Supreme Demon

Chapter 1027: Fight with God

The 1st and 27th chapters fight with God

The world is dull, the sun and the moon are dull.

The ruins are like mirrors, reflecting the terrible gods and rainbows. More than sixty gods can take a super smother and sneak away, especially under the leadership of five gods. This is simply the **** of death. The blade can be used to cut off the life and death of the Valkyrie.

Headed by a Kirin Protoss.

He is full of qi and blood, and his momentum is very strong. Qilin's face is purple gold. This is a symbol of the royal family in the Qilin Protoss. It can't talk about the stalwart body, but it outlines a brilliant picture.

In the five gods and rainbows, the unicorns and beasts are hidden, as if they were imprisoned by the gods, and the totems are evolved. Each can easily tear the void and bloom out of space. It is not an ordinary god.

This also represents the talent of this Qilin Protoss, far more terrible than the genius of the Qilin Protoss killed by Qin Yutian, and the five gods of the rainbow, comparable to the six-level gods, is awesome.

The wind is quiet!

The Kirin Protoss is quietly staring at the front, the glare of the scorn in the eyes, the killing of a **** in the area, not in the first star map super killing, although I do not know how they killed the dragon and wolf, but that The seven people who are hiding in the ruins are like hamsters in the wind and rain.

Moreover, the only eye-catching Qin dynasty, but also the second-level martial arts, is to make the Qilin Protoss play tricks.

In the face of this "weak" killing, their Qilin Protoss is like a giant, only to look up, even a lot of Kirin Protoss feel that the old Kirin is so careful, it is a mistake.

"I am a dragon wolf?"

From behind the Kirin Protoss, there was a cry.

It is a dragon and wolf alien, not as strong as the dragon wolf alien leader, but it can not be ignored. It is a three-level god. It can be said that among the aliens, he is the most violent one.

"The blood sacrifices the soul of my gods to kill." Ling Fengsen said coldly.


In a word, the dragon and wolf aliens who came with the Qilin Protoss were all angry. The killings were like the sounds of the cymbals. They were in full swing. They would not doubt the words of Lingfeng, because they had already smelled the death of the dragon wolf. breath.

"Oh, then come to the blood to kill!" Qin Haotian cold shouted.

"There is a killing, the strongest but the second-level martial arts, **** the dragon and wolf?" The head of the Qilin Protoss opened his voice, his voice is hoarse and powerful, but always gives a very crappy feeling.

"Want to kill, naturally kill!" Ling Feng said.

"Is it you?" The Qilin Protoss looked cold and looked straight at Lingfeng. There was a sigh of anger in the eyes. Since he stepped on the martial arts, no one dared to talk to him. This person is very damn.

"Yes!" Ling Feng was very calm and looked at the Tianjiao of the Qilin Protoss. There was no fear, only a wild to a mess.

"You will die!" said the Tianjiao of the Qilin Protoss.

"what did you say?"

Ling Feng licked his ear and said very contemptuously. "I didn't hear it clearly."


The Qilin Protoss Tianjiao eyes are cold, and there is a sigh of anger in the chest. It is only when he despise others, who dares to despise him. This is an insult is a smash!

Behind him, the eight Kirin Protoss were furious and could not wait to kill this person immediately.

"The dragon and the wolf are different, the Tianhe is different, and you get rid of this person!"

The arrogant and arrogant wave of the Qilin Protoss, a weak fight in the district, he naturally will not dirty his palms, destroy a few martial arts, dragon wolf alien, Tianhe heterogeneous enough.


When the voice fell, the dragon wolf was born and twelve people flew out, and the Tianhe heterogeneous fifteen people also killed the ruins. Unlike the dragon wolf, the Tianhe heterogeneous is similar to the human race, but there is a root horn on the forehead, which reflects a star river. Very mysterious.

In terms of talent, the aliens of the Tianhe River are similar to the dragon wolves, and they are all under the command of the Qilin Protoss.

They were so fast that they banned suicide on the ruins. The gods on the body outlined the momentum of death. In particular, the two headed by them were all three-level peak gods, and there was a sudden decline in the ruins.


The sky suddenly trembled, and the void cracked like a tidal wave. It was pushed to the ruins and hit the gods. In the cracks of the void, the dragon wolf and the Tianhe were killed.

"The devil is a god!"

Ling Feng angered, and as the sound fell, his hand shone with a faint fire, and the fire flew along the arm in ten directions, respectively, into the ten handles.

For a time, the fierceness of the masterpiece.

The ten-handed smasher fired thousands of gods and rainbows, and flew up to the gods to build a terrible prison. The swordsman flew and stabbed, which is different from that on the island of God. The extent of its power is not as good as the real devil's sword, but its terrible degree is even worse.

Just because, the light fire is the burning road!

The entire Voldemorte sword array has been fully operational, and the terrible fierceness has completely killed the dragon and wolf, and the Tianhe.


In the midst of being caught off guard, a dragon wolf was cut off from the head, and a stranger of Tianhe was pierced by Dantian. In the terrible fierceness, it was instantly annihilated, and the whole body was pierced into a blood hole.

"Oh no!"

A dragon wolf was dodging in an instant, but there were too many swords in the sky. If the fog was like a waterfall, the whole riot would make him dodge. When he wanted to sacrifice the gods, it was too late.

The next moment, he had a hole in his eyebrows, and the blood of the red blood mixed with the brain spray.


This scene happened so fast that the two third-level gods who were headed were all a glimpse, but they reacted much faster than others. When Jianhong was killed, they quickly resisted, and the three gods A strong explosion, to break the sword rainbow that was condensed.

"When, rub it!"

Although the burning road is terrible, there are limits, especially in the case of dispersion, it is not comparable to the three-level gods. Under the giant force, they are momentarily broken.

However, when thousands of swords and rainbows were killed together, the third-level gods were injured. They were forced to step backwards and their faces were pale. The sharp weapons in their hands could break the fire, but the burning road could kill them. Their gods, they were shocked that their faces were pale.

"What power is this?" Someone shouted.


The voice just fell, he has been annihilated in the endless sword rainbow.


Turbulent, a sword rainbow flew from the top of Tianyu, directly smashed the void, appeared in a three-level **** dragon wolf before the alien, the early dragon wolf heterogeneous this as the most common Jianhong, but the next moment, he He was numb in his arm and was horrified.

But it is already late!


The sword broke open and flew out a cold sword, directly cutting off the throat of the dragon wolf. The terrible burning road smashed his power, and there was a moment of imprisonment, but this was enough for Ling Feng.

Followed by, Jian Hong flew, and the life of the dragon wolf was also taken away.


When Lingfeng broke into the martial arts, the sorcerer's swordsmanship also burst into an unparalleled brilliance, and the power multiplied to an astonishing level, and when Lingfeng was playing the squadron, he also burned the hidden sword from the scene. Separated from the Tao, hidden in the sword array.

This is the lore for the third-level gods.

Undoubtedly, this shock has made the Qilin Protoss secretly close to their eyes. They did not expect to be so tricky, and it is not so easy to break.

And at the moment.

The hidden sword gave birth to a meal, and it tore the space. In the blink of an eye, it was next to the three-level **** Tianhe, and it was killed in one fell swoop.


Compared with the dragon wolf, the Tianhe heterogeneity can be more cautious. He counter-handheld the sword and directly resisted the hidden sword. The three gods violently violently attacked the hidden sword and extinguished it.

Regrettably, he still could not escape the death of the **** of death.


A dagger flashed from his eyebrows and pierced directly, crucifying him in the air.

Just kidding, even the hidden swords are crouching. With the character of Ling Feng, the killer like Tianzhu is naturally in it. The hidden sword is in the Ming, the sky is dark, and there are not many gods who can dodge.

The two third-level gods died.

The other dragons and wolves, and the aliens of the Tianhe River, also entered the embrace of the **** of death in the sorcerer's swords. They were killed by the endless swords and rainbows. When the time passed quietly for a quarter of an hour, the ruins had been blooded by aliens. Reddened.

None of the two aliens survived!

"Who else?" Ling Feng pale, swallowed the next best of the Futu, and then stared coldly at the Qilin Protoss.

Today, the sorcerer and the gods want to fight against God, until the death of the party!

"This is the culprit to kill the dragon and the wolf?" The arrogant genius of the Qilin Protoss smiled and smiled. When the dragon wolf died, he could break the sorcerer's sword, but in the end it was not so do.

Because of it, it is no longer necessary, and the scorpion appears too fast, he is also the shot to save the life and death of the river, and other alien species are not in his eyes.

For him, the dignity of the Qilin Protoss is more important.

"What is it?" Ling Feng said with a cold smile.


The arrogance of the Qilin Protoss said, "At least, you are not qualified now."

"Then I will be qualified!"

Ling Feng is not in a hurry. Before the coming of the cliff, he will try to drag the Qilin Protoss as much as possible. Once this person is shot, their chances will become paralyzed. At least a few people will fall. under.

"Scorpio is different, blue spirits are different, up!"

The Qilin Protoss Tianjiao said coldly, these two kinds of aliens are obviously more terrible than the dragon wolf and the Tianhe. This can be seen from their cold eyes, and the head of the four-level gods is extraordinary and dignified. .

More importantly, there are as many as 30 people in these two different races. In the case of the huge consumption of Lingfeng, it is a problem to resist it. Once the Voldemort swords are broken, Yongqing and Zhu Ling and Qiu Shuyi are afraid of being the lamb to be slaughtered.

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