Supreme Demon

Chapter 1008: Bravely

Chapter 108 is brave


A sword is pierced by the void.

Yongqing’s cold eyes seem to devour the opposite **** of the flying fairy, and when Jianhong is at its best, he also becomes a sword, like a meteor lightning.


This is the super-high gods that God's domain has been circulated so far. Although it can't compete with Qin Yutian's life and death demon domain and Ming's supernatural rainbow, it is not inferior to Qiu Shuyi's soul-killing sword.

"Small people!"

The **** of the aliens of Feixiang was angered, and the huge body rushed forward flexibly. A dark **** was turned into a scorpio, falling from the sky and falling to Yongqing.

Yongqing's body is dodging, showing a pouring posture, and the sword in his hand is a powerful murder of the past.


The huge waves swallowed the sky, sucked from the sky to the ground, and flew from the sky to the sky. In the center of the smashing, Yongqing stepped back three big steps, and the sword became broken. The torn **** shattered around him. Around the body.

The flying immortal **** is rising backwards and almost fell over, but he is physically strong and strong, and still oppresses Yongqing on the giant force.


Yongqing condenses the god, once again the sword, "咻咻" shooting to Feixian alien, faster and faster, he entered the martial arts of the gods, really strong, and the flying fairy alien **** battle without falling, this is before It is hard to imagine.

at the same time.

Wang Hao and Zhu Ling also killed the past and confronted the gods of Feixian interracial, **** battles. In the first hard battle, they also vaguely touched the weakness of the Feixian people and continued to attack.


Wang Yi and a sword pierced the waist of the Feixian alien, broke a **** mouth, and the painful flying fairy was suffocating.


Zhu Ling was a flash, pouring a sharp arrow, and wearing the shoulders of the flying fairy, which also opened a new chapter of the new world, no weak.

Compared to Yongqing three.

The battles of Qin Yutian, Ming Yu and Ling Xuewen are much simpler. The swords and swords will be used to curb the Feixian aliens in an instant, and they will enter the battle rhythm. The flying immortals will retreat in a row, and there will be no brave fighting. It is.

Qiu Shuyi is a strong mess. Although it is only a nine-level Wu Zun, the real combat power can be comparable to the false gods. Naturally, it is not comparable to the Feixian interracial. In the case of continuous blood, nine rainbows run through. world.


The flying immortal interracial arm was cut off, and the pain was cold and sweaty.

"Boom!" A huge explosion, the semi-biased body of the Feixian aliens was broken, and the ears fell to the ground, and it seemed to have been twitched a few times.

Needless to say!

The whole situation was dumping into the gods... After two hours, Yongqing’s sword destroyed the Feixian aliens, and he suffered heavy blows, breathless, lying on the ground, and could not even move a finger.

And Wang Hao and Zhu Ling are also extremely Thai, and they try their best to get rid of the aliens of Feixian. The blood on the chest is blurred, and the five internal organs are pierced, and life and death are instantaneous.


Qin Yutian, Ming Yu, and Ling Xuewen were no longer delayed, and they easily smashed the aliens of Feixian, especially Qin Yutian, and the realm of life and death was unfolded, directly killing the heads of Feixian aliens.


Qin Yutian flew, popping up three medicinal herbs, respectively, hit the three people in Yongqing, when they refining as soon as possible, and this medicinal medicine naturally comes from Lingfeng, and only this guy dares to do this in the star map unscrupulously. The temper of life.

It should be known that there are too many star maps of Wushen and Wuzun, but the alchemy masters are rare. If they are injured, they will be devastated, and they will be able to withstand the sacred land.

Therefore, although many killings are also tempered, they are also relatively mild, and they are not injured as much as possible. After all, Shen Dan is too precious for them, so it consumes too much luxury.

However, Ling Feng has no such worries. There is the anti-theft artifact of Guwuta. His refining of the best floats is a few days. Especially after refining the gods, his control of the best floats has also reached extraordinary. At the point, sometimes there are three medicinal herbs in one furnace.

What's more, when he was in the wild, he refines thousands of medicinal herbs, and nearly half of them are the best squid. With so many medicinal herbs, the gods are naturally not afraid of such life and death.

This is also the premise of their bathing!

The entrance to the medicinal herbs was instant... After one hour, the wounds of the three people in Yongqing healed, and the sacred slaying was once again on the road, and it was straight to the core of the magic dragon pool...

Ancient Wuta!

Time is rushing, blinking is a month!

In the process, Ling Feng's body around the world is more and more Xuanqi, the majestic is like a vast ocean, shrouded in a radius of ten miles, rich and mysterious, have turned into water droplets, falling from the air.

Ling Feng's flesh and blood is like a desert. He is eager to take advantage of the heavens and the earth, filling the nine black holes. The early rapids are like galloping rivers, but today, his flesh and blood has gradually saturated, one share. The vigorous power is slowly escaping.


Turbulent, Ling Feng's body trembled, low fluctuations were released from his body, his pores were closed, and his flesh and blood reached a state of saturation. This is the limit of his current nine-level Wu Zun realm to capture the mysterious world.

More than overflow!

This is the pinnacle above the peak!

Ling Feng's eyes are bursting, and the corner of his mouth inadvertently reveals a splendid arc. He is crazy about his sorrow. "How different is it to the situation?"

The next moment, he closed his eyes again.


At this moment, the emptiness of the emptiness of the sacred, finally with its violent momentum, roaring and roaring, the ancient Wu blood spread to the blood of the buddha, the two blended, and shot the Wandao Haomang.

In a flash, the pores of Lingfeng's body stretched again and opened. With irreversible momentum, the whale swallowed the sea and took the heavens and the earth into the body, turning it into the power of Wuzun and oppressing Dantian.


On the other hand, Ling Feng’s Dan Tian swelled up, and the high bulge, the clothes were instantly blasted, and it was impossible to prevent such a huge force. What is even more terrifying is that his body is splitting, and the blood is shining in the skin. Going upstream, like a small snake.

The situation is different from the previous nine realms.

It is super-detached. It is difficult for ordinary warriors to set foot, and only extraordinary geniuses have such power and talent, but this is the case. If you want to step in, you must endure extreme pain.

In particular, Ling Feng is an ancient warrior, and the three martial arts break through together, which is even more difficult.

"Hey, hey..."

At this time, the tenth sacred sword, which is hidden above the brand of the nine-handed **** sword, finally flutters slowly, and the swordsman rushes to the Han, and begins to madly devour the scattered Wu Zun’s power around him. The power of respect is entangled, but it is directly swallowed.

Whales swallow the sea!

This is a change!

Let Lingfeng be secretly surprised. The previous nine-handed swords are not like this, but now they have entered this rhythm. Once they are stagnant, they will have to pay a hundred times the cost of their journey, even for the rest of their lives. It may be involved in the situation, which is like the three people in Yongqing.

The difference is that the situation of Ling Feng is more serious, and it is not the best of the best, or it can be done by God.

Therefore, he can only make a bang, break this threshold, and dare to break the ground!

"come on!"

Ling Feng was so painful that he licked his teeth. He used all his strength to constantly absorb the mystery of the heavens and the earth, and at the same time suppressed the flesh and blood. After a quarter of an hour, he forced him to sacrifice the five heavy stones and press them together to resist the chaos in Dantian. The collision.


He Dan Tian cracked a blood hole, the red blood, the red stone was red, and the belly cracked a big hole, the internal organs were clearly visible.


The danger is not limited, life is endless!

With the tenth sacred swords of the gods continually swallowed, the power of the collision is even more terrible. The injury of Lingfeng has also spread from the dantian to the whole body. After all, Dantian is only a martial art, and the body and the soul of the sea will have to break through the gate.


His bones were broken, and one inch of the collapse of the giant force that came back.

Followed by, his eyebrows also split, the sea of ​​souls stirred, tearing apart a crack, the fire of life is extinguished, this is not the destructive power of Wu Zun to the situation, but the tenth sword of the gods It’s so mysterious that it caused this dead end.

Ling Feng pale, biting his teeth, but also deeply felt that life is losing, he insisted not long.

However, at the moment of life and death, the water that has been calm and spurting out of the water, with the momentum of incomparable violent, poured into the blood of Ling Feng, nourish the body, cure the scars, and stabilize the vitality of Ling Feng.

This also makes Ling Feng secretly breathe a sigh of relief, with his current injury, and only this kind of **** water can save him.


The tenth-handed **** sword is still in the whale swallowing the sea, the speed is getting faster and faster, and even has reached the limit that Lingfeng body is hard to bear, which makes Ling Feng even more surprised, what is the mysterious **** sword? What's the matter?

Time is solidifying!

Space is rioting!

And Ling Feng is insisting!

One month is not enough. Two months is a passing sight. Until three months, the speed of the Shenjian’s engulfing slowed down that day, and the flesh and blood of the flesh and blood was able to breathe.

This is another half a month's time. It is like a trickle of heaven and earth. It is slowly spreading, and the gods swords are glaring, like the sword of the same handle, standing upside down in Dantian.

It spreads all the darkness and dispels all the haze.

It dazzles and forces the soul!


Suddenly, the sword of the celestial **** trembled a little, and a soft noise occurred. The radiant light above it fell apart, and it was suddenly darkened by the eye-catching light, as if it had disappeared from the dantian of Lingfeng.


The Tenjin sword has been ruptured, and the light has been dim. Until three hours, it completely disappeared, and even the breath was empty. At this moment, Wushen stood here and felt no fluctuations.


Ling Feng's eyes are bright, he feels that the tenth handle God God sword brand has not disappeared, but hidden in the air, this is its style.

Low-key luxury has connotation.

It is very violent to hide in the air!

This is very consistent with his style!

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