Supreme Demon

Chapter 1010: God space

The Thousand and Ten Chapters of the Gods Space

The first three doors.

Ling Feng had already felt the pain of being alive and dead, so he was particularly vigilant against this fourth door, but Guwuta had imprisonment, which forced him to enter, and many things made him have to set foot in this field.

"Six-armed gods, unicorns, Bai Ze, what kind of beasts are there in the fourth door?"

Ling Feng’s eyes are deep and deep, and it’s like a long river, flowing, and he pondered for a moment before he used all his strength and pushed it toward the four-door. The four-door was heavier than the front three-door. Millions of pounds, like a mountain, pressed to suffocate.

However, this is not particularly difficult for the current Ling Feng, he easily opened the four-door.


In the whistling sound, the tens of thousands of years of the giant door, and finally slowly opened, dusty, a rotten and heavy atmosphere, is coming to the nose, so that Lingfeng nose itching.

The same darkness.

The four doors can't see the end. Even if the Wu Zun is in the Lingfeng, the only thing that can be seen is the things within the radius of ten feet, and all the gods who can bring Wu Zun to the world can be mobilized to disperse. Darkness, but it can only see things in the square.

He stepped forward and walked very carefully. He was worried about the thunder, the yellow springs, and the terrible beast. This is his vigilance. The ancient Wuta is an extraordinary place. His former owner was a pit. The wrong killing will never let go, and the same is true for its descendants.

Therefore, he reminded the hidden swords and landed on the top of the head, but the first moment of the murder was killed.

"Six times time!"

Here, the wind is solidified, the dust is falling, and Ling Feng can clearly feel that time is more rapid than the triple door, compared with the outside world, it is six times, which means that he is based on the four-door, there will be More time to practice.

This is also his fundamental!

In addition, Ling Feng also noticed that the heavens and the earth are very thin, replaced by the dark stars, they are almost dark, so that the four doors add a touch of darkness.

Undoubtedly, the owner of the ancient Wuta has also come to this step, and realizes that the mysterious atmosphere of the heavens and the earth can only stop at the Shenwu continent. Only the star power can travel farther and even set foot on the starry sky.

Therefore, Star Force also represents the attitude of the ancient Wu, from here on, gradually evolved, draws the star power, completely replaces the heaven and earth Xuanqi, and Ling Feng naturally attaches importance to it, but his exercises are very different, the virtual Shinto is very Mysterious, not bound by the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, can absorb the mysteriousness of the heavens and the earth, but also draw the star power.

Hundreds of homages!

The real martial art is multiplication, not bound by the 10,000 roads, and the emptiness of the Shinto is such a magical power. This makes Ling Feng more curious about the emptiness of the Shinto. Is it from the Shenwu continent or the extraterrestrial starry sky?

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Lingfeng can move forward without being imprisoned.

"The medium-sized domain will open sooner or later. At that time, the anti-God will enter the star map. Naturally, it is necessary to face the deep starry sky. The imprisonment of some exercises and the desire to replace the heavens and the earth are only very troublesome."

Ling Feng stopped to ponder, and said with a bright eyes: "To adapt to this rhythm as soon as possible!"

It is impossible for the Shenwu continent to cast a starry world, and the star power is relatively scarce, far less intense than the extraterrestrial. In this case, the anti-God wants to adapt as soon as possible, then there is only one way.

Replace the exercises!

"We must let the anti-God practitioners practice the emptiness of the Shinto and let them not be banned!" Ling Feng Lang said with a smile, only when the anti-God is stepping into the deep starry sky, can it be done at a glance.

However, this matter can't be rushed for a while, and he needs to ponder over it. It is best to get rid of the emptiness of the emptiness of Shinto and make it suitable for every warrior. Maybe God can weaken a lot, but this is fundamentally solving the counter. The only way to ask God.

Moreover, when they break into the martial arts, they will naturally make up for the defects in the emptiness.


When he was meditating, he hurried into the depths of the four-door, and when the wind was doubtful, the expression was abruptly stiff, a creepy emotion that could not help but emerge from the heart. .

A mountain!

It is quietly standing in front of him. The ancient and old mountains and rocks are mottled with the strange lines of the gods. They are transmitted through endless vicissitudes. There is no grass and trees in the mountains. Only the bare stones are sketched together, like an ancient scroll.

The mountains are high and the gods are sinking.

It’s amazing enough to see such a mountain in the empty four-door, but if the mountain is a creature.

That is amazement!


This mountain is a creature. It is huge and unobtrusive, covering a radius of thirty miles. The mountain is its back, and under the back is a head, covered with wrinkles, and the old skin is pulled on the ground. The big eyes are flashing and looking at Ling Feng.

This is an old turtle!

Although this old turtle is not obvious, Ling Feng can still guess, this is definitely a more terrible turtle than Bai Ze, and it is very likely to be full of mythical Xuanwu.

"You finally came!"

The voice of hoarseness and sorrow, the sound of the sound, like a bronze bell and drum, the shock of the eardrum is bleeding, which also makes him stunned backwards, hidden sword under the nine black holes of the arch, to ban themselves.

"My generation is not alone!"

The tortoise looks at the Lingfeng, there is no fierce breath in the eyes, it looks very peaceful and quiet, and it does not have the violentness of Bai Ze. There is no natural gold chain in the body, but the harsh voice is still the blood of the earthquake. .


Ling Feng stared at the tortoise, and he was very vigilant. He did not dare to go forward. He knew how terrible the tortoise was. He definitely stepped on the peak of the **** of war, and even became a true beast.

"Young people, don't be afraid." The voice of the tortoise was mild, not so harsh, and said: "I am an ancient sacred beast. Because of my long life, I entered the four-door, hoping to see the ancient martial artists. You have not let me down, and I have come here in the context of Wu Zun."

"..." Ling Feng mouth squatting, not afraid of a ball, before Bai Ze said so.

"I have no ill intentions!"

The tortoise smiled lightly. "I know that the first three are pits, you must be very vigilant."

Ling Feng secretly from the forehead, this **** turtle is very aware of his feelings, he is a pit in the outside world, but in the ancient Wu tower, he is pit, this is forced into the game, can not hide.

"Oh, you are very careful."

The tortoise is very indifferent to Lingfeng’s hostility. It laughs. “The four-door, not as dangerous as the first three, is relatively simple, as long as you turn over my mountain.”


Ling Feng was in front of a black, almost fell to the ground, this is called simple, and an almost real beast as an enemy, what difference can be sent to death? He can't wait to drag the former master of Guwuta from the grave to beat him, if he is already dead.

"Don't worry so much!"

The tortoise saw through the thoughts of Ling Feng and said: "You are the first person who has come to me in the past five million years. It is also my ancient martial artist. I will not hurt you naturally."


"I am already old and will not shoot for you. You just have to turn over my back and you can enter the five-door."

"It's that simple?"

Ling Feng looked at the tortoise and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the tortoise had shot, then he did not have the ability to turn the mountain. It was like being enemies with Qing, and he did not know how to live and die.

However, he was relieved and secretly warned. The painful feelings over the years are being told. I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world, and don't believe the broken mouth of the ancient warriors.

They are all **** living pits, like him...

"What's on the mountain?" Ling Feng asked.

"A space." The **** turtle did not have any concealment, saying: "A very unique space is very beneficial for you now."


"The space of the gods!" said the tortoise.


Lingfeng mouth is smashed again. This time it is completely mad. Although he does not know what the space of the gods is, the simple two words are enough to be shocking. When it comes to God, it is bound to be shocked.

"What is the space of the gods?" Ling Feng asked.

"A battlefield!"

The tortoise smiled and said: "This is the place where I have been ancient and martial in ancient times. There are battle marks left by us to capture the alien gods, beasts, and demon gods, as well as the battle marks of my ancient ancestors."


"And what you have to do is to get rid of these battle marks, fight with the aliens of the past, find out their weaknesses, let the beasts and devils under your feet, and even surpass the ancestors."


Ling Feng is stunned and his mouth is cold. This is simple.

This is cruel, good.

It is already very difficult to get rid of alien gods, beasts, and demon gods. After all, he is not a martial art now, but it is terrible to surpass the ancestors of ancient ancestors. How many ancient martial arts geniuses have been born for thousands of years.

Although he is excellent, but who can say, dare to fight against the arrogance of the past.

The first person from ancient times to the present, it is just boasted. Since the age of the ancients, every era will be born with great arrogance and dominance, and he has not yet reached the peak of Tianjiao in this era, and contends with the ancient ancestors of the past. No life.

"One era has withered, it is endless darkness."

The **** turtle said with a solemn expression. "So you have no choice."

"I rub!"

Ling Feng's straight jump, this kind of forced person's fault, it is estimated that only the ancient Wu will do it.

However, the next sentence of the **** turtle made the Lingfeng eyes hot.

"You are the genius of the Four Nirvana. If you can turn over the mountain, you will get the last three Nirvana you want." The turtle said.



The **** turtle smiled and said: "Triple Nirvana has always been looking for by the ancient Wu, and the Four Nirvana has always been crippled. It can only be relied on by the first three, and you have done it."

"As for the latter three Nirvana, it has always been in the ancient Wuta, but because of the incompleteness, no one dares to take it, and you are unique."

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