Supreme Demon

Chapter 1025: Kirin Protoss

The first thousand twenty-five chapters of the Kirin Protoss

The gods mountain range.

A chaotic, broken mountain rock, scorched trees, and a burst of tears into the rain, all reveal that it was once brilliant here, but because the gods are too vast, it is completely blasted.

This is the destruction of the dragon wolf, and now Ling Feng catches it and pays homage to the once-the gods with his blood.

Yongqing and Zhu Ling shed tears and looked at the corpse of Wang Hao. The grief of the face, the mountain range of the gods collapsed, and they also annihilated their decadent dependence, which made the memory dusty and blurred.

"Old brother, Huang Quan is on the wind!"

Yongqing, Zhu Lingqi cry, sternly like the cold wind whistling.

In the ruins, the gods killed the people and sent away Wang Hao. The old man was left with only Zhu Ling and Yong Qing. The gods in their hearts were dead, and the new gods were like a butterfly. Use its weak wings to pick up the storm of the star map.

set sail!

The sky is gloomy, like there is a storm, it has to fall.

The dragon wolf heterosexual leader clenched his abdomen, his eyes staring at Ling Feng, and he hated the man in front of him. He abolished his Shinto and cut off his foundation, which is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

However, what he did not think was that this person actually gave him time to pinch the spirit of the Qilin Protoss.

Spirit card!

The whole star map is the same, each killing, every strong alien has it, this is the treasure that saves life at a critical moment, but Ling Feng appears too timely, so that he has no time to pinch, and that is The pinch exploded, and the Kirin beast was too late to rescue.

"Pinch the spirit card?"

The dragon wolf's heterogeneous leader asked weakly. He was shocked. He didn't want to understand for a while. What is this person doing?

"Pinch the spirit card!"

Ling Feng said in a very positive tone. "You didn't have time before, now I will give you time."

"What are you doing?"

The dragon and the wolf's heterogeneous leader asked in amazement. He felt that something was wrong. Pinching the spirit card is equivalent to summoning the Kirin Protoss. This is a savage knife for the current Divine, and will be smashed at any time.

"I know that your dragon and wolf heterogeneity is the squat of the Kirin Protoss. Now I give you a chance to live, let the Kirin Protoss kill us, and you can live."


The dragon wolf was the first leader to be confused. He was worried that this was a pit, but the eyelids brightened and flashed with cold light. He said, "Do you want to get rid of the gods of the Kirin Protoss?"

"Yes!" Ling Feng said bluntly.

"Oh, it's really crazy!" The dragon wolf heterosexual leader sneered. "There is a fight in the district, and I also want to fight against the Kirin Protoss. How dare you want to do such a thing?"


The voice of the dragon wolf's heterogeneous leader just fell, one foot has been stretched over, and his arm was broken, letting the skin of the forest, piercing the flesh and blood, exposed to the air.

"Pinch the spirit card!" Ling Feng said coldly.

There is endless killing in his heart. Wang Hao’s death, the Kirin Protoss is the culprit. On the occasion of the confrontation between the aliens and the gods, this is not how despicable, but such blood hatred, they naturally will not be so.

Moreover, now that he has entered the martial arts of the martial arts, it is the time when the gods are in full swing. If you want to kill the same kind of sacred blood, you have to pay a higher price. The unicorn protoss is terrible, but this does not mean that you can't fight.

"Since you are looking for death yourself, you can't blame me!"

Under the pain, the dragon wolf scorpion leader was also angry. He shook a ring from his fingertips and smashed it with the power of Ling Feng. Then, his blood poured into a red. In the spirit card.

"Hey, hey..."

For a moment, the red red card burst out of a sturdy mansion, the rune above shines, and the old law array is shot, spurting Tianyu and flying to the distant sky.

This is a spiritual call!

"You are doing very beautiful!"

Ling Feng said with praise, laughing to reveal two dimples.

The next moment, he smashed his hand and smashed into the chest of the dragon wolf's alien leader, tearing it all the way to the abdomen, and smashing the arm of the dragon wolf leader.

"You...not to say..." The dragon wolf heterogeneous leader looked at Lingfeng with horror and anger, and his eyes were red. He did not think of this martial god, and he did not keep his promise.

"I will keep my promise!"

Ling Feng said very sincerely.. "But that is for the human race!"


The dragon and the wolf's heterogeneous leader fell, and the body blew, bleeding, and in a short while, the whole ground was red, and the blood even came to the foot of Lingfeng.

Qiu Shuyi and Ming Yu are also staring at this scene. They sneer at the words of the ridiculous Xiaoqi. This is a pit. It is so different for the aliens. It is also true for the Terran. I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world, and don’t believe in the waste. The door is small and the mouth is broken.

Of course, although this dragon wolf heterogeneous leader is strong, but he seems to have not encountered such a pit goods, in the final analysis, it is still too idiotic.

The blood of the gods kills!

Also let the poor door Xiaoqi let him go? The only thing that is needed is to pinch the spirit card. Only the dragon wolf can satisfy him. Without its spiritual blood, without the idea of ​​bloodthirsty, it is likely to be self-defeating.

This point, the wilderness of the small seven naturally see clearly, like the spiritual brand of the Terran, if the aliens pinch, will show a different atmosphere, in that case, the Terran will naturally not rescue.


Ling Feng said calmly.

Subsequently, Yongqing and Zhu Ling put the bones of the dragon wolf's heterogeneous leader into the ruins, and used their blood to pay homage to the gods who killed the dead, and used their heads to comfort the soul.

"Prey, will this be too risky?" Qiu Shuyi asked with an eyebrow.

The spirit card burst, with the character of the Qilin Protoss, I am afraid that it will be killed in an instant. At that time, with their fighting power, it is difficult to get rid of the Kirin Protoss. A person who is accidentally buried is the gods.

“It’s very risky!”

Ling Feng nodded and said. "But we don't have much time, and the Kirin Protoss is hiding somewhere. We don't know at all. In this case, passive defense is better than taking the initiative."

"It's hard!" Alum thought and said.


Ling Feng’s forehead, said: "The scorn of the dragon wolf singular leader is not unreasonable. The unicorn protoss are indeed not what we can deal with now, but we have to deal with only a part of them, they can not come to the nest."

"And, they should not be able to catch up in a short time, this is our chance."

"What do you think?" Qiu Shuyi asked brightly, she liked the overbearing and calm character of the ridiculous door, and turned her hand to cover the rain and control the cycle of life and death.

"You have just experienced blood killing and you have to heal as soon as possible."

Ling Feng swept from the crowds of the gods and gave them to the best of the floating sects, so that they could heal the wounds. Even Qin Yutian was awakened. At this festival, every resource should be used.

"Do you want to pinch the spirit card and let the proud fairy and the wind come over?" asked Yong Qing.

"Do not!"

Ling Feng’s eyes are eccentric and glance at Yongqing. This battle is what they want to cast. Only by relying on oneself and exhausting the Qilin Protoss can the gods kill and rise, and then it will be a real new world.

If the Aesthetic and the Kamikaze intervene, the meaning is completely different, so it is not so close to life and death, Ling Feng will not do this.


As he scolded everyone, he quickly swam the entire ruins and drove an array of elements into the ground. This was brought from the anti-God, and was hand-cast by several armed gods to block the **** of war.

Followed by it, it allowed the Kirin beast to sit in the ruins, and he flew into the ancient Wuta, time and minute are very important to the gods, and when entering the martial arts, the occasion of the cliff There has been a change, and it is impossible to appear in a month. According to the news he got from Bai Zekou, plus his judgment, the rough deduction, the moment of the gods is a year later.

But now it is a year away, there is still some time, and he is going to use the ancient Wuta to smooth out this time.



In a concealed mountain range, the Kirin Protoss is angry and looking into the distance, roaring.

Then the strong dragon and wolf aliens, even forced to the end of life and death, had to pinch the spirit card, which is a shame for the Kirin Protoss, when they were forced to this extent.

"The seven scorpions killed six, and were hailed as the weakest sacred gods, but repeated counter-attacks, not only smashed the genius of my unicorn protoss, but also ruined a life of a dragon and a wolf."

The old unicorn, headed by, said with hate. "A good godland kills!"

“What should we do?” asked a Kirin Protoss.


The old Kirin said. "Although this stupid dragon and wolf is different, it is only a member of my majesty, but at this time if we give up on them, I am afraid that it will be a lot of cold."

"It’s not important to die a few dragon wolves, but it’s important to be able to make more of your Majesty."

"The order went down. The gods of my unicorn and protoss killed the past and let the other sire pass. This time, the killing is completely eliminated. No living thing is needed!"

"Yes!" said the Kirin Protoss.

"Also, although the dragon and the wolf are dead, but there are some news, the fourth level of spirit is not enough, let me go, beware of the gods killing some powerful characters."


The unicorn protoss flashed a glimpse of the hot atmosphere, but the old unicorn's children, talent and fighting power are second to none, extremely extraordinary, since the debut, has not yet tasted a defeat, known as the genius of the year.

There is such a strong figure, killing a second or third stream of killing, as simple as cutting tofu.

Although the iron hoof of the Qilin Protoss has not yet been stepped out, the Kirin Protoss has already seen the sadness and destiny of the sacred killing of several people. They will add a more splendid record to the Tianjiao of the Qilin Protoss.

"Come with me to kill the gods!"

In the setting sun, a middle-aged arrogant mountain and river, fell to the eight Kirin Protoss strong, dozens of underarms, flew to the mountain range.

Ps.. Ok, I am pitted again. The chapters written in these chapters involve the whole layout. Forgive me, I can’t understand how to punch a few punches.

In addition, the fragrance is very embarrassing to ask for a few monthly tickets, rushing list, thanks!

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