Supreme Demon

Chapter 1034: Can be called first-class killing

The first thousand thirty-four chapters can be called first-class killing

Anger is an attitude!

The Qilin Protoss invaded the Shenwu Continent, and Qin Yutian smashed a genius, suffered such an anger, and angered the ridiculous Xiaoqi from the South.

The Qilin Protoss was able to do it. He also did the Lingfeng, and the Qilin Protoss could not do it. He also did it.


Now, his realm is not strong enough, and he can't compete with the supremacy of the Qilin Protoss, but the situation of the cliff is different. The nine burning lanes appear together. Unless it is the true God, there will be Fuxi.

He is doing this!

Moreover, his purpose is simpler, that is, to disturb the entire star map, let the anti-God and the gods fall into the smoother, so the major protoss are the target.

"Take it to you here."

Ling Feng pondered a moment and said: "The mountain range has been abandoned, and the Kirin Protoss will kill at any time, so I want to bring the gods closer to the Sirius Mountain, and use the terrible Tianlang Ling, you can get rid of some opponents."


Xiong Botao, the thin old man’s mouth, is awkward. This guy is much more jealous than them. This is to set the foundation of the gods in the rhythm of the Sirius Mountain. Once people see the "Silver Mausoleum", it is really miserable. s begin.

That is a living pit!

Anyone who sees the heavenly wolf will be indifferent. This is a huge temptation, more important than killing the gods, but as soon as you step in, you will know that some pits are life-threatening.

The killing of the gods will be based on the wolf's tomb, and the purpose is very sinister.

However, this sentence falls in the ears of Qiu Shuyi, Zhu Ling and Yongqing. It is completely different. The real Tianlang Lingling, they already know, is in the sky, adjacent to the "Temple of the Wolverine."

Originally, if they wanted to open up the real Tianlang Mausoleum, it would be quite troublesome and there would be people’s attention, but in their roots, they are completely different. They will lay down the gods and cover the heavens and the earth, and then they will be able to excavate. The wolf of the Sirius is a treasure.

Double-edged with one arrow!

I have to say that they are all convinced, and the domain owner has underestimated the hidden dangers.

"Will it be too dangerous?" Yuxian's cold woman said, "Sirius is so dangerous that one will accidentally bury the bones, and that day the wolf's tomb is a pit, even the strong Wushen has been killed."

Obviously, Yuxian also ate in the Tianlang Mountain. In the wolf's tomb, it was only buried in the bones of the former Yuxian.

"The danger is definitely."

Ling Feng said very seriously. "But now we are being pushed by the Qilin Protoss step by step. Every step is very dangerous. Although Sirius Mountain is very dangerous, it is much safer than the Kirin Protoss, and it is a big place. If it is used, it will indeed be a terrible foundation."

"Alright!" Yuxian that woman's forehead.

"Do you have any questions?"

Ling Feng looked at Yongqing and Zhu Ling. They are the old people of the gods. On this issue, they still have to consult their opinions, and he believes that these two people will not disobey his meaning, nor will they be idiots to see. Do not understand the meaning of it.

"No problem!" Zhu Ling and Yongqing shook their heads at the same time.


Subsequently, people entered the Tianlang Mountain.

When the majestic "Silver Mausoleum" appeared in front of the people, the four women of Yuxian could not help but brighten their eyes. Even the proud and the gods were full of heat, but they were not impulsive. This buried many Valkyries. The gods of the gods make them particularly jealous.


Xiong Bo shook his head bitterly, and a Jinshan was standing in front of him, but he only had a coveted share.

Not much time.

Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, and Ming Yu were also awakened. When they learned that the Qilin Protoss had done a lot of fuss, they secretly made up their foreheads, did not say a word, and then closed their eyes to further cure the injury and consolidate the realm.

And just after three hours, Ming Hao stood up and his eyes sparkled. He looked at the door of Xiaomen and said, "I want to enter the second level of Valkyrie."

When the voice fell, he turned and rushed into a mountain, and he retired.

"I have to step into the martial arts!"

Qiu Shuyi said calmly. In this battle, she really felt that she did not enter the Shinto. In this star map, it was a waste. It could not help, and it was very likely to become a drag.

Only, martial arts gods!

"I have to rush against the trend!" Ling Xuewen said, she broke into the martial arts for a few months, the possibility of entering the second-level martial arts is very small, but bathed in a **** battle, she will be on the Shinto Take a big step.

"I want to heal!"

Qin Haotian also retired, and was stimulated by the ridiculous Xiaoqi, he wanted to go further.

More importantly, the Qilin Protoss angered the genius of the sacred god. In the last style, he did not even have the killer Kirin to come out, which made him very unhappy.

And this also forced him to change strong!

"I still have something!"

Ling Feng directly pouted, his injury is still very heavy, it is impossible to fight at present, and he wants not to resist the Qilin Protoss, but to pinch them one by one, which naturally can be done with the ancient Wuta.

When the voice fell, he also flew into the distance. When the smoke was gone, he flashed into the ancient Wuta.


Xiong Botao and the lean old man looked at these people with a look of anger. There is an impulse to kill them alive. What is this special thing? It is the **** domain that is ravaged by the Kirin Protoss, not them.

However, the five people in the domain of the gods directly flashed people, and threw this pile of mess to them, leaving only two "old and weak soldiers", this is to let the two super-killing the rhythm of the one-sided Kirin Protoss.

Is it necessary to mad at them?

However, they can also see that the situation in the domain of the gods is very pessimistic. Every time they progress, their lives can be longer. This is a bit of a race against time.

"We want to cast a peerless squad here, and hope that you can help each other." Yongqing grinned.


Xiong Bo’s mouth slammed a bit, and there was a knife in his chest. The feelings were not only to resist the Qilin Protoss, but also to help the gods to cast the gods, the absolute coolie.

The problem is that they refused, and a strong god, who can get rid of the strong people of the Qilin Protoss, is more beneficial to them. At this festival, they will not miss the opportunity to kill the Qilin Protoss because of their unhappiness.

Yu Xian did not leave immediately, Ye Xinran had to help the gods to kill, they did not refuse the reason.


Afterwards, Yongqing and Zhu Ling sacrificed the sorcerer's sword, which was given by the lord of the domain when entering the Tianlang Mountain. There are some proud birds, Ye Xinran, and some of them want to come. The problem can be solved.

And the proud birds, Ye Xinran did not disappoint him, one by one to set up the array, and also sacrificed other gods, and gradually carved to increase the power of the sorcerer's sword.

However, this is not enough.

At this time, the sacred fairy and the sacred wind also sacrificed the squadron. In the sorcerer's sorrow, there were two terrible murderers, and the people were completely covered.

Even Yuxian also offered a super-powerful squad, blessing on the sorcerer's sword, so that the sword squad is full of heaven and shine.

no doubt.

At this moment, the sorcerer's sword array is far more terrible than before, and it is cast by the five-level and six-level martial arts. Its tyrannical degree will definitely make you feel shocked.


Awkward, just here.

A mansion rises into the sky, the ultimate arrogance, the illuminating radius of fifty miles, the vastness of the gods, especially glaring, but also mixed with an amazing pressure, so that Yongqing, Zhu Ling are pale.

In this imposing manner, Ming Hao took one step, like a small sun, and in fact, his Shenhong is evolving to Shenyang. Once it is completed, it will be comparable to a real Tairi!

Undoubtedly, this is a arrogance that is not inferior to Qin Haotian, and when it enters the realm of the second martial arts, it also represents a major step in the martial arts.

Time is five days apart!

Another sacred shrine, dispelling the shadow of the heavens and the earth, flew from the south, like a rainbow that cut off the sky, deep as an unpredictable fairy from the star field.

Bathed in Xianhong, a delicate girl walked out, and the face is like a fairy.

Qiu Shuyi!

After suffering a **** battle, her martial arts came to an end, and at the end of a month of retreat, she finally broke the threshold of martial arts.

This is the magic of the rainbow!

It is the power of heaven and earth, close to heaven, and naturally it is easier to push the threshold than other martial arts, and the Shenhong, which is condensed by ten rainbows, is far more terrible than others.

At this moment, she is approaching Ling Xuewen and Ye Xinran.

Since then, the mountain has calmed down, and Ling Xuewen and Qin Yutian are unlikely to take another step, but a big step in the entry is inevitable, which also makes a qualitative change in the killing of the gods.

"Different gods!" said the proud people.

“You can enter the first-class killing!” said the lean old man, the fighting power of Qin Haotian, Minghao and Ling Xuewen is very impressive. Now there is another autumn book, plus the unfathomable waste. The door is small, and the second-rate kill is not their opponent.

This is the all-out martial art!

Although these people are the strongest but the second-level martial arts, at least three of them can fight the third-level and fourth-level martial arts, and one enchanting can rival the five-level martial arts. More importantly, people simply cannot see the ridiculous martial arts. Do not understand such a weak domain, how to get rid of Kirin Tianshou.

"The deity must work hard!"

The arrogant bird looked at these people with a grin, and some headaches.

Its talent is not inferior to those in front of us, but it is not so easy to catch up. Now wait for Lingfeng to set off the star map storm and open the Sirius Mausoleum.

"A month has passed, and the Kirin Protoss has not yet moved. It is strange to say." Xiong Botao said.

"It is indeed different from what we imagined." The lean old man's forehead, but he did not take it lightly, the later the Kirin Protoss came, the more terrible it would be, and it was likely to move.

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