Supreme Demon

Chapter 1003: Dead rainbow is amazing!

The first thousand and three chapters of the dead rainbow is brilliant!

Heaven and earth sink!

The two scorpions did not enter the demon stone, and evolved a huge devour of the hurricane. It is taking advantage of the power of the protoss, and its body is flying upwards. An amazing explosive force is exploding between the two.

"Hey, hey..."

The waves are all over the sky, and the roads are flying in all directions. The weather is squirting, and the nine heavens are torn apart. The whole world is chaotic, but this scene is covered by the hurricane that is swallowed up. It continues to press down, forcing that. A Protoss, imprisoned his body, and violently slammed.

"I am a true descendant of the dragon, who dares to fight."

The protoss stood alone, and a huge force, flying from his sword, stabbed into the devastating hurricane, bursting out six heavens, is reversing from the hurricane center, to smash the hurricane.

Six powers, unbeatable!

"Oh..." For a time, the smash of the void and the inch of the inch, you can hear the friction between the hurricane and the gods, like the sound of the sound of the sound, shocking people's scalp numb, like the sky is falling.

I have to say that the Protoss is indeed terrible, especially the six-level gods. It is not the same as the current arrogant bird. Although the demon stone is very against the sky, the power that the arrogant bird can hold is only two. At the level of Valkyrie, it is difficult to shake the reversal of divine power.


Finally, in a stalemate for a moment, swallowing the hurricane cracked, the darkness of the light, spread from all sides to the center, crushed in the air, and the devour of the hurricane is also a bit slow, the center has a more terrible storm, is counterattack!

"Oh, stab!"

Not long after, the devour of the hurricane solidified, and the blink of an eye split, was shattered by the storm stirred by the gods, instantly collapsed, followed by the gods across the river, killing the proud bird.

"you will die!"

The arrogant bird spit a blood, and strongly urged the demon stone to be hard. The "when" slammed down, it seemed like a meteor to take the moon, and it flew out three thousand feet, and it rushed into the mountains and never climbed out.

If you can't hear its tragic sound, people even think that the proud bird has fallen under the knife of the Protoss.


The hurricane tears, the world is silent!

Ling Feng Bao is solemn, his eyes are as heavy as a candle, and the five-stone giant sword is like a streamer, and he throws it directly at the protoss. After that, the broken blade and the 18th palm of the floating sect are also killed.


The one of the Protoss stepped out, pushed a palm and retreated 30 ft, and then resisted the five giant swords. He followed the sword and drove the storm, and swallowed the broken blade and the 18th.

"God is absolutely!"

Ling Feng tried his best to break through the space like a lightning bolt. He flew out from the cracked void and tore the storm of the gods. Even the protoss were injured, and a blood was splashed on his shoulder. wave.

But it also stops here. It is too difficult to hurt the Protoss!

"Is this your strength?" The Protoss despised the hurricane, and the pupils were shining with the enchanting banter color. Although this is a genius, it can only play the power of the second-level martial arts, and wants to compare with him. not qualified.


Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, and Ming Hao are also full of dignity. They can only drag this protoss, and only want to kill and rely on the ridiculous door, but without revealing the situation of the cliff, the drought What is the power of Men Xiaoqi to get rid of that Protoss?

They can't think of it!

Qiu Shuyi and Tsundere Birds can't think of it. Fighting to this point, only the realm can turn things around. There is no doubt that Ao Xian and Shen Feng are also desperate. A nine-level Wu Zun can be killed now. It’s been a long time since I lived with that Protoss.

But, after all, it’s time to die!

"Before, I don't quite understand!"

On the occasion of many murders, Ling Feng lowered his eyes and grinned, letting a sigh of blood, from his eyebrows, and he was banned from himself.

"What kind of power is it?"

At this moment, Ling Feng finally raised his head, his face was filled with the smile of the epiphany, and he said in obscurity. "Now, I understand!"

"This world is not only the heavens and the earth, but also the ancient Wu, they belong to the Shenwu continent, but not the entire interstellar!" He said with excitement: "Because the interstellar is the star force, it is the place where the sun shines."

"So, it is the real star power!"

With his hands clasped together, at the moment when the nine black holes shine, the sky flies back and falls into his palm, shining like the stars, and the gods sword in the black hole of the sorcerer is flying fast. Into the tragedy, let it shine, can not be a lifetime.

"come on!"

As the tongue stunned, the fried eardrums suffered.

And when the voice fell, Ling Feng Dan Tian Qi Wei's operation, the dark **** Lei trembled gently, as if it was blown by the wind, the two stars and rivers rushing and flowing, it seems that something is missing.

A black mang has fallen into the palm of the hand, only one inch in size, extraordinarily low, but the black mans are very gorgeous, it seems to cover up the black hole.

It is a round of meniscus, a sickle!

Is it a death sickle?

No, it’s a dead rainbow!

This was born from the Milky Way, and it took a lot of power, and the strange dead rainbow that was born out of it has always made Ling Feng very puzzled. Until he entered the star map, he gradually realized that this is not the simple conciseness of heaven and earth. It is the power of the Earth and Earth, especially the power of the Galaxy. It is the power that keeps the whole starry sky unimpeded.

More importantly, the Milky Way, the dark gods, the deep starry sky, and the thunderous fire phoenix are all powerful forces in the sky and sky, then the dead rainbow that these forces gave birth to?

The next moment, Ling Feng gave the answer!


Dead Rainbow flew into the sky, not integrated into it, but entangled in it, such as the real dragon disk, deep mysterious power, easily shredded the void, and then flew in.


A word collapsed, Ling Feng tried his best and went down!

For a moment, the interception of the sky penetrated all obstacles, imprisoned in all directions, opened a long practice in the cracks in the space, the heavens and the earth that the gods burst, and they went to the protoss in one fell swoop.

The shock is like lightning, and the miraculous miracle!

Under the gods, they are all ants, and the oracles are full of ignorance!


The protoss changed color, and his face was pale, and he tried his best to push the power of the gods. However, he was subjected to the murder of Qiu Shuyi and the proud bird, and was confronted by the five giant swords and the eighteen palms of Futu. The six gods are not so embarrassed, and his injuries are even heavier.

In this case, his realm almost fell to the bottom!

And this is exactly what Ling Feng wants to see, weaken the Protoss, he has a chance, now the general trend has been completed, and the rest is only a brilliant kill!


Six heavens rushed forward and tried to resist this fierce blow.


Turbulent, the six heavens trembled, a dagger punctuated through it, a strong light, pierced it through a hole in one fell swoop, and then cut into the genius of the Protoss.

This is the emptiness of the sky, the moment of shock!

The scorpion shot was worn by the protoss, but the dead rainbow was like a backlight. It broke off every rib of the Protoss and cut off his internal organs. The power of emptiness was even more spread. To his Dantian.


The protoss’s chest was cracked and spread all the way to his guilt. Even his dantian was cracked, and the rushing power instantly buried him. His whole body was like a ball filled with mans. .


The blood and rain flew, the protoss burst in the screams, flesh and blood flew in all directions, splashing a mountain peak, after all, this is the blood of God, unparalleled tyranny.

"Do not!"

Only the remaining Protoss binocular red, directly abandoned the Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, Ming Yu three, rushed forward, angry to make Ling Feng into a mud.

"I want you to die!"

Ling Feng pale, the dead rainbow is strong and terrible, but it will also take time out of his power, so that he is very prosperous, and has not been able to continue.


The next moment, nine black and black holes dimmed, broken, all squeezed into the sky, reminding the dead rainbow, but the power is far from enough, and the speed of the three people is far from the Protoss compared to.

What's more, the protoss' injury is not as serious as the other two, and the fighting power is naturally stronger.


Qiu Shuyi, and the arrogant bird that climbed out of the mountains, the heart is trembled. This situation is also unexpected for them. Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen are rushing all the way. They don’t want the ridiculous Xiaoqi at this festival. Fall down.

The arrogant and the gods are killing everyone. They are tight-handed, and they hope that this person can dodge, but the power has already poured into the dead rainbow, and the whole person is falling, and how to dodge.

This is a dead end!


A sharp arrow instantly reached the front of Ling Feng, lightning fast.

However, just when everyone closed their eyes and didn't want to look at Ling Feng's fall, Ling Feng's dim eyes were suddenly bright, and a rush of killing suddenly reversed, causing him to be filled with gorgeous light.

A long shout smashed the void!

Ling Feng’s falling body suddenly solidified in the air, and a sly power was awakening from his dantian.

Thus, in the gaze of people, the dark black hole was broken, replaced by ten holy white holes like snow, black holes rising into the sky, and white holes falling, forming a completely different contrarian.

However, it is more brilliant and embarrassing than before!


Ling Feng angered, all the white holes poured into the dead rainbow, so that the dead rainbow is also holy, the sound of the edge, straight through the sky, "咻" slammed the arrow, cut the last A protoss blocked and pierced his eyebrows.

For a moment, time has settled.

The body of the Protoss has also solidified. On a huge dragon's head, the blood of the red is dripping down, like the big eyes of a bronze bell. It is incredible to look at the human being in front of us, and it is unwilling and desperate to flash.

Who can think of it, when the power is exhausted, there is still a new force.

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