Supreme Demon

Chapter 1022: Corpse

The first thousand twenty-two chapters


Such a sudden scene made the whole scene amazed. No one thought that at the moment of life and death, a sacred beast would fly out of a beast, and it was not an ordinary beast, but a very extraordinary beast.

The dragon head, the lion's eye, the tiger's back, and the limbs like the hoof are revealing its extraordinary.


This is the auspicious between heaven and earth, but this does not mean that the unicorn is not terrible. A calm and gentle person, once mad, even he is afraid, and the unicorn is also like this. When it is docile, it is ordinary to the dust. But when it is fierce, you can let the beasts bow down.

Especially the three gods, it is to dispel the haze and illuminate the front!

Undoubtedly, this is a three-level beast unicorn, also the killer and mount of Qin Yutian, but since entering the star map, Kirin has been included in the gun of the overlord. This gun is left by his master. There is an amazing space inside, full of heavenly demon, suitable for the sorcerer to sit and practice.

For this reason, Qin Hao’s genius dares to enter the star map so arrogantly, holding a trump card in his hand. At the crucial moment, the four-level martial arts must be severely damaged.

Now, he is targeting the dragon wolf alien leader.

"Stab!" "Hey..."

Yin Hong's blood, from the chest of the dragon wolf's heterogeneous leader, he tried his best to dodge, but still too late, the speed of the Kirin beast is faster than him, and the sharp teeth also tear open his chest, bite down A large piece of flesh and blood, even the bones are shattered.

Not only that, the unicorns and beasts are not arrogant, and the three sacred tigers fly out of a sharp sword. The slap of the scorpion is pierced by the arm of the dragon wolf's heterogeneous leader, and the tremendous power is used to fly its cockroaches. .


This is the first time that the dragon wolf scorpion leader fell. In a very unsightly image, he fell to the foot of the Kirin sacred beast. The sword on the arm is still twitching, and the pain is getting through.


The dragon and wolf heterosexual leader is angry. This person is too treacherous. He has been tempting him. From the beginning, Ling Xuewen’s strong hardship has cut off his strength. The leader of the dragon wolf was almost fooled. If he had a sharper sword at the time, then he was lying on the ground now.

Step by step is sinister, this person will think of every step, have to say that his thoughts are terrible, but unfortunately, the dragon wolf is born with a natural sense of smell, the first time I noticed something wrong, decisive retreat, only Can't escape the commandment.

"call out!"

The next moment, the unicorn flew out, violently hit the dragon wolf alien leader.

Now, he has been seriously injured, the combat power is greatly reduced, and he can't play the momentum that the four spirits should have. The Kirin beast is even stronger than Qin Yutian, and naturally kills his capital.

"court death!"

The dragon wolf heterogeneous leader is full of eyes, raising his hand is a sword, the sword is shining down, the ninety-nine heavy light dispels the heavenly haze, the constant murder to the unicorn, the terrible light, enough to put a third-level martial arts Seriously injured.

But Kirin is not afraid.

It instantly approached, and the body flew out nine mysterious lights, like Xiangrui, full of the spirit of the Holy Spirit, can purify the murderous momentum, crushing the ninety-nine heavy light.


Followed by, the dragon wolf heterosexual leader flew again, knees fell to the ground, flesh and blood were cut, the knee bones also "squeaked" straight, the whole person's momentum was weakened to the lowest point, which is for heterogeneous Said to be very deadly.

"Now, you should be in a hurry!" Qin Haotian spit blood, said coldly.

“Is it a beast?”

The dragon wolf heterosexual leader climbed up, sneer and sneer, and some looked at Qin Haotian with contempt.

"It is a beast and a unicorn, and you are a beast!" Qin Yutian countered. "A heterodicate can't live in the starry sky. It can only invade my Shenwu continent. You can run to challenge my **** Wuzhen, god. what."


The dragon and wolf alien heads are straightforward, hate the channel.. "Shenwuxing is too weak, it is time to die, but you are very lucky, you will not see that day, because you will die today!"

"Is it?" Qin Haotian waved, and Kirin smashed the past.


But at this moment, the wrist of the dragon wolf's heterogeneous leader flashed, and seven people flashed from the space. Five of them were human races, while the other two were aliens, and the overflowing Shenhong also made people's The heart then sinks to the bottom.

Seven Valkyrie!

In particular, the most dazzling one of the Terran is a three-level martial art, a hand-held weapon, very powerful, not to mention three third-level martial arts, three first-level martial arts, this power is particularly terrible.

It is very difficult for the Kirin beast to get rid of a dragon wolf heterogeneous leader, but it is very difficult to kill eight martial arts gods and gods. It is not enough to see Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen.

The whole situation is instantly shocking.


Qin Yutian's eyelids tightened and stared at the five martial arts. From his eyes, he saw the difference.

The five people looked like dementia, like a walking dead, and they didn’t have the ingenuity. They were like being enslaved. Oh, only the strength of the body is complete.

"Slavery?" The dragon wolf sneered out. "The Terran can't talk about slavery, we only need the corpse!"


Everyone is angry and sorrowful. This is a very cruel enslavement. It breaks the spirit of the Valkyrie, and uses the strange stones, the strange spirits, and the bodies of various herbs. They have no intelligence and can only accept orders from different species. No soul ghost, for Wushen, this is a shame that is insulting and not a total of blood.

In Shenwu mainland, no forces will make such cruel things, but heterogeneity has no such scruples. What they want is how to get rid of Shenwu.

Means no matter!

At this moment, the blood in the hearts of Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen are stirring up, and I can't wait to make these different kinds of seeds in front of me into a corpse.


The dragon wolf heterosexual leader shouted, and the seven corpses were suddenly brightened, and the body suddenly flew up, killing the unicorn beast, Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen. Although the spirit was annihilated, the fighting power was terrible.


Qin Haotian looked at each other. These were the gods who had fought **** battles, but they were very fierce. Now they are forced to start with these people, and their hearts are suffering.

But being strangled is better than being enslaved by these aliens!

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Kill!"

They smashed out and smothered with the seven martial arts. Now the situation is very passive. They can only kill the seven wombs before the dragon wolf scorpion leader has not healed, and then they will kill the bloodthirsty dragon wolf. .

The other side.

Qiu Shuyi, Yongqing, and Zhu Ling fight one by one, killing ghosts and crying, and the sun and the moon are dull. In the case of disparity in strength, the three can do it, just dragging three dragons and wolves to seek Qin. They can get rid of the dragon wolf leader.

The situation of Ming Hao is also very embarrassing. He is also turning the tide when he kills the present, but it is very tricky to get rid of this dragon and wolf in a short time.


In a short time, the blast exploded in the Sirius Mountain, and it opened up a half-turned sky. A stranger of the aliens died directly. Under the fangs of Kirin, his body was cut off, and then the terrible Shenhong poured out. Smash.


The Qin dynasty Tianli 撼, the double life and death enveloped a first-class martial art, tearing its body, the life and death of the demon domain split, the body bone directly into a powder, buried in the Tianlang Mountain, with the **** beast Sirius, also The glory of the Valkyrie.


However, one person and one beast have not had time to surprise, Ling Xuewen was flying out by a corpse, and the injury has further deteriorated. It has reached the point of dying and has no strength to fight again.

Followed by Qin Yutian, under the attack of two corpses, suffered heavy losses, flew out and sneaked into the depths of a mountain range. Half a mile did not climb out. What can be seen is that there is a bright red.

He is dead!

The Kirin beast is relatively strong. In the blood of all the murders, the four martial arts were destroyed and the two aliens were destroyed. However, it also paid a price. The wounded and unsatisfactory, in the third-level martial arts and the dragon wolf In the case of the leader's joint efforts, he vomited blood, like a broken kite, flying three thousand feet.

The whole situation is instantly stiff!

Alum, Qiu Shuyi and others are looking like they are doing their best. They have to say that the killer of Qin Haotian is just right. A unicorn beast is enough to decide a battle.

However, the dragon wolf heterosexual leader was more insidious than they thought, and even refining seven corpses, so that the unicorns were eaten, and in this case, they did not see hope.

Moreover, this time I just want to crush the spirit card, and the proud fairy and the wind can't catch up.

This is a dead end!

"That **** prey, this time has not appeared yet!"

Qiu Shuyi secretly bite his teeth. If there is a way to break the door, there must be a solution. The problem is that this guy has broken through the situation and has been delayed for so long. It is really awkward.

You know, Miss Aki has only used a few hours, this is the essential difference!

Moreover, she suspects that the ridiculous Xiaoqi is lazy and hides.

"Miss Autumn, always give someone a little time!"

A voice rang in Qiu Shuyi's heart, and there was anger in the calm. There was a touch of coldness in the anger. Although the tone was relaxed, it could not cover the self-confidence and arrogance.

"Dead prey, you finally got it."

Qiu Shuyi's eyes are bright, and she is desperate. She must be desperate. The man is finally willing to come out.

This sentence also made Ming Yu, Ling Xuewen, Qilin beast, and even Qin Yutian, who was in a semi-faint state, stunned, and then ecstatic, like grasping the last straw to save lives.

They don't know why the ridiculous door is late, but it can be closed for so long. It is not too weak to think about it. At least it should not be a problem to kill the dragon and wolf alien leader.

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