Supreme Daddy

Chapter 991 Introduction (Second update)

The little guy knew he was in trouble...

Ling Yun said with a smile: "Qian Qian, you can't unleash dragon power on your own people in the future, you know."

"Yeah!" The little guy nodded!

"Beibei too! And little Eileen, the dragon essence in your body is getting stronger, so don't mess around." Ling Yun taught them carefully.

The three little guys nodded wildly!

Ling Yun touched Beibei's little head and asked, "Beibei really understands!"

Beibei blinked her big, smart eyes and said, "I don't understand."

Ling Yun almost fell down, but he still nodded without understanding!

Beibei scratched his head in embarrassment and asked, "Do I want to play?"


Ling Yun wants to vomit blood. Although the Evil Dragon Yuan is not as good as the Blood Dragon Yuan, it is not something Haihuang and the others can bear. It might kill them at any time.

When little Irene saw the princess, she immediately turned into a phoenix and flew over.

Ling Yun took Beibei and Sissi and walked slowly. As he walked, he said: "Beibei, I will study it slowly when I have the opportunity in the future. I can't play now."

Beibei smiled and said: "Okay, I don't know how, just ask my sister."


Ling Yun nodded, very satisfied with Beibei's performance.

"Ask me?" The little guy blinked!


When Ling Yun walked up to the princess and the others, the little guy started rubbing his eyes.

"My child, you miss me so much." The princess hugged little Irene's phoenix head with tears on her face.


Little Eileen screamed!

The corner of Poseidon's mouth twitched, and he couldn't be happy anymore. They were dragons, so why not fly here as a phoenix?

Ling Yun said: "I am deeply sorry for the Qin Demon breaking the seal."

No matter what, it was all caused by Sissi taking the Dinghai Divine Pearl, so an apology is appropriate.

Poseidon sighed, what else could he say now that things have happened.

"I've seen the Supreme Lord!"

Neptune and others performed a gentleman's salute!

Ling Yun nodded and said, "Come out with me and see how crazy the piano demon is."

Poseidon felt happy and immediately said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor. Can you please wait for me and allow me to take my time?"

He was really badly injured by Long Wei, and he could hardly stand up.

The princess's complexion improved a lot. She asked little Irene to transform back into a human body. As soon as the latter came back, she hugged her and laughed, but she was quite clingy.

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, and he wanted to waste a few more pills. Then he took out a few lower-level pills and felt a pain in his body. After all, there was a serious shortage of medicinal materials.

Poseidon's eyes lit up and he cupped his hands towards Ling Yun: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Hurry up, I don't have much time to waste."

Ling Yun waved his hand carelessly.

Beibei said to the princess with a sweet voice: "Auntie, we went to play, why don't you go."

The princess touched Beibei's little head and said funnyly: "Auntie has many things to do, but she is not like you who can play everywhere."

Beibei smiled and said: "Haha, we are looking for treasures."

Little guy: "Yeah, so many, so many."

These two children started to show off, which really made people laugh and cry.

"Mother, the baby also has many treasures, and my sister has not given them to me yet." Little Eileen touched her brow, and the fire unicorn scales were shining red!

"Yeah, there are so many, it doesn't matter." Beibei nodded, with a smile on his face.

The little guy was smiling from ear to ear, his mind filled with thoughts of the treasure he got from his dead end.

The princess smiled happily, it didn't matter what the treasure was, as long as little Eileen was happy.

After a short rest, Poseidon said, "Your Majesty, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

At this time, Neptune and the others were back, and they had just gone to call all their clan members over to prepare for leaving the sealed area.

Ling Yun nodded: "Follow me."

As soon as he waved, the little guy and Beibei ran over immediately, took Ling Yun's hand, and little Irene let the princess hold her.

All the formations in the seal were destroyed by Ling Yun, and he also took away a lot of formation cores, which is a good thing.

Qin Mo's men were basically surrendered sailors. The Sea Emperor couldn't bear to kill them, but Ling Yun was different. With a wave of his hand, they were all wiped out.

What's the use of having such subordinates?

After leaving the Endless Sea, the group of them was very excited.

"Where is the piano demon?" Ling Yun asked with half-squinted eyes.

Poseidon replied: "Go back to Lord Tai, he should be in my palace."

Ling Yun looked to the east, with a smile on his lips and said, "Beibei, you, little Irene, and the princess are going to the Western Region of the Endless Sea to play."

The little guy immediately hugged Ling Yun's thigh and shook his head vigorously, "No, no!"

Beibei's eyes flickered, wondering whether she should follow her handsome uncle.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched and he immediately said: "There is a treasure in the Dragon Palace of the Western Regions. You go there and try to find it."



The little guy immediately let go of Ling Yun and ran to the princess.

Beibei also gave up following Ling Yun and hugged the princess's legs. The latter was a little embarrassed.

"Just wait for me at the Dragon Palace." Ling Yun nodded to the princess, who nodded in response and touched the heads of the three of them.

"Yeah, yeah!"

The little guys responded while dragging the princess into the Thunder Gate. This move shocked the Poseidon and others.

Just a princess?

Although the Dragon Palace in the Western Region is far away from the Eastern Region, there are still many masters there, including the Sea Prince who surrendered to the piano demon.

Poseidon requested: "Your Majesty the Emperor, let me follow you."

Ling Yun shook his head and waited until the little guys and others entered the Thunder Gate to heal.

"This...this...!" Poseidon's eyes widened a bit.

"Sea King, you go to the North and South Territories, and I will personally go to the East Territory." Ling Yun said.

Neptune had no doubts. Ling Yun should have his reasons for this arrangement.



He went to the Northern Territory first with the North Sea Dragon and the South Sea Dragon.

Poseidon smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I will go with you. I will lead the way."

"Let's go."

Which way to lead?

Poseidon himself was embarrassed and twitched as he looked at Ling Yun's Thunder Gate.

Ling Yun didn't care that much, the most important thing was to deal with the piano demon quickly.

Endless Sea East Region!

Ling Yun stepped on the sea, and Haihuang felt a little timid. He didn't know who was stronger. The piano demon was from ancient times.

"Go in and bring him up." Ling Yun frowned. He couldn't feel any aura from the piano demon, shouldn't he.

Poseidon's feet shook a few times, which made Ling Yun roll his eyes repeatedly.

"Emperor...Your Majesty, why don't we come together?"

"Who is this emperor?"


Ling Yun would not just meet a so-called piano demon.

"O God!"

Poseidon replied blankly!

Ling Yun's head was full of black lines. Forget it, his heart was tired. He didn't want to say anything, so he just threw Poseidon away.

In about ten minutes!

A huge wave surged from the bottom of the sea, setting off countless tidal waves and surging waves.

A dragon came out quickly. It was the King of the Sea, wounded all over, followed by a bunch of cyan light, as if it had eyes.

This piano skill?

Ling Yun's pupils are big and he looks very familiar!

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