Supreme Demon

Chapter 1030: Tianshou

The first thirtieth chapter of Tianshou

Kirin Tianshou!

This is a character in the Qilin Protoss, who is known as a genius who was born five years ago. He broke into the martial arts in less than forty years old, and now he is in the fifth level of the gods, but Strongly killed seven levels of Valkyrie.

He is bathed in mythology.

This is also the reason why the Kirin Protos reassured him. In the first star map, no one can help Qilin Tianshou, the so-called super killing, is a joke in front of it.

The killing like the **** domain can be neglected, and it is not worthy of Kirin Tianshou’s shot. However, Ling Feng’s talent and Qin Haotian’s hegemony have made Qilin Tianshou pay attention. It must be said that although the Terran is weak, it can be arrogant. Not inferior to other races.

Especially the person in front of you, the talent is outstanding, can be shocked.

If this person moves to his realm, it will be terrible to what extent, even he is shocked, so this person can never live, otherwise the disaster is endless.

He pushed forward and said coldly. "This is your only chance!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng was close to his eyes, his eyes reflected the cold front, and said, "If you don't mind, I want to go together."


Qilin Tianshou has a slap in the face, and his face is smashed again. Before watching this person, he is very bully and strong. He would rather risk himself and not let other people be involved in danger. When there is a master style, how can it become this virtue?

Doesn't he understand, the confrontation between the masters, is it a shame for others to get involved?

This is just the idea of ​​Qilin Tianshou. This is because of pride. But for Ling Feng, life is more important. Like Qiu Shuyi and Yongqing, nature can't help, but Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen and Ming Yu are different.

Their combat power is extremely weak, they can fight against death, give him some time, and these people have the means to save their lives, but they will not die.

Under this circumstance, the dignity of the Valkyrie can be put down, and the Qilin Tianshou will be smashed first.

"You want to die, I can fulfill it!"

Kirin Tianshou said coldly. "However, I think this kind of battlefield, you and I are more suitable."

"no no……"

Ling Feng shook his head and said with a sneer. "Before you were a group of me, now you always have to give us a chance to marry you."


Qilin Tianshouqi’s body is straightforward. He has never heard of it. This person can be shameless to this point, and he is afraid of death, and he is so fresh and refined.

"Oh, I don't mind killing a few more people."

"So great!"

Ling Feng’s forehead, smirked at the Kirin Tianshou, hooked his finger. "Now, you can come and die."

"court death!"

Qilin Tianshou is angry. Although he is amazing in talent, he is not an opponent of Ling Feng in the battle of tongues. In the words of Ling Feng, it is simply a cute little idiot.

In the repeated humiliation, Qilin Tianshou also exploded, and a fist was killed. The five gods and rainbows flew out of the unicorn, and suddenly became a sword, thin as a flap, slamming down.


Haomantongtian, the calm sky, instantly teared a snowy gap, although the gap is not big, but the light is shocking, and in the twinkling of an instant, it will be killed.


The sorcerer's swordsmanship is fierce, but there are limits, and the five sacred gods are the unbearable limits of it. So under the luxuriant mans of the sky, it suddenly splits like a piece of paper.

More than that!

That Tianhao Mang did not stop, but banned from flying toward the Voldemorte, and the light did not diminish. The strong inside also tore the inside, so that Lingfeng, Qin Yutian and others were completely exposed. In the smoke.

Even more frightening is that Hao Mang also killed Ling Feng.


Lingfeng eyelids jumped, and the five giant swords burst out of the 10,000-way glow, and the strong forward attack.


The five great swords instantly dimmed, the huge weight above, a heavy blow, followed by the heroes pressed down, and Ling Feng also smashed out hundred feet, forced Qiu Shuyi, Yongqing are exploding Retreat.


Ling Feng angered, the four stones also flew out, together with the forward pressure, only to force the vast sword to resist, despite this, Ling Feng also hands tremble, the tiger's mouth ruptured, flowing out of the red blood.

This is a punch!

Undoubtedly, whether it is Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, or Ming and Ling Feng are full of dignity, they are so powerless to the such superb gods.

Qiu Shuyi, Yongqing, and Zhu Ling were also full of horror. Before the strong wind, they saw hope. In the blink of an eye, this hope was annihilated. They did not expect that the Qilin Protoss came. Very terrible god.

The eight gods of the Qilin Protoss are proud of their faces.


Ling Feng's body cracked a few more wounds, his face was more ugly, but his killing was more prosperous. When his voice fell, Qin Haotian, Ling Xuewen and Ming Hao also killed the past, and they were very strong.

"Two lives and deaths!"

Qin Yutian shot and killed, collapsed mountains and rivers.

"诛魔剑!" Ling Xuewen burst, the fairy poses a heavy shining, a sword can kill the demon, very overbearing.

Between the gods, a real dragon flew out, lifelike, but also rushed to Qilin Tianshou, faint, void, the real dragon disk lying down and smashing, there is the ability to smash the gods.

"The most amazing!"

The Ming dynasty burst, the sacred spurs, there is no fancy of Ling Xuewen, there is no tyrant of Qin 弑天, only the sacred to the ultimate **** rainbow, but God can be extremely terrible, not inferior to Ling Xuewen.

The trio are close to each other and almost want to make a hole in the sky.

Moreover, they are all geniuses who can fight in level, and in the case of a team of three, they are powerful in the ability of the five-level Valkyrie.

However, in the face of Kirin Tianshou, such power is still weak and like a piece of white paper, which can be easily shredded. When the three people are killed, Kirin Tianshou looks up at the sky and smiles.

The next moment, he raised his hands and slammed a punch.


A fist swayed and hit Qin Qintian. In the twinkling of an eye, the double life and death were broken. One inch of the broken pieces, and Qin Haotian was like a kite that had been cut off, and flew out far.

In the sky, it was covered with blood and rain, and broken bones.

If it wasn't for him at the end of his life, he would bloom a squadron and reach in front of him. I was afraid that this punch would be enough to smash him.


The punch suddenly pressed, so Ling Xuewen also flew, and broke a hole in the body, and slammed into the depths of the mountains, life and death.


That Qilin Tianshou made another punch, and went straight to the alum, and directly blew up the extreme rainbow.


The bright color of the alum, the strong pinch of a symbol, shocked a thousand heroes, the birth prevented the punch, but the wild violent force, or he flew out, shattered two The mountain peaks into a lake.

Two punch storms!

The three gods who killed the gods were so killed.

This made Qiu Shuyi, Zhu Ling, and Yongqing all chilly. This kind of character can kill many super-kills of the first star map, and it is indeed not his opponent.


Unprecedented desperation!

Ling Feng looked at Qin Yutian three people, eyes hidden pain, and turned to Kirin Tianshou's gaze, it is full of killing, this protoss is driving him crazy, making him hysterical.

"come on!"

Ling Feng’s hand flew out of the broken blade, and the burning lane was fully occupied, and the terrible momentum was overflowing.

He killed the sky, but it solidified in his heart. He angered and emptied, but gathered on the broken blade, when the burning road poured in, when the sky was dim.


The low power seems to be the awakening of the real dragon. It suddenly dissipates and dissipates, and the body of Ling Feng dissipates. Under the inch of God, he is violently messed up.

It can be said that this is also the only force that can compete with Qilin Tianshou.


The broken blade went straight down, and the smattering of the sky, at this moment, finally burst out, affecting the sky, covering the sky, instantly like a waterfall falling, roaring a hundred miles.

"Boom, stab!"

It was a lightning bolt, the boiling of the burning road!

God kills!

This is the power that Ling Feng has been hiding, but at the moment of life and death, he can't use all his strength and try his best.


It’s so fast!

"嗤", that Qilin Tianshou was also injured, he still underestimated the Ling Feng, did not expect that in the previous battle, he actually hidden such a killer.

Moreover, the incredible speed did make him suffer a big loss, but he was a five-level god, and he felt extraordinary. He felt uncomfortable at the first time and diddge.

Therefore, the wound is nothing but a piece of flesh and blood on the shoulder.

In the next moment, he punched his fists against the direction of the killing. The sound of "啵", even the sky was pierced, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Ling Feng, even though it was extraordinary, but the **** killed. It is its candlelight, and once it is caught, the wind is also unlucky.

"Counter chaos!"

At the moment of life and death, Ling Feng opened up a huge Taiji **** map, weakened the giant force of the two punches, and sacrificed the four stones and the five heavy stones, blocking them in front of them.


The Taiji **** figure was annihilated. The two fists smashed on the four stones and the five heavy stones. The Lingfeng collapsed and flew out. The flesh and bones and the bones were shattered and blurred, and the internal organs were completely blasted.

If it wasn’t too true, he would come in at a critical moment and he was already killed.

The smoke is endless!

Qilin Tianshou stands in the air. Under the backdrop of the smoke, he is like a flying fairy. He is like a human being to reveal what the Qilin Protoss is, what is the first day of arrogance!

Only Tianshou!

"蝼 蝼!" He despised Ling Feng and others, as if looking down on the beings, and he is the **** of death.

Also master!

"蝼 蝼 啊?" Time has a moment of solidification, and then a mountain splits, Ling Feng swaying out of it, his flesh and blood is blurred, can not see the human figure, but his dim eyes are shining ......

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