hurry up, if we can't find him again, he will die." Meng Qingfu shouted, sweating all over.

The ugly man kept silent and kept looking down.

Luo Jianliang stood up and looked at Beibei again...

Du Qianfu froze. Someone appeared next to the two children?

Then he looked directly at Ling Yun and said, "Boy, are you also from the An family? Did you do what you just did?"

Although he saw Sissi blowing air just now, he would definitely not believe such a ridiculous thing, that the master was someone else.

Now that Ling Yun appears, if you don't doubt him, who will you doubt?

Anyone who dares to blow away his poisonous bat must die!

Du Qianfu stared straight at Ling Yun with a cold look in his eyes, and sneered with a sideways smile.

The little guy was angry. It was obviously her who did it. Why should she praise him when he said it was her father?

"No, no, bad old man, it's wrong to lie to people." The little guy shook his head vigorously and pouted, looking very cute when he was angry.

Mr. An just wanted to pull Ling Yun and the two little guys back, but he was held back by Mr. An, who had a smile on his face.

There's something good to watch!

(I originally planned to update ten chapters in a few days, but something happened. Please wait a little longer.)

(I have said it more than once, the delay is just a review issue, I will notify you if the update time changes...)

The author updated it at one o'clock in the morning, and the review will not release it. It is available for all basic books, and not just this one!

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