Supreme Demon

Chapter 1038: Shocking day

The first thousand thirty-eight chapters shocked the day

Ao Xian, Shen Feng urinating.

Yuxian was also scared away. They seemed to be only a **** phoenix. When they danced, they disappeared in front of everyone. Even Ye Xinran had no time to leave a word. In fact, she did not need to speak, and one eye would be enough.

In the Tianlang Mountain, there are only a few people in the domain.

Qin Haotian, Ming Hao, and Ling Xuewen looked at Ling Feng like a monster. This Shenkeng scared all three super-kills. What did this special?

"Abandoned the small seven, you are really a pit!" Qin Haotian said.

"Yes, you really want to get a spirit card." Qiu Shuyi stunned.

"miss you!"

Ling Feng said with a serious face. "This is very important. Although the Kirin Protoss has been destroyed, the potential danger is still not to be underestimated. We will always face a strong alien."

"..." Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to say. The spirit card had been pinched, and it was impossible for the gods and the gods to give them.

"Well, this **** is very powerful."

Ling Feng looked at the magnificent Voldemort to kill the sword array, bright eyes, although there is no right to the Qilin Protoss, but with this **** array, the domain of the gods can be established, as the building problem is much simpler.

"Oh, as the domain owner expected, the three major killings did not make any demands." Yongqing grinned, this is the previous Lingfeng confession, under the coercion of the Qilin Protoss, the three major killings naturally spare no effort.

"Crap, they are all scared away." Qiu Shuyi sighed.

But this sentence instantly made everyone suddenly open, and looked at the ridiculously small seven, Qiu Shuyi asked. "Prey, this is your purpose, right?"

"What?" Ling Feng touched his nose and said inexplicably.

"The Kirin Protoss is destroyed, and the three major killings will naturally breathe a sigh of relief. At that time, the existence of this miracle is a problem. After all, the three major killings have been exerted. Under such circumstances, if you ask for some requirements, I am afraid that you only Can be forced to agree."

"Say it." Ling Feng said undecidedly.

"Therefore, you will first go out and bite the dead card, and they will be scared when they worry about your entanglement."


"No?" Everyone glimpsed.

"They are not worried about entanglement, but they are afraid that I will soften hard foam and even **** it." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"You will still **** it?"

"Hui!" Ling Feng sincerely nodded, there are many kinds of snatch, do not have to do it, there are other ways.

"Don't scare them away, let them confuse, not annoying." Ling Feng grinned, very tired of appearance, joking gods have been cast out, can you let the three big killing bite?

Think beautiful!


Everyone has been defeated by the shameless spirit of Ling Feng. This shameless style is infiltrating into the flesh of the gods to kill everyone, and gradually set off a shameless frenzy.

"What about us?" The proud bird flew over, it was the second to see the purpose of the wind, but this is exactly its style.

"With the entry into the domain of the gods."

When talking about business, Ling Feng’s face suddenly abruptly said, “The opportunity is coming, I want to shape a storm, and at this time, it’s still safe.”

After that, he turned to Qin Haotian and said, "Your unicorn can be released. It is not too tired to be locked in the cage all day, just to let the Tsundere bird practice."

"I rub!"

In the weather of the Qin dynasty, there is nothing to say about it. The unicorn **** is his second life. It is very important. If it is released, it can temporarily oppress the gods, but it will take a long time. Fallen.

If the Kirin beast is taken away and enters the scope of the anti-God, I want to spit it out, I am afraid it is more difficult than going to heaven.

However, he did not mind letting the unicorns and beasts violently smash the gods and tits, pressing the wind of the wind.

During the speech, everyone has entered the gods, and then Ling Feng refines with the sorcerer's sword, and the blood sacrifices the whole gods, and marks the domain of the gods. Since then, this is the unique **** of the gods, just like that. It is impossible for the three major killers to come back and kill them.

"The gods are going to be rebuilt. We are only one step away from the super killing. You have to work hard."



The whole star map exploded, and the news resounded through the eight ridiculous **, spread from the nine streams to the super killing, and then pushed down by the super smashing, detonating a frenzy, a prosperous world.

No one has thought that the decadent and devastating domain that fades out of people’s vision will return strongly in this way. Although there have been rumors before, most people have not been too eye-catching, but now they are different.

The sacred squadron fights against the Kirin Protoss, destroys a five-level god, or is a patriot of the Qilin Protoss. This is simply to break the scorpion, that is, the super smother is full of stunned faces.

They see far more profoundly. This is a strong rise in the domain of the gods. There is a superpower hidden in it, which can kill the five spirits.

Not to mention other people, just a super strong, it is enough to let the domain of the gods into the ranks of first-class killing.

"Is this the **** domain?"

"It's incredible, the abolished killing, I think they have been annihilated in the star map, but I don't think there is a rising day." Someone said with amazement.

"Oh, that's your news is not well-informed." A young man said inscrutablely. "I know, there was a slaying that once smashed the Protoss in the Tianlang Mountain. I know that there is a killing of thousands of miles to help, and smashed a Tianjiao of the Qilin Protoss." ?"

"Is it a **** domain?"


"This progress is too big?" People still have a hard time accepting that this miracle cannot be linked to the once-disastrous firewood killing, and what they did not even think is that the sacred killings have been rising, but not before. It’s so dazzling.

"Dozens of different species, nine unicorns and protoss, all destroyed."

"It can be said that this is a force that is not inferior to super killing, but it is still in vain."

"So powerful?" Someone was shocked.

"Yeah!" the young man said with a wink. "But this **** domain is very low-key. Until today, no one has been able to find out their true and false, just the news from the super killing, the gods killing is super beautiful. Stifle."


People took a sigh of coolness, the appearance of a super-killing, it took a long time to temper, and the domain of God spent more than half a year, and gradually approached, and this battle pushed them to Hao .

"Unlimited potential!"


And just when this news was not much, another exciting news was spread, which was more explosive than the killing of the gods.

The Kirin Protoss is destroyed!

This is one of the twelve great protoss in the alien race. It is very loud in the star map. It can even make the super slaying retreat. I dare not fight. It is reported that there are several terrible old unicorns in the unicorn protoss. The strongest Valkyrie.

But the protoss can be turned off, and even a trace of it is left.

Of course, only the burning of the fire can erase all traces.

"The Kirin Protoss is shackled, will not be related to the killing of the gods?" Some people guessed.

"This is impossible, the **** domain is stronger, and it is impossible to reach such a degree." Someone immediately denied it and shook his head and said: "I heard that there is a strong person who has shot, but I have not found any clues so far."

“Will it be a sacred killing?”

"Suppressed Qilin Tianshou, they are also physically and mentally exhausted, and what can be done to kill the Qilin Protoss?" Some people retorted.

"Is there a message that the domain domain leader has left?"

"This is indeed the case."

Someone laughed.. "But do you think that a first-class martial art can destroy the Kirin Protoss?"


There are many opinions. Some people suspect that it is a killing of the gods. Some people retort. The people who really have insights are laughing, but the real benefit is the killing of the gods. They are pushed to the peak in the storm of public opinion.

This undoubtedly gives people a new understanding of the killing of the gods, and it is not too much to describe it with a thorough change.

With this storm intensifying, the limelight of the gods seems to have a thrilling momentum...

It’s the day, the wind is light and cloudy.

In front of the ruins of the mountain range, a ruin, the skeleton of the Kirin Protoss is still piled up in the canyon, **** and hurricane, is telling the cruelty of this battle.

At the moment, in front of the mountain, the group was staring at the ruins with a look of horror, and the eyes were also hot.

"This is what the gods are killing?" one asked.

"Yes!" A middle-aged veteran martial artist did not answer the question.

For the killing of the gods, they are not very cold. This genius of martial arts from the Southern Wilderness has shaped such a miracle, so that their hearts are not a taste, and naturally they do not want to be a genius in the middle, to enter this killing.

However, there are several major forces involved in this, and they are not allowed to be careless.


At this moment, an old martial **** pinched the spirit card, and the news went straight to the gods to kill.

"Hey?" Yongqing looked at his chest and said, "The domain owner, I seem to have a newcomer in my domain. Now I am in the mountain range of the gods. Let the messenger let us meet."

“Oh?” Ling Feng’s eyes flashed, and he laughed happily and said, “This domain can be more rapid than they think. Is it just a blessing or a curse?”

"What do you mean?" Yongqing and Zhu Ling are all a glimpse, looking at Ling Feng with incomprehensibility.

"Let's go, you can see it when you look at it."

After that, he led a group of people in the gods, flew out of the Sirius Mountain, and came to the ruins of the gods, but the face of the lingering wind was haunted.

"Is God the domain?"

The old vulgar **** said, "This is a newcomer to the gods, and I will hand it over to you."


Ling Feng screamed and stopped.. "The star map has the rules of the star map. My **** domain also has the rules of the **** domain. These people, regardless of whether they are willing to come over, or force from all major forces to join in, I ... all refused!"

Ps.. This chapter is the addition of the 300-month ticket. The future is based on the 200-month ticket. More than 100 votes will be added.

For everyone's understanding, the speed of the code is not fast, the hand of the disabled party, plus a chapter is more than two hours of staying up late, may be less, but each chapter is full of sincerity.

Thank you! Thank you for your support and love for the Supreme God.

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